Grocery store one way aisles

I'm posting this here to raise awareness.

Social distancing can be hard at the grocery store. But some stores have made their aisles one way by putting one way signs and arrows on the floor at the start of the aisle. I think that's a great idea. It's a lot easier to social distance when everyone is going the same way. Unfortunately, a lot of people are ignoring this and going the wrong way. I figure the reason some people do that is they just don't care. But it occurred to me that maybe some people just don't know about it. They don't notice the one way signs.

So here's my request. The next time you're at the grocery store, check the floors at the beginning of the aisle, and see if they are one way. If they are, please only go that direction. If you need something, but the aisle is the wrong way, please go down the aisle next to it, then back up the aisle you need.

Let's work together to help keep ourselves and others healthy.

And remember to wear a mask. And please make sure it covers both your mouth and nose. I still can't believe that so many people think it's OK to wear a mask below the nose, leaving their nose completely exposed.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • Boojum

    I try very hard to hold on to the belief that the vast majority of people are decent and reasonable, but I know believing something doesn't make it true, and it's not hard to find evidence suggesting that a large portion of people are actually pretty damn stupid and don't give a shit about anyone else.

    What we're seeing right now is very strong evidence that there's something about the USA which means that Americans are uniquely selfish and stupid. The classic American response to someone trying to restrict their selfish behaviour is, "I know my rights!" What you very rarely hear from someone who spits out that line is any mention of the duty of care and consideration they owe to those they encounter, and their responsibilities to their communities and the country as a whole.

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    • SmokeEverything

      Im staying out of the mask debate just because most of the people at the places I go know me and I don't want to be the dick making their day harder over something that isn't even their rule.

      Ive run into a couple of these mask people lately. The funny part is they seem to be using it as some kind of assertion of their rights against the system, and all seem to be those MURICA types of people who love their country and all but can't be bothered to even educate themselves to what their rights actually are. The US is a police state that's been moving in the direction of tyranny for decades Nobody notices or cares til you have to wear a mask for 30 seconds to buy a beer.

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      • Boojum

        On the one hand, I try to avoid hyperbole and conspiracy theories on general principle. I'm convinced that dumb, self-interested people doing dumb, shortsighted stuff and decent people trying to do reasonable stuff for plausible reasons and then the law of unintended consequences coming into play has caused far more harm than cabals of evil people conspiring in the shadows.

        On the other hand, I do think the boiling frog analogy holds some truth, and the Department of Homeland Security in particular has always been potentially seriously scary shit. Hell, even the name of the organisation has an air of Orwellian menace.

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        • SmokeEverything

          I mean it's not conspiracy theory if you can look up tons of unclassified information that give tons of evidence to support the point, it's not a theory if it's true. Not sure what you really mean, stuff like "All news media is CIA controlled" is all out there in the open.

          the boiling frog is a good analogy because you can't even deny that the powers that be have gotten way more invasive and powerful since the end of WWII. They can literally come to your house and detain you forever for no reason. I don't know how much masks really help or any of that, I just dont want to get into an argument with somebody just trying to follow the rules not to get their store shut down. You can't get mad when somebody IDs you for smokes or beer because if you're underage and they get caught they're the one thats going to have to pay the fines and deal with getting arrested. Like I said Ive run into a couple anti mask people in the wild and I can't help but wonder where these people were back when 9/11 was clearly a controlled demolition.

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  • Whatintarnation

    With the aisle signs I think sometimes people just don't realize they're walking the wrong way. With the refusal to wear mask in public, well people are just stupid and selfish. Not much you can do about that. Should just slap thousand dollar fines on them.

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    • Which is why I posted this here and elsewhere. To make people aware of it who otherwise didn't know.

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  • bbrown95

    I've been trying to follow these just to make everyone's lives easier and try to follow the rules, but I constantly have someone coming from the wrong way giving me dirty looks or being rude with me as if I'm in THEIR way (even though it's always been this way, because God forbid they don't get the entire aisle, or store for that matter, to themselves). Before there was a mask mandate here, it was always the masked people who got within an inch of me unnecessarily, too. Maybe that is what I get for going to Walmart, lol.

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  • raisinbran

    So I can't backtrack 4 feet because I'm browsing the cereal section and the one I'm looking for is behind me? Bullshit rule.

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    • If there is no one behind you, then no, if course not. But if there is someone behind you, then yes, please go around. It's what I do. It doesn't take that long and it's not hard. And it could really nake a difference in someone catching the virus.

      But I'm not as much concerned with people backtracking as I am with people completely ignoring it and entering the wrong way.

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  • libertybell

    Noses should never be exposed! Why do people wear their masks below their nose? That is bizarre!

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    • Boojum

      It's either basic stupidity - there's a constant global pandemic of that which will never go away - or a passive-aggressive thing: "If you force me to wear a mask, asshole, I'll wear it, but I'll do it in a way which means I can breath around it and spread my germs wherever the hell I choose!"

      The people whose idiocy I find hilarious are those who believe they're going to die or be brain damaged due to inhaling carbon dioxide all the time if they wear a facemask. I can only assume that they also believe that surgeons go through years of medical school, perform a couple of operations and then either drop dead or are left drooling, gibbering, spastic wrecks that are stuffed in massive secret surgeon retirement homes.

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      • Ellenna

        Ha ha! Don't forget firefighters: they only fight one fire wearing a mask and then have to give up the job.

        Just a thought, those surgeons wouldn't fare too well in private nursing homes where I live (Victoria, Australia): only 5 deaths from residents of public nursing/aged care homes and nearly 400 in private ones, because successive right wing Liberal commonwealth governments have refused to regulate the private nursing homes, which are understaffed with untrained casual workers, many of whom can neither speak nor understand english.

        Sorry, that's my rave for today.

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        • Boojum

          I don't know much about Australian politics - and what I've seen of it doesn't make me want to learn more - but one thing I've always found particularly bizarre is the name of the Liberal party. Scott Morrison and his mob would definitely not be called liberals anywhere else in the world.

          But I guess if you start from a point where exiling someone to the other side of the world for stealing a chicken and shooting or poisoning indigenous people if they drink water you want for your sheep are centrist politically...

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          • Ellenna

            If you check out British history, Liberal had a comparatively radical background compared to the Conservative Party, so I find it bizarre that liberal is used against radicals in the usa.

            The Australian Liberal Party didn't exist at the time of the historical events you mention, so even though I wouldn't vote for them in any circumstances I can't hold them responsible for anything in the past! But then I guess you don't hold present day usa parties responsible for enocide, slavery and yes, convicts from the uk prior to independence?

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            • Boojum

              The centre of the political spectrum in the USA is skewed significantly to the right compared to what applies in the UK. The majority of Americans have been brainwashed into believing that the American model of capitalism is the best of all possible worlds. In their minds, there's no difference between a librul and a commie; they all want change, and therefore they're all anti-American.

              As someone who was born and grew up in the USA but has lived abroad for two-thirds of my life, what I see when I look at the USA is a country where those in power have managed to convince those below them that they must do everything they can to maintain the current social structure lest they slide further down the ladder. The fact most Americans never grasp is that the ladder is rotten, missing many rungs and by design, the only way anyone can climb a little higher is by pissing on those below them. They also never notice that those at the very top are constantly shitting on everyone below and shouting that they should be satisfied with a diet of crap and it's delicious.

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  • leggs91200

    People are tired of all these "do gooders" with their silly restrictions, requirements, etc.

    Isn't it strange how the whole damned planet went on lockdown yet big businesses were exempt from that one? Doesn't that fact alone raise the BS flag?

    As far as social distancing and masks and people's well being, the world never cared before. Stores having sales so customers pack in like sardines, employers calling "bullshit" when someone tried to call in sick, etc. But NOW all the sudden, we are suppose to act like we care about one another?

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    • Mammal-lover

      exactly leggs. Exactly.

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  • Mammal-lover

    Yea, no.

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    • Please reconsider. It really helps with social distancing, and it's not that hard.

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      • Mammal-lover

        See here's the thing. I work 65 hours a week. Most of that is overnight. Nor do I give 2 flying shits about masks or social distancing or god forbid hand sanitizer. I dont give a fuck. I dont have covid. If I catch it it'll be no worse than a cold nor do I visit anyone at risk. Not to mention the population is overpopulated anyways.

        Then there's the fact in how bloody stupid it is. Im not gonna walk around the store 3 times to grab peanut butter, bread and cheese. Because for those 3 things following the signs at my local store id need to walk the entire permitter of the store 3 times. Just to avoid a handful of people.

        There's an old saying from a movie. Never go full retard.

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        • Folks, we're screwed. COVID-19 is going to last a lot longer than it has to because of people like this who don't care about other people. People, please be careful out there, because there are a lot of people like this out there.

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          • leggs91200

            Even f it were not covid 19, they would just find something else to try to control everyone.

            Even when this covid frenzy dies down, they will just invent something else to inconvenience everyone.

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            • litelander8


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          • Mammal-lover

            Haha your adorable. See reasons people catch it cause people don't wear their shit properly. Abd peopke live coffing and sneezing into their hands then touching shit. Its shit like that that got me sick 3 times in one year back when I was a cashier.

            BTW following signs on the floor isn't going to increase social distancing. My job won't even let us clock out to "improve social distancing" we don't even clock out at the same time. Its rare anyone is with someone when they clock. Its procedures like this that just waste everyone's time. Its actually costing me money as well.

            Stop watching the news mate. Its bad for ya mental health

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    • litelander8


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  • rocketdave

    We don't even have one way roads over here!!!!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I go in through the outdoor.

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    • Ellenna

      Why? Sight or brain impaired?

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      • RoseIsabella

        ... because I can.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      do you shop in the evening? are you buyin hot dogs? walkin back thru the parkin lot are you a fool in the rain? jump in the car and head south bound suarez?

      well if this is true then all my love

      im gonna crawl back under my bridge now

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yes, all of it!

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        • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

          well good

          i was hopin there was no communication breakdown leavin you dazed & confused

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  • megadriver

    I bet you are one of those people that say to other shoppers in the supermarket that the MINIMUM distance between people should be 2 meters and you tell the cashier that you saw someone without a mask in the store and describe them in detail. Do you go and check to see if cars parked in "family" spots have booster seats in them too?

    Turning every supermarket and store into Ikea is NOT the solution!!! Not in a million years!!!

    Shopping is a boring and tedious chore that takes too much time as it is... All of these measures supermarkets take slow everything down even more!

    Not to mention supermarkets swap around items and isles like it's nothing, so you have to walk around looking for something that was moved from it's original isle, to another isle. I for one refuse to do laps around the supermarket! Get in, get what you need fast, pay and get lost!

    I've had it with this stupid virus and these moronic lockdowns. Can't travel anywhere, can't book a plane ticket, cause if it gets canceled you probably won't get a refund. Beaches have been turned into police camps, plexiglass walls on the beach?! Fuck that, I'd rather go tenting near my town then!

    When ebola was spreading around, nobody did anything. It was on the news for a bit and then the whole thing settled down. But now... "Whoah coronavirus", so let's destroy the world's economy to save a few people at the end of their lives. But at what cost?! Save a few thousand sick pensioners and forsake billions to the great depression 2.0!!!

    The most vulnerable are old people. Fair enough... only they should be the ones self isolating and taking extra measures. Hell, give them priority in supermarkets, let only old people shop early in the morning, or whatever. Wearing masks is an inconvenience in stores, but completely idiotic when mandatory everywhere.

    Can't imagine what the people working in retail have to say about this... They have to wear masks all day long.

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  • Boojum

    Yeah, I really hate those bastards telling me to drive on a particular side of the road, that I shouldn't get behind the wheel of my car after I've had ten beers and five shots, and that I shouldn't drive down residential streets at 90 mph.

    Fascist commie assholes! 😠😑🀬


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    • SmokeEverything

      I mean I can relate because the whole politicizing of this covid thing has turned the government reaction into a deliberately confusing mess to achieve constantly shifting goalposts. If our news didn't cry apocalypse everytime there was a chance of 3 inches of snow maybe people wouldve taken it seriously. The governments been wrong about everything to the point where it seems like it was by design. Peoples lives are fucked. But actually fighting back is scary and dangerous so they find the safe way to express their displeasure like any powerless 5 year old by refusing to eat their broccoli

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  • litelander8


    You should be more considerate and shop online.


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    • COVID-19

      Too lazy for my liking. And we need to support small businesses.

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      • litelander8

        The grocery store isn’t a small business...

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        • COVID-19

          Depends what kind of grocery stores are in your area. I'm not talking about the likes of Walfart.

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  • charli.m

    I wish they'd had those pre covid. People are too fuckin stupid and selfish to not block the whole damn aisle at the best of times.

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    • I do too. But it wouldn't have made a difference. If they don't follow them now, they wouldn't have followed them pre covid.

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      • charli.m

        There will always be entitled arseholes.

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