Guitar help

I got a classical guitar recently, and after tuning it I went straight to trying to play tabs.
-Is there something that a beginner should learn/do before playing tabs?
-Any simple songs for beginners?
-How to hold frets without touching other strings?
-How to transition between two fret positions without making a twangy sound?
-Any other advice?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Everyone has their own way of learning guitar, when I started out I just experimented, tried to figure out what worked and what didn't until I stumbled across some chords and arpeggios that worked, but I liked the challenge, even now if I want to learn something I'll try to figure it out by ear then look up tabs, some things I wish someone had told me when I started though

    Nail the basic chords and fingering, g,e,c and d chords, once you learn those basic chords you will be able to play literally hundreds of songs, its the most used chord progression in the world, fingering will come in time don't stress it, if your fingers are overlapping and massing with the sound take your time focusing on each chord, g is a good one as it requires a lot of fingers, spend a while each day on the g chord, then start making your way through the basic chords, even just fingering them until you nail it

    That twangy sound will go once you nail the fingering, it will hurt your fingers I won't lie but nothing major and you will get calluses on your fingers which will make it easier

    But ultimately just fuck around, putvyour finger anywhere on the fret, play that string, then try and find another place you can put another finger that works with the first, then another, then another until you have a nice plucked sound, justness around and have fun, its easy to stress yourself but this should also be fun and exiting, good luck and happy playing

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      Oh! Also drop d is a nice easy tuning that i use a lot, its the easiest tuning to mess around with, and if you want try try and tackle a nice sounding easy tab this is the first bsobg I learnt in drop d

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  • green_boogers

    I play classical guitar music.

    1. Learn chords. Start with G, Em, C, D, A.

    2. Go to to find stuff that you want to play.

    3. There are lots of instructional guitar videos on the internet. Start with

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  • fugazi

    Most people start off learning basic chords. You should download some chord diagrams and just practice playing each chord 4 times and trying to switch to the next chord without stopping or breaking your rhythm. Changing chords helps to build up dexterity in your fingers and helps develop your hand eye coordination.

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  • Mytwin295

    You should learn 'hot cross buns' ... Make a metal cover and become youtube famous!

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    Oded here, learn everything before playing. Learn the parts of your guitar inside and out. How they are constructed and such. Learn the order of the open strings and each individual fret notes. Study books for chords and study tabliture. It's relatively quite easy. You have lines indicating strings and numbers indicating frets. Top line low E number 5 on line put finger on fret 5. Simple. Learn the chords first. Then find an easy song, a simple google search. Then practice different songs to get your hand used to transitions between chords. Learn every order of every chord and note of each song you play. Tune by ear. Learn tune by ear. You'll be thankful you did. That's an all in one starter kit to follow. Remember, knowledge is power. Practice and study. Guitar is a commitment. Good luck


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  • Ace_of_Clubs

    I highly recommend you try I personally learned how to play using it.

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  • 12eahtsdrateri

    i learned just by listing to music and making up random riffs.

    What helped me with picking was a simple D chord.
    it helped me with alternating picking.

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  • Goomats

    So tabs are kind of a diagram of your guitar...each line is your strings (from the angle of you looking down at them) and the numbers are which fret you are at...practice makes perfect...your fingers will eventually stretch and you will develop muscle memory of where the frets are.

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