Guys!!! do you find it unattractive if a girl has cellulite?
OK, so if you don't know what cellulite is il explain: It's a ripply, dimply (esp) appearance similar to orange peel, and it can develop on women especially after puberty, around the ass and on the inner thighs and back of the legs. Guys can get it too, around their stomach if they have a "pot" belly. What I'm wanting to know is do guys actually care if a girl has cellulite or not, and if so to what degree? I have a some near my ass and a little on my things is noticeable when I sit cross-legged :/ ( I really hate it) that is apparent in different lights, depends where I am. So what is your opinions?
Yes, any cellulite is gross | 147 | |
only if it's a huge amount, like cottage cheese | 346 | |
I don't mind, so long as it's only a little | 289 | |
yes, I mind even if it is tiny | 23 | |
what the hell is cellulite | 42 | |
I don't notice it? | 185 | |
other ( please comment) | 124 |