Guys only: leave pregnant girlfriend if she refuses abortion?

The way I see it, if you don't want the kid and she refuses to take your wishes into account, you don't have to stay. She only has herself to blame, right?


BTW, I don't think guys should have to pay for the kid either if the woman chooses to go it alone but that's another story.

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Comments ( 107 )
  • dinz

    She didn't get pregnant herself - this is a two person party so you are too responsible for it.

    Anyway you should know the consequences of having unprotected sex.

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  • misca

    If you don't want there to be any chance of having children, then either do not fuck at all or only fuck men.

    Anyway, you are both at fault, thus you should both take responsibility.

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  • Personally if I was in a relationship with a girl and she got an abortion, I would leave her. I don't want kids but I'll take responsibility if it happens. I also wouldn't want to be with someone who can't handle responsibility when it chooses them. Life is often about not getting a choise and I don't want to be with someone so weak minded that they can't handle those facts.

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    • TheUnicorn

      Can you even imagine how emotionally destroyed your girlfriend would be? First off, having an abortion is not taken lightly, and once the abortion happens she really doesn't have anyone to talk to about it, there's a 50% chance they will tell her she's a baby-murderer. So you would leave a woman after she made the most difficult and emotionally exhausting decision in her life?

      Please tell me where you live, so I can be sure to never date a guy from there.

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      • I wouldnt support her because I wouldnt want my offspring aborted. It would be her fault that she made that decision and I would never want to be in a relationship with someone who makes decisions that they cant handle the concequences of. Theres a reason that those people wouldn't be supported. And no Im not some crazy christian either. I just don't believe humans have a right to decide what happens in life and they need to own up to things when they happen and not take the easy way out.

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        • Thecorrectionist

          Buddy first of all she didnt get herself pregnent and if so i dont know why you are saying "it would be her fault" if she chooses to abort and plus whats with the bulls--- of we dont have a decision after we make a mistake like that. MAJOR BS, because we do and its called abortion. Why the hell else would we have technology and not use it. Plus you gotta think how it would affect both your lives, it sounds stupid af and irresponsible to bring a kid into the world with out being prepared. Think of how she would feel. And if you want kids so bad look for someone that want them too!! Or adopt!!!

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  • Anonny

    Bro that's all you...i hate to say it but if you weren't ready for the child, you shouldn't have had sex with her in the first place =\ now granted you are BOTH at fault (her mostly because she was foolish enough to sleep with such a stereotypical douche) but you're both responsible. You can leave her if you want but it will always haunt you that your child is growing up without a father because you were too much of a pussy to man up for what you did! I hope the child instead of mimicing his dead-beat father, does EVERYTHING he/she can to be the mirror opposite.

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    • miss_torn2pieces

      damn right!

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    • LightningTechnician

      Wow, you're such a fucking sexist. If he wasn't ready for a child he shouldn't have had sex with her? So...if I have sex with someone that should mean I'm ready for a're a genius bro! Hey, have you ever heard of the word "condom" or...birth control pill maybe? Me neither! They are both equally to blame for this for being idiots.

      You're no better than this retard who made this thread.

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      • deejieRAWR

        Condoms and pills are not 100% foolproof.

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        • coolio75650932

          that was 4 months and 1 week ago now condoms and pills are 100% foolproof

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      • chewy

        Sorry to break it to you but you aren't any better neither do you make correct judgements now get lost.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Why I no can give like 80000 thumbs ups?

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      • Ono


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  • jonboy13

    You may not have wanted it but you got it. Don't leave her alone to take care of YOUR baby. Step up and be a man.

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  • jaclynsaredelicious

    Getting her pregnant was your mistake, so deal with it bro

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  • pondlife

    Implies that only you have a choice over the life of your future child. Perhaps she should be allowed a choice too. Especially as she is the one carrying it.

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  • weinereater

    Grow up you selfish prick, please go have a vasectomy asap. Men treat women better, boy.

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  • Dracoprimus

    Sorry, if you didn't want a kid, you should have kept it in your pants. you made The kid, you gotta pay for it.
    If you knock her up, and then leave because she won't abort it, you lose your man card.

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    • Failedcasanova

      Sounds like this guy never had it to begin with.

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  • Ramit10

    Wrap it before you tap it dumbass! Condoms are cheaper then diapers!

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  • moomus

    This is one reason why you should keep sex to committed relationships and/or wear protection even of the girl is on birth control as there are always girls who will "trick" men. Personally if I got pregnant by someone who threatened to leave me if I didn't get rid of it then I wouldnt want someone like that in my babies life.

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  • Abnormallynormal

    Gotta be a man and face the fact bro! Lifes a bitch sometimes

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    • coolio75650932

      yes a cold hearted bitch who left you for a fucking jack ass who looks like JB.

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  • flax

    You are both entitled to a choice. But either way, you are fucked. I am a female and personally Don't even want children, so maybe my opinion is biased somewhat, but you can choose to dump her, doesn't mean she won't try get money from you and pull some baby daddy BS. If she's vindictive, be careful cos you will be in for one hell of a hurt for the rest of your life. Don't forget also, that baby/fetus did NOT choose to come in to this world, so you are both EQUALLY to blame for that part. The fact the child will be raised by one parent who will teach it animosity towards the other is also not a choice that baby/fetus has made. So just be glad that when you BOTH consented and allowed each other to have a root with no protection, you actually brought this entire event on to yourselves....condom seems like such a good idea right Bout now, doesn't it?

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  • So you love a girl, she gets pregnant. You don't want to have a kid but she does. The solution is to leave her? That's what I call true love. If you really don't want a child, use all the types of protection cause this is retarded.

    You can leave because of baby but I honestly only cowards do that. If you didn't love your girlfriend and the baby came after, that's a different story altogether.

    As for the money, you'll have to pay it either way. The only thing I would change would be if the woman makes a higher salary than the man, he shouldn't have to pay. Some guys barely do $30 000 a year and have to pay almost half their pay for a child they mostly almost never see. That's truly unfair. Rules are made to be stupid anyways.

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    • i don't love her, she doesn't love me either. We were just fucking around.

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      • zchristian

        1.If you dont love her leave.
        3.If she wants the baby you cant really do anything about it that wont end with you going to jail.

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        • She was on the Pill (she claimed it let her down wtf that means..). I use condoms too cos she's been around a bit and she hasn't been tested for STDs yet. I am thinking she might have taken the condom and injected the sperm up her vag to force the issue.

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          • wigsplitz

            Birth control fails. It's printed right on/in the packaging. Try reading that sometime.

            Anytime you have sex, you have to realize you (and she) are making a possible lifetime commitment. Simple as that.

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  • ballparkdogg

    you can tell that a guy wrote this and probably someone that has to pay child support. Why don't you get fixed so you can't have any kids. I would never put my girlfriend in such a position because I am a man.

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    • I may want kids with a decent girl later. Also, why doesn't she get fixed?

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        Because it comes with a whole host of medical problems that vasectomies don't involve. A hysterectomy is a serious surgery dude, and often times comes with health repercussions such as one's bladder falling out, cancer, early onset menopause and osteoporosis... damn the list is endless. Asking a woman to get herself fixed is almost like asking her to play roulette with her health.

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        • And people are telling ME I need the biology lesson? A hysterectomy is COMPLETELY different to having clips that can be put on fallopian tubes (reversible by the way..). A woman with her tubes tied still has periods, a womb, the whole 9 yards.

          Vasectomies aren't without their problems either you know. Some men have lifelong pain. Long-term testicular pain is usually the result of a pinched nerve or scarring that occurred during the operation. You may be advised to undergo further surgery to repair the damage and to help minimize further pain.

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          • NeuroNeptunian

            Oh, my bad, you're right. I was thinking of a hysterectomy.

            Most doctors won't fix younger people though. You have to remember that. Many of them will turn you away if you are still in your twenties and don't have any kids. They're very difficult to reverse and even though it would be a major money maker to have doctors reverse vasectomies and tubals (which are much more expensive, by the way), it's widely considered to be an unethical medical practice to fix ANYONE, male or female is they do not have kids are are under 30. I'm not attacking you bro, you're going to do what you're going to do regardless of what anyone here tells you, but it's expensive and many doctors won't do it for you under 30 so getting fixed for either gender is kind of out of the question, assuming you're not in Mexico.

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  • wigsplitz

    So, who should support YOUR kid?? You idiot.

    Anyone who pays even a dime of taxes should be kicking your irresponsible ass right now. Why should everyone BUT you pay for your kid?

    If you don't want to stay with the girl, fine, but you have to take care of you kid.

    You were irresponsible, anyone who feels sorry for you is a moron. That includes YOU for feeling sorry for yourself. You acted foolishly, you had sex with someone you have no intentions of being with, couldn't trust, didn't even really know at all, so why would anyone feel sorry for you? Dumbass.

    People here are typically on the younger side, so most don't even think about the financial and social impact of kids who have no support from their fathers. But, wake up people, it's a HUGE impact. No one should be OK with ANYONE, male OR female, abandoning a child. The impact of it goes way beyond their little personal life. Who cares if you don't want to be with the girl/guy, it's not even about that. It's about abandonment, and the impact that has on EVERYONE else in your city, country and the hell with YOU, it's about the rest of us that don't want YOUR kid being OUR problem. Take care of what you create, or don't put yourself in this spot to begin with. Dummy.

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    • The only person who seems to want it - the girl.

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      • coolio75650932

        fuck you

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  • thatmuffinman

    All you son, and I think you're a prick. If that girl meant anything to you, even a hole to ram your bloody dick, you'd atleast think about what the hell you just said. Buit if you don't care, why the fuck ask us what we think? Do what you feel is right.

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  • Garglemysac

    Funny how that situation works, girl doesn't want a baby, she gets abortion or even surrenders it, no strings attached. Guy gets random slut pregnant, has no say in the matter and gets a monthly cashectomy. I personally couldn't turn my back on my own flesh and blood though.

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    • PumpkinKate

      "Gets an abortion or surrenders it, no strings attached"

      Ah, yes, we live in a world where psychological repercussions and emotions don't exist, I forgot. Now that I remember, this statement isn't the worst thing I've ever read ever, period.

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      • Garglemysac

        I am talking about authority imposed repercussions, not repercussions that are uncontrollable and quite frankly not my problem.

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      • assh0le

        There are repercussions and emotions whether she has it or not. She'll probably get post-natal depression anyway....

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    • "monthly cashectomy" lolz ;)

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Its ridiculous that everyone is telling you its your fault and you just need to settle down and get married now cause thats what people do. *IF* you were using your birth control and it failed, it is perfectly reasonable for you to remove yourself from the relationship. Itll be better for you, her and the child in the long run anyway considering the conflict that would be caused by the fact that YOU WANT TWO DIFFERENT THINGS OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP. Children on this site will tell you its wrong, but if youre not wholly committed to the path ahead of you, to walk it is to make matters worse in the end.

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  • Im really sorry but that fucking sucks.

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  • zilla

    I agree that it is your choice. We all have choices. If you do not want to be with her, it isn't your obligation.

    I think if she wants the baby and you don't - but she has it anyway you are not obligated to stay.

    Saying she is the only one to blame, however, just isn't true. You had just as much hand in creating it as she did whether you like it or not. Which is why you have to pay for the child. Whether you stay or not.

    I also agree that only cowards leave - but that doesn't mean I think you should stay. If you don't want to take on the responsibility of a father or even help pay for the child - you are clearly unfit to be one. It's upsetting that the child won't have a father, but better none than a bad one that doesn't care about them.

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    • pandabear1209

      I agree with you. It takes two to create a baby, the father doesnt have to go through the horrible and painful process of abortion and maybe the mother believes its murder... but if op doesn't want to be a father fine, be a dead beat dad, kid is better of then having that as its father. As for child support, if the father wants to be in the kids life and have a say in its raising then hell yes he needs to be paying to help support his kid, but if he wants nothing to do with it he doesn't have to, all he needs to do is go to court and give up all rights as a father and pretty much disown his child and he will never have to pay. But only a piece of shit brings a child into the world and abandons it.

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      • wigsplitz

        You're so fucking stupid. You can't 'go to court and give up your rights' you fucking moron.

        If you don't support your kid, you go to jail. There's no 'giving up rights'. Dumbass. Get a clue. If you could do that, then why are there thousands and thousands of people in jail for non-payment of child support? Why are millions of people's checks being garnished for support?Fucking idiot. You can LOSE parental rights, but that's NOT even an end to support, you still have to support a kid you have ZERO (or partial) custody of, too.

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        • pandabear1209

          Um your the fucking idiot. They aren't married same rules don't apply. An unwed father can fill out forms to give up all parental rights, then a judge will decide if the father will pay support but many cases he will not have to. He is giving up all rights to his child, if the mother marries her new husband can adopt the child. It depends on the state and if the mother is on goverment assistance. Plus they have to prove he is the father through court ordered paternity. The court is not going to go 'oh the mom says your the father? Ok pay support and if you don't go to jail.'

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          • Dracoprimus

            yeah, sorry, you can't just say "i don't want it" and get let off the hook. the court will tell you 'fine, you don't have to see the kid, but you STILL have to support it"

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          • wigsplitz

            Sorry, you're wrong. Look up the laws. Hell, just google it, the same question gets posed over and over by men wanting to ditch kids, it can't be done.

            Yes, a father can give up a child for adoption if the mother (and her partner, if it's that type of adoption situation) want to do that, but the man can't go alone and just give up rights (or responsibility, rather) because he decides to. Duh. You seriously think people can do that? Not mothers OR fathers can just go casually 'give up rights'....rights are 'taken', not volunteered away (except in cases of adoption, and even then it's not always voluntary, sometimes the child is essentially 'taken' from one parent by a judge's discretion). And, most importantly, one who loses 'rights' (or custody) is still responsible for support (except in cases of adoption).

            No shit about paternity, but who said anything about that?? No one. So what's your point?

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          • Piplup0503

            My sister had a different father than me. Her father and my mother were married for a short time, before they divorced. He was an absolute piece of shit, I'm glad I never met him. He skipped 12 years of child support, and now he has to pay for those 12 years. If he didn't, my mom would have a very hard time taking care of my family.

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    Well you could use protection...

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  • Crudhouse

    I'm going to become a monk, so whatever women I meet I'm upfront about it. I lived with this girl for around three months and then she starts saying that she loves me and that she can't live without me and all that nonsense. She even started acting like she was suicidal when I started saying that maybe it was time to move on and all that.

    After I broke up with her she came to the office where I worked and made a horrible scene and then around a month later says that she's pregnant. I asked her to screw off cause she was on birth control most of the time and when she wasn't I made sure she got the morning after pill.

    Whatever the reasons are there are people who do incredibly weird and manipulative things to get what they want no matter what the consequences. Don't let others tell you what's right...weigh what went on yourself for yourself.

    Also, my personal opinion is that whatever soul/spirit/life-essence/whatever would only become one with the embryo after the first trimester, which means that you have to make a decision within the first 3 months, so if it were me, I'd let that factor in.

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  • NocturnePonyFan

    Well you know what they say. "It takes two to tango" it's not all her fault...though it'd be another story if she purposely didn't take her BC in order to trap you. In which case, I would fully support you bailing.

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  • moos3

    Stay with that girl, you fucking pussy. She's a good person for not wanting to kill her baby.

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    • Good girl, my ass. She's a slut who I reckon got knocked up deliberately. She just wants to ass-rape me for the cash. I don't even believe she'll be a good mother. Not with her drink problem....

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      • wigsplitz

        Gee, too bad you didn't think of all this BEFORE you got her pregnant, you genius!! By saying what you said here, you just made yourself look even dumber. Didn't think that was possible, but you did it!!

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      • joybird

        haha Do you think you are a real great catch?

        Are you a multi-millionaire?

        I would be very careful how you phrase it that you want her to have an abortion. If I were you, I'd pretend that I want to marry her but don't want pregnant photos of her. So you can always go on to have kids together in the future....

        The usual bullshit you used to get her into bed!

        They tie a fuckin knot in it - or go and have a vasectomy!!

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        • No I don't. That being the case I'd wish she'd just F/O.

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  • Knight_Riot

    Im gona spit it strait to u brotha, on a strait human being level... The only life that matters is yours, the way we live and take in and process information is what makes us human, its your right to leave because u are human and when u sleep at nigjt its only u in that head. Now with that being said, life can be real long for some people and people tend to make choices that stick with them thier entire life... this is one of thoes choices. Is ur kid gona need u? Sure what kid dont need his father. R u going to regret not ever being there? I dont know because i dont know u, but life is long mabey not in a year or even 10 or 20 years but mabey someday u will regret it MABEY, but if not then i guess it dosent matter if doesnt effect u... That childs a human just keep that in mind and might need u one day, but theres also gona come that day where it wont want u if ur too late. But as for the girl its normal to not be with ur baby momma, happens all the time bro... Good luck homie. Dont be a fool wrap your tool... Hahaha.

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  • it takes two to fall pregnant so if he doesnt want a baby he should be careful

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  • Funone1

    Women are always saying my body my choice. Well yup, and my body my choice and this body can choose to be else where. Personally I want a kid so bad it hurts and would be delighted to have one, but it's a free country.

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    • Dracoprimus

      I love being a father. I hope you find a good way to become one yourself.

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  • Your choice. If you don't want a child, then you shouldn't be forced to look after one.
    She has the choice to have an abortion or give the child up for adoption once the child is born. "She" wants the child, you don't. You shouldn't be obligated to be a father just because she wants to be a mother.
    If you want to leave her for it, then leave her for it. I wouldn't want to be with anyone that was forcing fatherhood on me when she knew fine well I didn't want to be a father.

    Good luck.

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    • Dracoprimus

      fine, you don't need to be a father. but you still need to support your obligations.

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      • No. If a woman get get an abortion or give the child up for adoption, removing all responsibility of parenthood, then tha man should, too.

        Financial abortion. It's when a woman gets to say wether or not "she'll" be a mother, chosing toabort the child or give up up for adoption after "she" got pregnant by not using any birth control methods (which there are more forms of it for women that there are men). The man gets to choose if he'll be the father or have any obligations to the child. The woman still gets the full choice of wether or not "She'll" go through pregnancy, or give the child up, she gets to choose her future, and if a child will be born. The male gets to choose "his" future. The female shouldn't be allowed to have choice for the man, basically trapping him because "she" wants to be a mother.

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        • joybird

          No such thing as financial abortion for men - the courts don't allow you to create a child and then abandon it. A child is not a puppy!

          OMG men would never use condoms (cry about loss of feeling) and there'd be millions of kids totally supported by the taxpayers.

          Maybe we should just send all unmarried mothers to concentration camps and force abortions on them - Goebbels!!

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          • JoyBird, you lack logic.

            I believe people shouldn't get child benfits, etc. Why should the taxpayers money go to children that aren't their own? If financial abortion was allowed, then men would be able to say no to the responsibility just like women are, and the woman "wouldn't be forced" to have the child, therfor if the child is born, it is by "her" choice, not the absent father. This way, with women not being supported by everyone elses money, women would have to actually look for men that would willingly be a father because it would be harder for her not to. This way the population would reduce due to women not being able to just have a child with anyone and survive off of others money.

            Like I said, she wouldn't be forced to have an abortion, she would get the choice of it. It's women like you that make me have the views that I have. As soon as I say anything like men having equal choice in their parental responsibilities, you think I'm making women do something they might not want to. I'm saying women still get the choice of "their" body, the only thing they don't get choice over is a man's future, you being the moronic typical, "I don't get to control someone else's life, that means you're saying I have to have an abortion" woman, you can't accept that any control that doesn't belong to you being taken away from you results in being a major offense to you.

            My point has "nothing" to do with forcing women to be mothers or forcing them to have abortions, it's about men having equal choice as women on the matter, and you can't accept that because you are sexist and believe you have the right as a woman, and for other women to have the right, to get full choice on if she'll be a mother or not, yet males get no choice on the matter.

            You're a prime example of the conclusion of why males such as myself have these opinions.

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            • joybird

              You have opinions such as these solely coz you are a child with no real life experience :o(

              Heard all this crap before from hundreds of other 'boys'.

              Real men respect women.

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        • Financial abortion - EXACTLY!

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    • bryson_willis


      "'She' wants the child, you don't. You shouldn't be obligated to be a father just because she wants to be a mother"

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      • And it's amazing, you got four thumbs down simply for stating that women have no right to say what a man does with his life.

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  • assh0le

    Life isn't fair to men. If the guy actually WANTED the child, the woman could just abort it and no-one would give a fuck. But if SHE wants it, he's to go along with it.

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    • PumpkinKate

      Woe is me, there are actually consequences to my wildly irresponsible and selfish behavior!! WHO KNEW LIFE COULD BE SO CRUEL!?


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      • assh0le

        Women would do well to remember that themselves when they are facing single parenthood lolz

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        • PumpkinKate

          Agreed. Poorly planned births, alimony cases, and all that sort of thing are the result of UNIVERSAL idiocy. Wallowing in self pity about which one of you, male or female, is the victim... is stupid, and doesn't change the fact that you're BOTH irresponsible dipshits for getting into that situation.

          The mind-blowing hypocrisy of one side blaming the other or thinking they have it easier or worse is not only unbelievably dumb, it's tragic. The only one who gets the short end of the stick and deserves pity is the damn kid, who ends up growing up with a parent who doesn't want them.

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          • assh0le

            I agree with some of what you say esp about the innocent kid. Of course they deserve better. I am not sure how a kid being brought up in an atmosphere where they weren't really wanted can be good though.

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    • bryson_willis

      and if he makes even the slightest noise about it, he's given the "it's my body" card.

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  • coolio75650932

    at least have her make you a sandwich befor you leave. lol.

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  • Funone1

    This is what I find so absurd about the whole thing. If a woman wants to have an abortion she does not have consult the guy, thus she has the "right" to sluff off any obligation to the not yet born child. Yet if she does not decided to have an abortion the guy does not have the same right. What about equal rights? As I said before I want a child real bad, im 18 and my gf is 17, in 2 years we plan on having a kid. We are not getting married, and are not committing ourselves to an exclusive relationship. We are only committing to having and caring for a kid. I want a kid real bad but I know we need to be in a good position first.

    This whole double standard thing is bs though.

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    • ^ this.

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  • trollbaby

    Why stay and base your lives and the life of the kid on a lie? You don't want to be a father, right?

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  • Dot123

    Give her a home made abortion. Punch that bitch as hard as you can right in the stomach be like ''POW! RIGHT IN THA KISSA!'' Or use a coat hanger when she is sleeping!

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  • Corleone

    I think you're right. The father has a say as well. I don't see why the mother should have all authority over this decision. Since it's her body, I think she has the right to keep the baby if she wants to, but she should respect the father if he doesn't want to be a part of it.

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    • xodayna3

      The man did have a chance to chose... He is the one in control of where he cums and where he does not. After that point. his opinion is irrelevant.

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  • Andrew256

    If a man wants to get it aborted and the woman refuses, the man shouldn't have to pay child support.

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    • Corleone

      Why so many downvotes on this comment? I get that some people disagree with him, but I don't think this comment is mean, inappropriate or in poor taste.

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      • xodayna3

        because, people with ignorant thinking like him holds people unaccountable for there actions. Basically what your saying is. men can do whatever they want with there dicks. They can go around getting tons of women pregnant, and have no responsibility to these children, because "he didnt want to be a father". Open your eyes you dumb ass little boys.

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  • populationexplosion

    way too many people in the world already, duuude

    if your girl gave a damn about you, she'd do it

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  • pissedoffbeyondcomprehension

    Yes it's completely normal. Let me tell you my story. I met a girl from Indiana. I am from Wisconsin and like an idiot I believed her when she told me she had some issue where she could not get pregnant as her ex's have tried unsuccessfully. I DID NOT want to have a child with this woman. Reason: We broke up because she had some anger management issues and had a tendency to be verbally (racial slurs on the daily) and physically abusive. Boom she ended up being pregnant. We split up for a short while during our brief relationship and I assumed it was someone else's child (her ex's). After finding out she was pregnant, she took off and went to Indiana and told me (you're going to be paying child support). I wanted nothing to do with her or the child because there was no way in hell we could ever co-parent a child. She told me she was going to get an abortion then refused at the last minute. This girl was a COMPLETE loser and clearly hunted me down only for money. I hated this woman worse than hades and felt if she wanted to keep the child she should do it on her own. However, she made it her mission to ruin my life and I curse the day I met her. As a result, I could never embrace the child unfortunately as I would never consider that child a blessing. Of all people to get pregnant, I felt the existence of my being the potential father of the child was far from a blessing but a curse although the child is innocent. So YES if your situation is anything like mine, you are quite normal.

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  • --Quinn--

    Dude take care of your kid. If you want to meet them later on, don't be surprised if she doesn't let you!

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  • Avant-Garde

    It not as simple ad just leaving. If she has the baby, she can file for child support and the court will make you pay for the child that you didn't wants care. You still be involved in some way in the life of this child. Before you have sex, ask where your partner stands on the subject of abortion. If they're against it, you'll know to look elsewhere. Wear protection when you have sex. Have your girlfriend use neem oil, which is a 100% effective natural form of birth control.
    Men can use it as well.

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  • Terence_the_viking



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  • alextsang08

    Leave her!

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  • hairyfairy

    I`m not a guy, but if I was, & in that situation, I would get the hell out ot it as quick as I could. No man should be forced to pay maintenance for a child that He didn`t choose to have & didn`t want.

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  • xodayna3

    I have to say, im going through a very similar situation.

    im currently stationed in okinawa. and my boyfriend at the time got me pregnant. After for months trying to get me pregnant. he finally succeeded. And then begged me to get an abortion. I said No. and he broke up with me and wants nothing to do with me. He is currently dating a girl back in his hometown and planning to marry her.

    Men like you are disgusting. Luckily for me, Im a marine and i am strong and do not need him.

    Grow some testicles or get them cut off. Do the world a favor.

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  • coolio75650932

    i get presure on my dick in sex

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  • mauwpauw

    Holy fuck, there are some really dumb people in this world.

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  • logan2556

    theres always adoption...

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  • Funone1

    @corleone we can't all agree he has to pay child support. Why should he? Be cause the kid shares some of his genetics? Tell you what, when a man gets a say about the woman having an abortion then we MIGHT agree on making him pay child support.

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  • CarsGirlsGunsMoneyMade

    Did I miss something? Is the kid yours or someone else's?

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  • Fozmula

    It depends on shit. Obviously if she wants to adopt it's fine. If I really loved her, and she's like-minded and I'm sure sure sure, then it's possible. The obvious problem about leaving her is that you're still paying shit but you don't get to see the kid. And get this. Men still have to pay shit if the woman says she's on the pill and she's not. In that case, I would probably leave her.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Are all you guys fundamentalist Christians or some shit? Because all of you seem to be saying the only purpose of sex is procreation, and I'm sure all of you guys *only* have sex in missionary position with the lights off attempting to conveive a child. ;)

    Pregnancy is a result of sex.
    So are orgasms, and humans, moneys and dolphins all have sex for pleasure and bonding as well as procreation.

    If you want to have sex but do not want children.
    Use birth control.
    Use a condom.
    Use something.
    Use contraceptives if birth control fails.
    Pro choice means full rights to choose between keeping the child, adoption, and abortion. All can be valid options.

    And I think you people would do well to hop over to and take a look around. Educate yourselves.

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  • blackalica

    wait...did you get a chick pregnant?

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