Guys: would you care if your girl made out with random guys?

If your future girlfriend/wife used to make out with random guys at bars. Would you think less of a girl if that was the case? I've heard guys talk about it. Some say it's completely fine because everyone has a past and as long as they're faithful while they're with you it's okay, but other guys say that would make her a whore, or that maybe two guys is okay but more than that is bad. This worries me! I feel like some men expect us women to be some sort of innocent unexperienced pure girls when in reality we can and do have fun and sex just like guys. I've spent some casual nights with guys (idk how many, 15-20 guys) and I don't see it as a big deal. I think it's unfair when guys act like girls can't have fun, like we have to control ourselves our something. Anyway... would you care if your girl had a past? also feel free to share your opinion, thoughts, whatever. I really want to see what you think!

I'd like it, it means she's experienced. 87
I wouldn't care, everyone has a past. 243
I wouldn't like it but it'd be unfair to complain since I do it too. 127
I would care, slut. 295
It depends (how?) 86
I'm a girl and I think .... *comment* 60
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Comments ( 93 )
  • quentari

    just making out?? if the guy's being that judgmental about a KISS he's a douche. If he's being judgmental about her sleeping with lots of guys then he better have only slept with one or two himself.

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  • Shackleford96

    I wouldn't really care, but the differences in our experience levels would probably be a dividing factor in our relationship unless she was very patient with me so that I could learn with her.

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    • kelili

      There's not much to learn in sex. There are just four basics-


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      • Bariaara13

        Amen to Anal.

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      • disthing

        But what about handjobbing? In what category does that fall huh?

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        • kelili

          Yeah very true, I forgot about it.

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          • disthing

            How could you?! :(

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I must say I honestly find myself shocked that most people on here want girls to be prudes. I have to wonder, have all the guys commenting only been with 1-2 partners themselves? Have they ever hooked up? Are they hypocrites or is this just a thread full of people with very little sexual experiences?

    Onward to the question. I'm a woman so I didn't skew your poll results, but I think it's ridiculous that someone would hold a person's history against them. There's nothing wrong with having sex as long as you're being safe and you're not actually cheating in the context of a relationship. There's nothing wrong with making out with or fooling around with someone when you're single. We are a communal race, we thrive off of being close to one another. There's nothing more natural or harmless in the whole bloody world.

    I'm pretty much fine with people who have said that they haven't had many partners and would be uncomfortable with someone who's had more... I'm not gonna lie I have an almost similar approach on the other end of the spectrum... I'm quite experienced. Mostly sex in the context of a relationship but I've hooked up a few times. I'm afraid to date or hook up with someone with little to no experience because of my history.

    My issue in this thread is all the people who think there's something intrisically wrong with anyone who has a different sexual lifestyle than they do. Monagamy was never the biological norm. Neolithic men traveled in family groups where generally all breeding members hooked up with all other breeding members. It kept the group close and prevented jealousy or the males trying to kill offspring that wasn't theirs, because they all felt an equal connection to all of the tribe's children. Monagmous relationships only became the norm when the church stepped in and made it so. There is nothing more or less moral about choosing to have or abstain from sexual relations. Personal preferences and prejudices do not dictate morality on a grander scheme.

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    • regisphilbin

      sexually experienced women intimidate me

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    • kelili

      This and I would like to add that somehow you cannot expect the result to this poll to be different because most people here are teenagers of which a large percentage is virgin. If the question was asked to men of 25-50 I'm sure the result would be quite different.

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Key term "use to" So I don't care. Long as they did not rape, sexually touch children, or murdered someone for money or whatever.

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    • I really like your answer.

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  • kit291

    I'm not sure how to write this without sounding like a bitch but here goes...<BR><BR>I've been offered sex more times then i choose to remember but luckily i was smart enough to know not to sleep with them and wait for a guy that doesnt see me as a skinny, blonde that they can just have sex with for the night then never see me again. I've been with alot more girls then guys and in my expericence i know my past isn't good and i don't think it should matter about someones past so long as it doesn't come back to bite you in the ass. My Bf's past has popped up alot and i wish it hadn't but i can't change that, i can only hope he keeps picking me and we carry on being so happy. <BR><BR>Don't let someone's past be the reason you break up with someone or don't give someone a chance. As long as they're faithful thats all that matters.

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  • Mmmpfh

    There's nothing wrong with hookups at all, but (using myself as an example) I prefer to date women who are more reserved because I too am reserved. If I was going out and hooking up then I would prefer a girl that has done the same for experiences sake. It's just personal preference, I don't think its anything to worry about.

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    • kelili

      You'll never know how a girl have behaved unless she tells you the truth and believe me most girls would lie about their experience.

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      • Mmmpfh

        Ya, I'm just kinda hoping I get someone who's honest. :D

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        • kelili

          We all hope that but I believe that there are things that are better left untold. That's my personal opinion and I don't think it reflects the view of all girls and moreover I live in a small society so my views of the world is somewhat different from the typical american or european.

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          • Mmmpfh

            Ya I totally see where you're coming from.
            If I was dating someone who wanted to keep past experience on the hush-hush I'd be alright with that, but if they want to be totally honest and put everything out in the open, I'd respect them far more for that. I might just be speaking of impossible ideals though.

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  • dom180

    The past is the past, and so long as it stays in the past it's nothing to me. Although Shackleford makes a good point.

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  • BlueAlice

    A guy like that is a Barlow Boy and thus not worth wasting your time on

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  • Phycokitty

    Just a side note to the fuck stains correcting grammer and what not i would like to say fuck you as this is the interweb and not a classroom if a gave a flying fuck about my spelling punctuatio and or grammer id be having a conversation with real people. and here i thought the OP wanted opinions on the question i wasnt aware they wanted some OCD asshat to pick apart everyones reply

    the bitch with the bad grammer/puntuatio/spelling

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    • robbieforgotpw

      Don't worry about him, troll him back

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    • Shackleford96

      Haha, i laughed reading this :)

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  • Rick_Bawls

    I wouldn't care if she was just making out with them. However, if she was having sex with them or sucking them off, I would think she was a slut.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    Id say as long as u dont have STDs and your vagina behaves as "low mileage", then you're golden.. although i wouldnt recommend being 100% honest.. Just dont get caught lying! else you're fuct.. U dont want to undermine trust.

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    • VioletTrees

      Having sex doesn't actually permanently stretch the vagina. There's no such thing as a vagina that "behaves as 'low mileage'".

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      • la_uva_mojada

        That is true, but i wasn necessarily meaning tightness. some vaginas get "tore up from the floor up". for example, if youre familiar with 'blue waffle'.. Lol.. NASTY!! You want the opposite of such a thing. i guess my wording wasnt ideal.

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    • suckonthis9

      1) Please use an apostrophe in contractions [I'd, wouldn't, don't].

      2) Please do not use textese, where it does not belong [you].

      3) Please capitalize the first person singular subject personal pronoun [I].

      4) "Fuct", is not a word. 'Fucked', is a word, but it is usually considered vulgar or obscene.

      Thank you.

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      • As usual, you are the top troll on this post.

        I'd put "thank you" at the end of this, but that wouldn't be true.

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        • suckonthis9

          transitive verb
          1 : to cause to move round and round : roll
          2 a : to sing the parts of (as a round or catch) in succession
          b : to sing loudly
          c : to celebrate in song
          3 a : to fish for by trolling
          b : to fish by trolling in <troll lakes>
          c : to pull through the water in trolling <troll a lure>
          d : to search in or at <trolls flea markets for bargains>; also : prowl <troll nightclubs>
          intransitive verb
          1 : to move around : ramble
          2 a : to fish by trailing a lure or baited hook from a moving boat
          b : search, look <trolling for sponsors>; also : prowl
          3 : to sing or play in a jovial manner
          4 : to speak rapidly
          troll·er noun
          Origin: Middle English, probably from Anglo-French *troiller, *troller; akin to Anglo-French troil, trolle winch.
          First use: 15th century
          Synonyms: comb, dig (through), dredge, hunt (through), rake, ransack, rifle, rummage, scour, sort (through), search
          : a lure or a line with its lure and hook used in trolling
          They were trolling the ocean floor.
          They trolled for fish.
          troll for answers/comments/responses
          First use: 1869
          : a dwarf or giant in Scandinavian folklore inhabiting caves or hills
          Origin: Norwegian troll & Dan trold, from Old Norse troll giant, demon; probably akin to Middle High German trolle lout.
          First use: 1616

          Maybe true. Maybe I am a giant in Scandinavian folklore, inhabiting a hill.

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          • Hahahahahaha I love it.

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      • chinese

        Hey, FUCK OFF, my kids are reading this shit.

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        • GODofGod

          Do you eat human fetuses?

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          • chinese

            If your profane behavior does not stop immediatly, I will have to take action.

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        • robbieforgotpw

          Will they read your profanity?
          *poots himself silly**

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          • chinese

            Ich bin POLISH und Ich nicht unterstanten was du bist saying. HEIL!

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          • smittyknowsstuff

            Good call

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        • suckonthis9


          Please see Rule #8 & Rule #10.

          Infringement; Profanation.

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          • chinese

            You have a heart of cold, and for that I give you the Black Heart, congressional medal of dishonor.

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            • suckonthis9

              Incorrect. I, as do all heathy humans, have a normal heart temperature in an ideal range of between 36.5° Celsius (97.7° Fahrenheit) to 37.5° Celsius (99.5° Fahrenheit), which normally varies periodically due to several factors, as it does in all living people.
              Since this temperature is equivalent to approximately 309,65 to 310.65 degrees Kelvin, I believe that 'cold' would not be an apt description. Perhaps, a person who has been cryogenically prepared might be better described as a person with, "a heart of cold", relative to our normal temperature state.

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      • hotto33

        Fuct U!

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        • suckonthis9

          Are you trying to tell me that you have a B.S. in BS, from the Fucked Up alma mater?

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  • esinmia

    It wouldn't be a problem. I am a young guy, and My opinion is.
    I think it would be really hot to watch, and if there was more then making out involved. I think that would be even hotter

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  • "Do as I say, not as I do."

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  • smittyknowsstuff

    Its simple,if 1 half of the coupie have that much of a problem with the others past,mis matched relationship,either that or build a bridge and get over it

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  • kelili

    I've made out with some random guys and once had an arrangement with one. I called him on week ends when I was feeling bored. Do I consider myself a bad girl for having a "boy's" sex life? Absolutely not. I'm happy that I have had so much fun. Would I be considered a slut by some? Surely but I really don't care.

    Anyway here people are quite open-minded when it comes to sex.

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  • ccjigsaw

    I'm a female. My opinion, I probably wouldn't date a guy who's been around the block to much, it would just make me uncomfortable. I look for long term partners, not one night stands. Not to say that implies that he will be short term and unfaithful, but I'd rather not take that path. Some women could care less though. I've had few partners, and my own morals, so I'd like the guy I date to be relatively the same. I think it goes both ways

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  • suckonthis9

    I would think that any relationship, whether past or present would be better than fair to middling.

    Please do not use the Choctaw, "okeh" (it is).

    Thank you.

    How else would you gain experience?

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  • mixwell

    That is why I tend to not bring up past sexual questions with any girl I'm with. It always seems to create problems. I only care about what we do, not her past.

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  • PapzBSlim

    It would be best to not tell your loved one about all of your past experiences. I see how you are trying to make it seem like a guy will, "call you out of your name" but it usually is not men. Women tend to know more about other women and start rumors about other women being a whore or slut. I can only speak for myself and the male friends in my circle, but we have never called a female a slut, whore, or bitch, out of respect. Now as for my female friends, the first thing they say about another girl who is with a couple dudes is that they are acting like sluts and prostitutes. I feel women have created their own double standard on this topic.

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    • kelili

      So true

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  • Phycokitty

    i am a girl. that being said ive only been with 3 men. this is not from lack of offers i guess im semi old fashond. im pagan so not a religious thing. my first was a man whore i was with him a year he was faithfull the whole time (abusive but faithfull) my second was a one niter with a freind the third was a virgin when i got to him was with him 2 years and he wasnt faithfull. statisticly speaking men who "had fun" before marraige are less likly to cheat where as women who have are more apt to cheat

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    • suckonthis9

      1) Please capitalize the first person singular subject personal pronoun 'I', and use an apostrophe in contracted forms. [I, I've, I'm, wasn't].

      2) Usually (but not always), spell the numbers. In this, "...three men, and ...two years", would have been preferable.

      3) Please capitalize at the beginning of sentences.

      4) I think 'semi-old-fashioned', is actually correct. Would someone please check on this. Please note the spelling and hyphen in 'old-fashioned'.

      5) whore\ˈhȯr, ˈhu̇r\
      1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman
      2 : a male who engages in sexual acts for money
      3 : a venal or unscrupulous person
      Origin: Middle English hore, from Old English hōre; akin to Old Norse hōra whore, hōrr adulterer, Latin carus dear — more at charity.
      First use: before 12th century
      Synonyms: bawd, call girl, cocotte, courtesan, drab, harlot, hooker, hustler, sex worker, streetwalker, strumpet, tart, prostitute

      So, a male can also be a whore. To be more descriptive, using 'male whore', rather than the slang 'man whore' would be preferable.

      6) 'Faithful' has one 'L', 'faithfully' has two 'L's', honestly and truthfully.

      7) "Niter" is potassium nitrate. What you had written, is that your second [love affair] was a fertilizer, food additive, rocket propellant and fireworks; it is also one of the constituents of gunpowder.
      I think that you had meant to write, that he was a
      'one-nighter'! Please note the hyphen and spelling.

      8) 'Friend', 'statistically' and 'marriage'. Please note the correct spelling.

      Thank you.

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  • dongwhan to even begin to answer.Well I guess the best answer is that evey woman Ive been with was a slut or a whore whatever you want to call them.All thru history men and women both have practiced promiscuity but you never hear of a woman having more that one husband but you do hear of men having more than one wife.Even look to the animal kingdom,its always many females to one male not the other way around,this is the natural way of things.Divorse rates are so high today because over the last 20-30 years of our history the level of promiscuity among women overall has incresed.To finish,it would really be nice to find a woman that hasn't spent the last several years of her life whoring around with 15-20 men,thats not what I want in a woman.At what point in time did it become a good thing to be a slut?

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    • suckonthis9

      1) Please use a space after periods and commas. It makes it much easier to read.

      2) Please use an apostrophe in contracted word forms. [I've, it's, that's].

      3) Divorce. Although many Americanized English words have replaced the 'ce' ending with 'se', 'divorce' is not one of them. Why do you need a license (licence) for marriage, but not for divorce?
      Please see the following link:

      British and American spelling - Oxford Dictionaries Online

      Thank you.

      To answer your question, both males and females have usually always been promiscuous.
      Things changed with the advent and availability of modern contraception (the birth-control pill), in the 1960's onward.
      Prior to that, it was usually generally accepted, that if the female became pregnant, the male sire would be obligated to marry her.

      Please see the following, with the 'History' and 'Society and culture' sections being most pertinent to this:

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      • dongwhan

        well Ill(no')be fuct(as spelt)by la_uva_mojada above and cause we aint(no')in no school room here I aint(no')gonna use all that fancy stuff when spellin.(no space)Ize one of them there classroom edjicated people hell I got the whole way thru highschool in jist 7 short years.No space here either and thanx for all the tuterin,suckyourown9

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        • chinese

          Hey, dude, fuck off. Suckonthis9 is a fucking philosopher, have the courtesy to look him in the fricken' eye, will ya?

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          • dongwhan

            aww me so sawwy,did not know you loved suckon9 in face

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    • Rick_Bawls

      The wife of one of my friends was telling me what her dating strategy had been while we were at the wedding reception for another friend. She told me that every woman needs to experience a "slut phase" and that when she was 28 years old, she had only been with two men. However, her female friend advised her to sleep around, so she went ahead and slept with 8 different men in one year. She seemed proud of the fact that she had slept around.

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  • Paradiddle

    Making out and actually having sex is completely different. If I knew that a girl simply kissed a lot of guys before then I wouldn't mind it at all. I would avoid trying to find that out though because if I did, I might find myself wondering if she compares me to other people. Either way, that is harmless. Now if a girl had sex a lot previously, then that would be problem. I haven't yet but if and when I do, it'll be once or at the most, twice, hopefully that 2nd time will be with the same person~ I don't find it attractive if I knew that she had sex over a dozen times before me though. With sex, you can't just say the past is the past and refuse to judge someone because unlike being a bad person and suddenly being good, having sex in the past means you could have caught something that you can now share and that isn't desirable. You can get something from just one trip, sure, but I'd trust a girl more if she only did it once or twice at the most.

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    • suckonthis9

      Incorrect. "Making out", is a sexual act. Kissing, as well as some other behaviours, might or might not be sexual in nature, depending on intent.
      Sexual intercourse or coitus, is one of many different sexual acts.

      It would be helpful if people could separate coitus from 'human sexual behaviour', in their minds.

      Flirting, holding hands, hugging (body contact) and dancing are other examples of acts which might or might not be sexual in nature.

      Flirting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

      Making out - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    • kelili

      This is such a virginal comment.Yuck yuck yuck

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      • Paradiddle

        Or a comment from one with a different mindset than yours who has different values. If someone likes to have a lot of sex, I don't look down on them at all as that is their choice and they are perfectly fine human beings. I have had friends and co-workers who were like that and I'll befriend them any day. I simply don't do such things myself and therefore, would expect my female partner of choice to not have had 15 different sessions before me. I didn't say "any", I mean a LOT, as I surely plan on intercourse at some point myself, just not a recurring thing that I need every now and then just because I want to as it does come with potential consequences that I'm not aiming for right now. I'm sure you don't judge the females who decide to wait until marriage right? If you don't then I expect you not to judge me for my style of living because I certainly don't judge yours.

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        • kelili

          I'm not judging you or maybe a little. I just think that you are way too young to understand all those things. You seem mentally very immature, that's what I sensed. I can be wrong.

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          • Paradiddle

            I'm thinking you're wrong, to be honest without any ill intentions. I don't remember maturity meaning "all people should be okay with their partners having lots of sex prior to them." Some people like sex a lot, some like it but choose to wait until they are ready, whether that is when they are older or during college (if said person went right after high school), and some people simply choose not to at all. Sex is just a choice, not a requirement of adulthood or maturity, although still important in relationships. I am adult enough to realize and choose not to have sex at the moment, something a person of 19, 29, 48 or 52 could make, it is not age specific.

            Would you say then that having sex doesn't come with potential consequences? I know people who got pregnant as early as high school or guys who seem more concerned with banging a girl than being serious with one. Yes, even from family members in their 30s. One family member has married a complete disrespectful, lazy slob of a guy and she unfortunately had a miscarriage but remains with such a guy who talks down to her and barely pays anything. Another member got two different girls pregnant in his 30s, both girls being unattractive (yes the truth, not just to be mean) and have nothing going for them. Both females were rude to him and mistreats their kid and both decided to move away from him. One put her faith in a very controlling and dangerous male who caused her to turn against her own family several times yet he has yet to buy a single pack of diapers for either of the two kids she has had by him. The social services have been involved for quite some time and one of them has clear mental trauma. There are more examples but I will stop there. I am mature enough and adult enough, as a 23 year old, to realize these are things I don't want right now. If my way of thinking and exposure to these things makes me immature then I would really like to meet a mature person, by your judgement.

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  • As long as you are in a relationship, it's your moral obligation to stay faithfull. It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl. And just because you can do something, it doesn't give you the right to hurt your partner. It's all about commitment. Why would you want to make out with other guys just to show people that girls can have fun too. Of course they can, but that doesn't mean that you have to compete with the level of ignorance that some mysoginist men posses and become ignorant and spiteful yourself.

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    • I don't think you understood the question.

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    • anti-hero

      Read the question before commenting. Booya!

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      • Shackleford96

        People still say 'booya?'

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        • anti-hero

          I Dooya.

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          • Shackleford96

            Lol, i haven't heard that word in a very long time.

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      • She edited the question...

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        • anti-hero

          Yeah, yeah, yeah. Likely story.

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