Had a baby i don't want to find him

a family member told my daughter and now she is very mad at me for not telling her and she wants to go look for him.the pregnancy was a result of an assault. it was a very bad hurtful situation for all parties involved. the man is probably very happy with his adopted family and finding out how came to be might be his undoing.Just thinking about it all is too much.I don't think I could handle a face to face esp if he hated me.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    That family member needs to mind their own fucking business and hopefully, one day, your daughter will understand your circumstances. I am very sorry that this happened to you and that some people can't keep their nastiness to themselves.

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  • charli.m

    You made the best decision you could given the circumstance and don't have to answer to anyone. I'm sorry your relative has put you and your daughter in this position.

    I think it's normal and acceptable to feel the way you do.

    I am curious, though...what would you think if he came looking for you?

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  • Avant-Garde

    Your daughter probably just wants to get to know your brother. She is probably mad at you for keeping it to yourself. Her approach is selfish and she is being disrespectful of your choice. If she succeeds, a lot of unnecessary pain that could have been avoided, will be caused. She needs to mind her own business and respect your choice. Take the high road...

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  • dasugaknows

    There are some family members that really irk me and the family member who cant mind their own frickin business is one of them. Especially considering the circumstances, they had no right to say anything to your daughter. If there is anybody who has the right to say it, its you. Was this a cousin or something?

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  • Authentic

    Ah I'm sure there's two sides to every story I'm a typical evil man give the kid what she wants adopt her out a few times she will learn

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  • Some people need to take there own advice about there nastiness

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