Had you ever cheated ? ......why ?

I was in a terrible relation. Very stressed out. I felt like I wanted to screw the whole town. But I want to hear from you guys.

revenge /Terrible relation / stressed out. 12
person has been hitting on me for a while 3
partner not giving attention/ Works too much/ out of town 7
Tired of being a good girl / boy. I wanna LIVE life 6
Never cheated. 55
One night stand / I met someone ALIVE....uumm, uum, uumm 6
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Comments ( 40 )
  • Never have. If I’m not happy I leave. Like a normal person should, if I’m not ready for commitment I don’t get into it I find no thrill in hurting others. I don’t leave a mark by fucking the neighborhood either. Idk maybe I’m not normal because I don’t wanna Jehovah's witness my pussy to people but I’m more happier with one person at a time. I find no point in doing it if I want someone else I drop whatever shit I’m in first. Idk how someone can love somebody but hurt them like that. And if there’s no feelings there shouldn’t be a relationship. But that’s just my take. Seeing umm umm umm tho as a option has me thinking ik who post this but I can’t remember who always says that. I don’t pay attention enough but have seen it a lot. It’s like a signature phrase or some shit. Nvm remembered A-sharp ey?

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    • "Jehovah's witness my pussy". Love it!

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    • itsace

      Couldn’t have said it better myself!!

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      • Thanks ☺️

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        • A-sharp


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    • A-sharp

      Yes, I might be the same person you may think it is.
      Only I say that.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i cheated on a history test in high school

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    • I cheated in all my tests in high school. I thought everybody did that to pass all those fucking classes.

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    • Hardinawetdiaper


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  • anonY123

    Cheating is not a good thing

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  • SwickDinging

    Never have, never would. If you really want to fuck someone else that badly then just leave the relationship.

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  • For each of us, there is a line we're committed to not crossing. Until we do. I've never cheated, but I have been on the other side of it. That experience taught me the bitter taste of betrayal, and the shattered dreams and heartache of being intentionally misled by someone who should have your back and love you above all others. I swore I'd NEVER inflict such pain on another.

    Fast forward a couple of decades and Life has given me many opportunities to study and understand human nature. One thing I know, if you lack emotional maturity and true empathy for others the likelihood of you being an opportunistic cheater are exponentially increased. I try to avoid people who lack empathy in general. I'd rather be alone than be with someone who's emotional unavailability fosters loneliness.

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  • megadriver

    I'm sad to say I have... When I was with my first serious love. She was a good girl, but I was 18... I was buff, I was playing it like a rich scumbag... I got my first car.

    Long story short, I was the dorky, fat kid for the most part of school. But in 11th grade, I lost weight, gained muscles, made a bit of money, felt like the king of the world. Girls liked me, I had a car I could do stupid stuff with, I had money to blow on booze and parties. So I cheated... Not just once. I did the three hottest girls in my class. Did two of them during gym in the gym teacher's room. Did the other one in her mom's car drunk. I was very horny and my girlfriend was reluctant to regularly put out, so I found out girls that would...

    She never found out about my cheating, but I do regret it. We did eventually split. I swore to never cheat again. When you commit to someone, you commit fully and you expect the same. Never cheated on a girl I've been with ever again and I never will. I kinda hate that young scumbag me for cheating...

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  • TerriAngel

    Short choice of options, how about adding:
    1 Because each partner is like another meal youve never had. You like spagettii. But not 360 days a year.
    2 Numbers game, bragging rights, proves your a stud.
    3 Because you were there, it was available.
    4 Because its a challenge, all about the hunt.

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    • There's no challenge is conniving, lying, pretending to be someone you're not for the sole purpose to gain something from another that you haven't earned.

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    • A-sharp

      I just didn't want to add so many options Angel. Your options are not bad either.

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      • TerriAngel

        Thanks A.
        just trying to give voters an option they can relate to.
        Men's and women's reasons for cheating are often very different.

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    • lordofopinions

      The same old milk from the same old cow. Boring! :-)

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  • xxLucifer

    I've never cheated. Although I haven't been in a relationship either.

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  • Ichigo1232

    I thought I moved on from my ex a year after I was with my new boyfriend, but I was in a really bad spot. I thought my new boyfriend was hiding stuff from me/cheating on me, and I hardly ever saw him. I was really depressed, and I was having second thoughts on my feelings were towards my new boyfriend, because I was starting to realize that I didnt feel the same for him as I did my ex. One day, I was with my ex's sister, who was my friend, another guy, and my ex who joined us. For context, my ex is a player. He KNOWS how to get right into any girls pants, and I knew that. But... I was so stressed and sad, my head ignored all rationally and just kept saying "Just do it, you want him. If you set this up right, he will want you too." So thats exactly what I did. I set the scene up perfectly, my friend started to head to bed when I asked my ex if i could watch the movie he was going to watch, and he agreed. Everything was fine at first... until 30 minutes went by and he took the bait. I ended up falling asleep with him on the couch, and he got up early in the morning when his dad got up for work. I ended up telling my boyfriend, and he forgave me. A few years later, I ended the relationship, and I am single now. I feel so awful for what I did. But, luckily, we are still friends and he is doing really good now a days. And so am I.

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    • A-sharp

      I can't judge you for that. Shit happens. I hope you enjoyed the ride while it last cause everything is so jacked up these days.. oh well !!

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  • itsamistake

    Never have cheated but have been cheated on by couple of past relationships, which is the reason they are my exes.

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  • TheOishome

    If you're in a relationship that's in any way positive cheating is vile thing to do, you really hurt someone by doing that to them, I can't imagine any worse feeling than being cheated on by someone you love my god I couldn't deal with that

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  • I've never been in a relationship, but I don't think I'd ever cheat.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I've never cheated, not even when I was in a bad relationship. It's not my style.

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  • kelili

    Yes, I have. I don't even feel bad for it. It happens and if no one knows no one get hurt.

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  • spunkluvr

    Never have. I've been cheated on and would never inflict that pain on someone else.

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  • lordofopinions

    This reminds me of a joke I read. A couple are in bed watching TV and the host of the show said a bull could mate every day. The wife turns to her husband and says why can't you do that? The husband says yeah but the bull doesn't have to fuck the same cow every day. LOL

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  • mathewdavis133

    I've only ever been in one relationship and will only be in one.I'm single at the moment,from my last girlfriend when after I found out that when we got together, she already had a boyfriend.I don't think I'll ever date again.

    BUT to answer your Question. No. I have never Cheated on a partner. It's disgusting.

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  • angelbabyyy

    I've never cheated but i do get urges to quite often. I get the urges because I don't feel i get enough attention from my boyfriend. He is submissive and so am I, which stresses me out in general and makes sex very unfulfilling to me. I just reaaaally need that dominance so I sometimes think about getting it elsewhere. I don't see myself ever cheating though since it's just so heartbreaking for the victim.

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  • leggs91200

    I voted I want to live.

    Monogamy is a game that many people have tried to play but eventually fail. Some succeed but many eventually want something on the side.

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  • Never have, never will. I just don't believe in it.

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  • McBean


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    • A-sharp

      A happy person has no reason to cheat. I wasn't at the time. But if I ever meet someone that fulfills me 100%, I would never cheat.

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      • McBean

        Did cheating help you to adjust?

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        • A-sharp

          My stress levels where over the rooftop at the time over the relation. Yes.

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          • McBean

            This might happen again. Next time, tell her you are leaving her. Pack your things and leave. Then you can have sex to relieve your stress.

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  • Tealights

    Not sure if this counts since there was no sex involved, but I emotionally-cheated once with an ex a very long time ago in a relationship I tried too hard to save. Why? I was just very unhappy after nearly 5 years of being with him, and no amount of talking it out helped because he dismissed my feelings and would just mindlessly agree with me just to shut me up while still taking money from me and all that. After speaking to my lover or whatever for the first time, I felt like complete shit and immediately end my relationship with the ex the next day.

    After some time, I decided to date the new guy, because he gave me what I thought I needed. Happy ending? Haha, nope. He turned out to be emotionally abusive, but because 17 yo me wasted 5 years, this bad relationship only lasted 8 months. That was over... 5 years ago now, never cheated again since.

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    • CDmale4fem

      That's the type of relationship I don't see why people stay. If the mats dismissed your feelings, your thoughts, your cares, and they are not close to you in any bonding sort of way, I know it's hard but isn't a way out somehow better than staying for all sorts of abuse ? And yes I cheated years ago. Once or twice. Not since tho. I grew out of it. These days you have to be in a relationship in order to cheat. But I'm beyond the cheating and all that.

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      • Tealights

        It's just something you got to experience. My ex and I started dating at 17. I JUST turned 17 and he already 17 (two months older). The relationship was as great as teenager can make it for the 1st year. However, he started to deteriorate as he had to help his grandmother through violent dementia and eventually her death at her home with his father (they both live there). It was a lot to handle for him being so young. Back then I didn't understand that most men were raised to not show weakness, thus holding in emotions, so when he suddenly bounced back and bought a puppy I didn't see any issues. His dad moved out shortly after his mother's (ex's grandmother) death, and left the house to his son (his dad pays bills) so he can attend college.

        After a few months he applied to college and all was well. Fast forward a few months, he dropped out, he wasn't feeding his dog, he wasn't bathing, always glued to his xbox, and isn't eating well. In all this was me trying to understand and be there, doing something that was waaaaaaay above me, but thought "love" will pull us through. The change was so gradual over the years too. He wasn't abusive, he just had problems he was too stubborn to tackle and it manifested into our relationship (cause he had a lot of crying spells too). I was drained, and it felt like I was raising my ex rather than growing with him, and I didn't want to be a mom yet. Sooner or later, I lost those feelings (not sure which year), but oddly I still cared about him and didn't want to leave him alone. He got so bad, that he had to move in with this dad during the 4th year of our relationship and he wanted me to come live with him.

        While deciding, I met that new guy one day, and he sweet talked me. There was no sex, but that's when I knew I had to end it if other men can make me feel this way, plus my ex wasn't alone anymore, he had this dad now. So I broke up with him the next day.

        Some relationship are just weird like that, it can't always be as cutthroat, black/white as many of you are implying. I'm not trying to justifying cheating of any kind, cause I felt like shit and the new guy turned out to be abusive anyway (he knew I was already in a relationship from the start). So in the end, I just learned a lesson.

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