Hallucinations as a little kid

This may sound not believable but i promise everything i'm about to say is true and most of it occurred in the 2000s

I remember as a little kid being a very hyper and short tempered tot. Although looking back i experienced very weird things. I remember being about 5 years old and my two dogs had just died. Very shortly after i started seeing spirit versions of them running around my room. I was very happy as sometimes i had believed the dogs had somehow come to life only to accept in my mind that they were ghosts.

Soon after the room would spin. Violently spin i would be lying in my bed listening to radio and the room would turn on its side and i would feel a horrible falling sensation and would grab on to the side of my bunk bed. But i wasn't falling and my grandfather (my roomate) would look at me funny. Sometimes it would spin violently in circles and would feel like i was being thrown around. I would start to hear very creepy and horrible voices and noises around my room. I believed i was being haunted and wouldn't sleep much when i saw these things. But i had my guardian angle, a stuffed turtle. As i got a little bit older everything went away.

I knew other kids that would experiencing this and for a while i thought it was a normal kid thing. But now it seems like it was just me as i can't find anything about it.

About a decade later i developed a psychotic mood disorder if this is relevant. But that was only after years of this stuff going away. Is it normal?

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Comments ( 3 )
  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Is there any schizophrenics in your family? It's probably that.

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  • brutus

    Take antipsychotics.

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  • LloydAsher

    I had some borderline hallucinations as a child. Gone now.


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