Has a stranger ever knocked on your door?
Not someone selling stuff or anything like that, just a complete stranger.
Yes and I opened it (comment what happened) | 41 | |
Yes and I never opened it (comment) | 20 | |
No | 29 |
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Not someone selling stuff or anything like that, just a complete stranger.
Yes and I opened it (comment what happened) | 41 | |
Yes and I never opened it (comment) | 20 | |
No | 29 |
Yeah..I live in the country and I've had meth-heads come up to my door at 2am because they were lost. Another guy came up wanting a glass of water...weird...but I gave him one. I always have a .45 ACP handy, so I don't worry about being helpful.
Pregnant young woman came to my door and we chatted then I fucked her. Great experience for a young fellow.
I've had this happen several times. The funniest time was when I lived with some roommates and some crackhead just walked in our house. One of my roommates saw him walk down the hallway and my roommate asked what the fuck he thought he was doing. He pointed at our water cooler in the hallway and asked if he could have a water and my roommate told him to get the fuck out. There were a few other similar incidences at that place. We lived next door to a food bank / homeless church.
I live in a flat so it's pretty rare to have strangers knocking on the door but a couple months ago some police officers knocked on my door to ask if we saw anything of the stabbing that happened right next to our flat.
This is a really strange question to me.
Strangers always come to my door - some ask for food, or just to go to the bathroom, help with their car, ask where another neighbour lives, doing surveys, etc etc.
A couple of weeks ago a stranger knocked on my door because he was out of gas. I gave him some out of a can in my garage and he appreciated it.
Yes, a courier brought me a package.
Once there were two girls I didn't know. I didn't open. :/
A guy once came asking for directions and sometimes, men come and ask if they can shovel the snow.