Has anyone ever met..
Have any of you ever met and had regular contact with a pathological liar? As far as I'm aware, I've never been close to one. Even from a coworker perspective.
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Have any of you ever met and had regular contact with a pathological liar? As far as I'm aware, I've never been close to one. Even from a coworker perspective.
Pretty sure my first boyfriend was one.
He told me he always lies to people including his friends because he can't help it and it's fun. It gave him a boost of confidence as well that he could make people believe him.
Of course he insisted that he'd never lie to me, which he did throughout the course of our entire relationship.
Stuff like that is hard to see when you're basically a teenager and in love.
One night he told me he'd hit his head in school that day and passed out for 10 minutes but no one did anything, apparently. I told him to please see a doctor.
The next day he told me he saw a doctor and that it was fine but the doctor had discovered he had a broken wrist + some other injury I dont even remember and he'd been walking around with this without knowing according to himself. He was fully serious but in hindsight he obviously made that up. He didn't even have a bandage or anything.
He multiple times told me at school as well that he'd gotten hit by a bus on his way to school that morning. He was entirely serious and expected you to take him seriously when he told you stuff like this.
He made up way worse things later on. Messed up stuff.
He was quite the guy...
My old girlfriend was a compulsive liar. She just couldn't always tell the truth. I don't think she started out to lie, she just sometimes couldn't help herself.
I used to be very close to a person who was, and probably still is a gambling addict, and I'm pretty sure that he lied a lot, at least about money. I also rather suspect that he swiped my China, and hocked it for money for his bullshit poker! 🧐
I'm not really sure. I used to be in a friend group with a couple of people in high school who regularly lied about really stupid things, but I think it was just them trying to be cool or trying to get attention. Two faked pregnancies (for some reason that was a trend at my school at the time and a good handful of girls did it), one would e-mail me stock photos of random emo couples and tell me it was her and her boyfriend, but that they were just heavily edited, that she had been in a relationship with Zac Efron, had had sex on the couch in one of the classrooms while game day was going on and somehow nobody noticed, etc. Another claimed to be in a gang before the age of 10 along with a friend of his, and that they had robbed a bank together. 🤣 Yet another was always coming up with some sort of erotic fantasy about random classmates that he claimed really happened. The sad thing about a couple of these people is that they seemed to truly not be able to depict the difference between reality and fantasy, and I think started to halfway believe their own lies.
As an adult, I've known a few people who tend to embellish things and their stories tend to get a bit taller each time they tell them, but no one that just lies constantly.
The lies were crazy, that is for sure!
I burst out laughing when a teacher called out the "gang member" in class when he was in the middle of telling his story, and he got super defensive and insisted it was true! 🤣
Oh, and another one I forgot about until now: this guy claimed he was in a hostage situation with his friend and his captor gave him the option to choose which got killed and which would be set free, and he chose himself to be set free, which was why he was there speaking to us that day. Lol, really!? As if any abductor would just let a victim go and get them identified and arrested! He must've had a thing for deceased friends, because his jacket was apparently from his friend who burned to death while wearing it in a fiery car wreck (um, how did the jacket not burn, or at least melt to his skin?). Oh, and he could stand on top of a car going down the freeway at 75 MPH because he had amazing balance! 🤣🤣🤣
Yes, I always thought to myself, "Did they REALLY think anyone would believe that?" 🤣
Definitely!!! One of the things he did still creeps me out to this day!!
Basically some guy had borderline personality disorder and I know that in itself doesn't mean lying but because of it he was unstable and he wanted me as his girlfriend even though I didn't want to be. He said he needed me, was super clingy, creepy and lied all the time.One of the things he did was pretend to be an agent for the Jonas Brothers so he made this fake badge to show me he was some kind of agent for them and had fake numbers with their names on his phone. He even went as far as photoshopping himself into photos with them and sending them just to me. When I called his bluff he acted annoyed with me. I even showed him where he got the photos on Google and laughed.He then completely dropped it never wanted to talk about it.
Then he went onto another lie where he said his uncle was a major movie producer, I forget which one and he then did the same thing photoshopped etc it was so crazy to me so I completely stopped talking to him. Then I find out he got arrested for attacking a fisherman he didn't even know because he said he stole his fish lol and found out his ex has a restraining order against him no kidding. I hope he's in therapy now
My mother’s one. No matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been, she’s done it or been there, and I know she hasn’t. That’s why she outlived 2 husbands.
Yes this guy who dated my moms friends daughter. He'd always make shit up.