Has anyone had anything wild happen while meditating?
I sometimes have the feeling that I am flying or rising if I meditate very deeply. Also, once when meditating outside, I awoke and there was a deer very near me. It was a great moment.
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I sometimes have the feeling that I am flying or rising if I meditate very deeply. Also, once when meditating outside, I awoke and there was a deer very near me. It was a great moment.
Yes, a lot say meditating is opening the mind and the "third eye", dont know much about it, its basically supposed to awake your unconscious and it will contact you, and you will basically have superpowers. And you will be able to lucid dream, idk
It is about opening your third eye. I did meditate before, and i can lucid dream sometimes. But thats when my older sister comes and says to me "dude, meditating is bad", thats when i learned that it was bad to christians, because in christianity, clearing your mind and meditating supposedly lets in demons into your mind. So i dont do that stuff anymore.
I had a humming bird hovering right in front of my face when my cat and I were chillin on a lawn chair in the garden once, but I did have an open can of Coca-Cola in my hand so most likely the tiny bird was attracted to something that smelled like sugar water.
i still have dreams im jogging and my steps get farther apart and soon my feet are not touching the ground and i leave the ground and fly not like a bird more like a balloon feeling. can do it almost anytime i want too. all you have to do is be a jogger in real life and experience the endorphin high or runners high. this trains the brain for the same effect during sleep mode. BTW im 60
used to play an old martin guitar on my porch, wild birds would land at my feet to listen. they will again some day. ill go back for the birds.