Has social media made bullying worse
Bullying has always been a problem but has it just gotten worse with social media?
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Bullying has always been a problem but has it just gotten worse with social media?
By the very nature of availability of the internet and anonymity it would be impossible for it not to.
One leads to psychological damage, the other leads to physical AND psychological damage. Both are aggressive and neither are good when the outcome is suicide.
I think social media bullying seems worse because we hear more about “X killing them selves over social media trolls” nowadays
Of course it has.
The teen suicide rate is far higher now than it was when I was a teenager. The rise occurred directly with the advancement of social media.
Higher standards of living also contribute to it, ironically. The suicide rate among youth in impoverished countries is dwarfed by that of youth in wealthy nations
Didn’t know that. Though I’d have to wonder how good record keeping is in impoverished nations regarding those stats.
Yes. I have been bullied horrifically online. I wish social media never existed.
I think people can be harsher to each other online than in real life because they don't have to say it to that person's face, nor face consequences for doing so (besides maybe being blocked, banned, or having authorities get involved if they do something illegal), and I think some people sort of forget the fact that there's another human being with feelings at the other end of the line.
When I was a senior in high school, Ask.fm was huge and there was also an "anonymous" Twitter page for our school ran by a student in which other students submitted in nasty rumors via private message, which were subsequently posted onto the page to keep the original sender's anonymity. The anonymous factor absolutely made people much more bold and harsh, and there was a lot of drama and very hurt feelings from those sites that year.
why you think people on the internet are so concerned about privacy? their all secretly bullies online and they know they dont want their online reputation mixing with their fake reputation IRL
Yeah I think so. I was bullied in high school, and at the time there was only Nokia brick phones, you could come home and have peace and sanctuary (except on occasion when you were followed or chased)
Now it’s non stop from all sides. And on a platform many look to for self validation and gratification, in the most impressionable time of their lives.
Feel so sorry for the bullied youth of today.
The biggest problem with the internet is anonymity. There's things people say to others on the internet they wouldnt dare say to ppl in person for fear of possible violence.
Yes and no.
Physical bullying hasn't really been a thing for ages. It wasn't around when I was in school anyways. The usage of cameras throughout school buildings pretty heavily cut back on that side of the bullying.
Mental bullying has definitely gotten worse. Public and privaye humiliation is easier when you don't have to actually say the things to their face.
When did you go to school? It was definitely a thing when I was in school, they just usually didn't do it inside the school building. It was at bus stops, on buses, in bathrooms, on playgrounds (in earlier grades) and after school. Occasionally it would still happen inside the school since the kid only got suspension for it if he was caught and sometimes, due to how crowded the halls are between classes, they weren't caught.
I graduated in 2019. I'm incredibly young compared to the average user of this site. Most of the physical bullying stopped once I got to highschool and they began enforcing rules about it. By the time I graduated, the locker room was the only place it could occur. Even the outside of the school had cameras.