Has your greatest fear ever come true?
Yes | 19 | |
No | 32 | |
Other (Comment please) | 1 |
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Yes | 19 | |
No | 32 | |
Other (Comment please) | 1 |
Yeah. I was really ill three years ago and my biggest fear was to stay ill and it happened. I still have the same serious health conditions I did three years ago and it's absolute hell. :( I'm trying to remain optimistic but it's so hard.
My greatest fear is never having anyone fall in love with me (also, the Ebola virus), and up until a few months ago, the answer would have been yes, but now... I'm not really sure what to answer with. Does it count if it's not happening, but has happened over the course of a very long time? I just put other.
My greatest fears are heart disease, cancer,& being paralysed. none have happened yoet.
I have A LOT of phobias. I don't really think that any have come to true except for fighting for my life against spiders, having incest flying in my face and being at a great height.
I couldn't imagine that life at my age would be worth living if I suddenly lost my sight. So, no, it hasn't come to pass.
No, I have never woken up in the body of a 12yo girl, gone door to door selling cookies and knocked on Max Hardcore's door.
My greatest fear was becoming who I am today
but I'm coping alright with it