Hate eating in front of people
My family's ordering a takeaway and it's something I've been looking forward to all day, but my sister has invited a friend and her boyfriend round for it too, we have a small living room so if we're all sitting in it eating I'll have to sit on the beanbag right next to the TV, and there's no room to move it anyone else, that means everyone will be facing me and looking in my direction when I'm eating,
The very thought of it makes me anxious, I just know I'm not going to enjoy it because I'll be anxious the whole time, my hands will probably shake a little, I'll be dropping food and eating tiny amounts at a time and I'll feel like everyone is staring at me even though rationally I know it'll be the TV they're paying attention to, but still, it makes me feel horrible, does anyone else get like this? IIN?