Hate it when people say they're a certain religion yet don't practise
I cannot stand it when people say stuff like "I'm [religion] but I don't practise". For example, that so-called "Cafeteria Christianity", in which people just cherry pick the Bible verses they like and ignore the ones they don't, how there are those self-proclaimed Buddhists who live hedonistic self-centred lifestyles, or how many in Japan call themselves Shinto yet just say that they're only doing it for show or tradition.
Now, I am not saying that people like that are all bad, but I think that if you are to call yourself a member of a certain religion, you must conform to all of its rules, or at least try to. If not, don't bother calling yourself a member of that religion. I find it to be utterly disgraceful when people claim to be a certain religion but don't adhere to it.
Is it normal to this that?