Hate morning wakeup showers

When im super tired the worst thing is getting water blasted all over me. Hate it. But do it every morning.

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • bbrown95

    I don't think I'd be a fan, either. I like to shower at night right before I settle down to get ready for bed instead, because I have to leave early in the morning for work and would rather not wake up even earlier for a shower, plus my hair takes 2+ hours to dry (and blow dryers only make it into an insane frizzy mess).

    I've found that drinking water helps me wake up and feel refreshed (I'm not a coffee drinker).

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  • Sanara

    I only shower in evenings (but still was my armpits in the morning and put on new clothes), in the morning it feels like too much of a hurry and if I'm going to work I want as much time as possible to just rest, so I can be more rested when I actually arrive at work. Hygiene is essential, but you do not have to shower in the morning specifically

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    • SwickDinging

      Very sensible. As long as you shower or bathe regularly, the timing doesn't matter. Stand up washes at the sink are good for refreshing.

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    • bbrown95

      Same here. It's much more convenient for me to do it at night/in the evening.

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  • Somenormie

    I hate them too but showering is better than nothing for me.

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