Hate that most music today is superficial, or simply, sexually explicit

Ok, I have to get this off my chest. Don't get me wrong, I'm an open minded music fan.. but I've gradually become sick and tired of this 'LOVE' theme about most of today's music. If it's not about a guy whining about how he misses some girl who dumped him because of... I guess, his whining, it's a woman confessing how she can't go on living without some random dude's touching, hugs, kisses and such, because the dude got bored and moved on to another relationship. There are other lyrics that are simply superficial in my opinion, where a man is promising to do almost impossible to outright impossible things to win a woman's love. Then, enter the world of RnB, Hip Hop, Rap, and Dancehall, and you have tons and tons of songs simulating sex. It's booty, twerking, butts, spreading legs, pussy, dongs, "..touch my body..", "..i'll make you wet.." and others having profanity for profanity's sake. I find these lyrics shallow. I have to mention that there are songs which approach the subject of passionate love in a deep, authentic and captivating fashion though. I usually discover such gems in the indie and indie-folk genres. My point is, I want to listen to more songs that explore the subject of love and sex in a sincere way. Or better yet, songs that explore other social subjects with an artistic approach. My examples of such songs:

Travis - Driftwood (About throwing one's life away.)

Youssou N'Dour & Neney Cherry - 7 Seconds (Anti-racism)

Miranda Lambert - The House That Built Me (Childhood nostalgia)

Flipsyde - Happy Birthday (Regret about involvement in an abortion)

So that's it from me for now, peace!

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80% Normal
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Comments ( 27 )
  • SmokeEverything

    If you listen to pop radio its going to be the same 15 songs about generic basic stuff. Those people don't write those songs, and they're designed to be easy to make and reproduce. They don't want to take a risk when they know they can follow the same pattern and guarantee make money off boring people.

    Choking victim was a pretty good band.

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  • leggs91200

    Music abut sex like you mentioned - it is there to appeal to dumbass ghetto residents who have NO concept of anything intelligent.

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    • Clunk42

      I can only think of one song about sex that's good. "Swimming in your Ocean" by the Crash Test Dummies. It's only good because it's a joke, though.


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    • YE


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  • Clunk42

    Here are a few songs you may like:

    REM- Everybody Hurts (anti-suicide)

    John Mellencamp- Peaceful World (anti-racism

    Crash Test Dummies- (2 songs) "Afternoons and Coffeespoons" (terminal lung cancer and mental delusions) and "Swimming in your Ocean" (interesting song)

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    • YE

      Oh no! There's Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers' Learning To Fly... I don't know, I could go on and on, but I think that buy now you get my drift, even without pointing out the indie and indie-folk 'treasures' in particular. 'Afternoons and Coffee spoons' was yet another worthwhile find by the way, many thanks.

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    • YE

      Some additions that have come rushing to my mind right about now;

      Dave Matthews Band - Crash Into Me

      The National - About Today

      Alice In Chains - It's Your Decision

      New Order - Ruined In A Day

      Family Of The Year - Hero

      Coldplay - See You Soon

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    • YE


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      • Clunk42

        Yeah, I just had to mention that one. I thought it would be quite funny.

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        • SmokeEverything

          I totally forgot, Connor Clapton committed suicide because his daddy sucks by Anal Cunt was pretty good.

          Actually I don't think Anal Cunt ever had a song that wasn't good.

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    • YE

      REM's Everybody Hurts is another good example. I'm off to listen to the other three recommendations.

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  • LornaMae

    Yup, normal. I've listened to Travis and Neneh Cherry on repeat thousands of lives ago. Loved them both. The other two I haven't though.

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  • Hubbard

    John Lennon literally used the word masturbation in a song from 1969

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    • YE

      Song title?

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      • Hubbard

        Give Peace a Chance

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  • SunSnow

    U will love Nikki Minaj

    My anaconda don't want none unless you got buns hun


    takeshi 69.

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    • leggs91200

      I am wondering if these two upstanding ladies are Nikki Minaj fans?

      I was going to mention the "Cash me ousside" woman but I am not sure if she was ghetto enough.


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      • SunSnow

        O.o no lady m a lad

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    • YE

      He he he! My research is currently centered on a creature named Stefflon Don.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    I mean I disagree personally but I still said normal because I know other poeple think like this and I mean it makes sense.

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    • YE

      Spontaneous combustion, however, totally real.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the cramps wrote many beautiful love songs such as jackyard backoff and her love rubbed off

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    • SmokeEverything

      If you dig the cramps you gotta check out Hasil Adkins.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        i also worship at the altar of the reverend horton heat

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        • YE

          "I also worship at the altar..." Cleverly stated I must say.

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  • ellnell

    That all depends what you listen to.
    There's plenty of bands and artists making meaningful music, they just don't get acknowledged.
    Many indie rock and psychedelic rock bands especially definitely.
    There's still punk and post-grunge bands forming which definietely write a very minimal amount of love songs if any too.
    I usually find them by accident, because they never get "mainstream", through listening to old bands in those genres and getting new ones recommended on spotify, sometimes youtube.
    Or following people with "different" taste in music on social media.
    Love has however always since the beginning of time been a major theme in music. How could it not be? So that's got nothing to do with todays music. It's just that the mainstream music only sounds worse and worse.

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    • YE

      "...mainstream music only sounds worse and worse." Totally true!

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