Have i discovered the secret of the universe?
After reading and thinking about why all communities in the world believe in a God who has features like those of an Alien, I feel like a big revelation is happening. GOD IS AN ALIEN, an ancient alien who visited the earth as recently as 6000 years ago, the milky way is a project he started some 13 billion years ago. Think about it, there are some micro organisms that are so small and simple, they are not aware of the existence of humans and other large animals, if that is true, then it is reasonable to assume the vise versa, THERE ARE SOME BEINGS THAT ARE SO ADVANCED AND SOPHISTICATED, that humans can not even comprehend their existense. God is one of them.
Just so you know, I don;t believe in creationism, I lean towards evolution and this is consistent with my hypotheses above. Seconds, no physics disvory so far can explain why the universe is organized by and follows consistent mathematical laws and how big is the universe, how many universes are there? bottom line, everything is possible. Is this Normal?
TL;DR; I think the universe is so big and complicated to the extend that everything is possible including an alien God who has been described by all each and every religion on earth, this 'alien' visited earth some 6000 years ago with his crew (Angels)