Have i discovered the secret of the universe?

After reading and thinking about why all communities in the world believe in a God who has features like those of an Alien, I feel like a big revelation is happening. GOD IS AN ALIEN, an ancient alien who visited the earth as recently as 6000 years ago, the milky way is a project he started some 13 billion years ago. Think about it, there are some micro organisms that are so small and simple, they are not aware of the existence of humans and other large animals, if that is true, then it is reasonable to assume the vise versa, THERE ARE SOME BEINGS THAT ARE SO ADVANCED AND SOPHISTICATED, that humans can not even comprehend their existense. God is one of them.

Just so you know, I don;t believe in creationism, I lean towards evolution and this is consistent with my hypotheses above. Seconds, no physics disvory so far can explain why the universe is organized by and follows consistent mathematical laws and how big is the universe, how many universes are there? bottom line, everything is possible. Is this Normal?

TL;DR; I think the universe is so big and complicated to the extend that everything is possible including an alien God who has been described by all each and every religion on earth, this 'alien' visited earth some 6000 years ago with his crew (Angels)

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34% Normal
Based on 38 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Rusty-Rider

    There is no God. There may be a more advanced race of creatures from another planet, but they are certainly not Gods. I wonder if they fly around texting each other. Maybe that's why they crashed at Area 51.
    A real God wouldn't text and fly a spaced ship so they must be teenage Aliens.

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  • joedoe

    Interesting hypothesis heres mine

    So based on the testimonial evidecne I've seen I'd guess there's like a 50% chance people are currently and recently seeing alien UFOs. If this is true I'd guess that what they're doing on earth, is like what we would do in the ocean in say a nature preserve.

    And if they are here then its not crazy to cite religious text and think at one point they revealed themselves and mingled with humans in some way. Maybe it was their governmrnt project like "support earthlings with" blah blah blah. Heck, maybe they're Gods on many planets! But i definitely dont connect ancient aliens with the creation of the universe. It makes more sense that they're just super evolved beings. Most ancient religious text involving the history of the world is passed down word of mouth quite a while before written. If aliens came down there wouldn't even be words to describe, all you could say is it was God or a god and try to describe a spaceship, about the time when humans just figured out the wheel.

    No physicst can really explain anything right now because gravity (and light?) acts differently on the microscopic scale then the macro.

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  • kupokupo

    The human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure fictions.

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  • thegypsysailor

    So you are saying that mankind evolved from a few drops of cum some alien masturbated onto the ground, when he visited earth some time in the past?
    Yeah, that may be a new theory indeed.

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  • tash@jazshouse

    42 :)

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  • Jujudog

    There once was a married couple, all they wanted was a child. They were blessed with a baby boy and were delighted to watch him grow. But when the time came for him to babble and goo, he never made a sound. His parents brought him to the developmental nurse, and then a developmental specialist, but they could find no reason why he was so quiet. By the time the boy was 4, he had still not made a sound, no words, not even a babble. The doctors could not understand it. As the months and years rolled by, the boy led a normal life, except for the fact that he never spoke a word. The parents were saddened deeply by this. They resigned themselves to the fact that their only son would never be able to speak to them.
    One morning, soon after the boy's 9th birthday, the boy came downstairs before school as normal. His mother bade him good morning, but the boy didn't answer. He sat down at the table and started eating his cornflakes. Suddenly, he stopped, looked up, and said "Hey, this milk is cold!". His mother could not believe it. Her son had spoken. She hurriedly called her husband, who came into the kitchen and asked what was wrong. Again the boy said "The milk in my cornflakes is cold". The parents were flabbergasted. Excitedly they sat down, and asked their son why he had never said anything to them before. He replied "The milk was never cold before".

    So, you see, sometimes things are really simple, why try make it all complicated?

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  • Toobiedetermined

    You haven't discovered a thing, to my knowledge lots of people, think this, although i don't prescribe to it, i think "God" is simply an expression of people searching for meaning in a life where it is rarely found.

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  • UrsulaUndress

    Your an idiot. Secret of the universe that you Wookee!

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  • 12eahtsdrateri

    it makes more sense that some ghost dude with a beard making commandments up that no one follows.

    as for the secret part no i do not think you discovered the Secret of the Universe as the last part gave it away because it is common knowledge about how small our galaxy is.

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  • green_boogers

    Dude, this God bullshit is a giant distraction. If aliens seeded Planet Earth with life a billion years ago, then because we are an intelligent species, we must spread life to other planets and moons in our galaxy.

    This is called panspermia. Get working on it.

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  • Poor  Jeb

    But where did all of this crap in the universe come from

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    • lordofopinions

      You have heard of the big bang? Not the TV show.

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