Have i seen enough of the world?

I'm a Dutch guy. My friends sometimes make fun of me for wasting my time and "not having seen as much of the world" as they have. It kinda pisses me off. I think they're also bullshitting, 'cause I think I've already seen a hell of a lot of the world (certainly for a 30-year-old). Still, I would value your opinion. Here's where I've been up to this point:

Netherlands (duh).

I'd like to visit America someday btw.

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77% Normal
Based on 48 votes (37 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    You've seen quite a bit more than most folks I know. But if you really want to be well traveled try going to different continents as well.

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      Yeah, I would like that very much. Europe can be great, but the world is much bigger. Come to think of it, Turkey is just in Asia right?

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      • NoraBaker

        Well, it's located partly in Asia and partly in Europe.

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        • Jan_Zondernaam

          You're right Nora. I knew that too, but I just mentioned only Asia, because that's the part of Turkey I've visited. Besides, the European part of Turkey is relatively small.

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  • WhiteOctober

    Dat zijn wel heel wat landen, maar bijna allemaal Europa. Dat is bijna allemaal de zelfde cultuur. Ga eens een beetje cultuur snuiven in Azië of Zuid-Amerika. Ik ben zelf ook nog nooit buiten Europa geweest, maar dat wil ik later zeker weten nog wel doen. Indonesië lijkt me prachtig!

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  • kaja

    namely, vancouver. and go visit the new amsterdam cafe on hastings. we have some fantastic pot

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    • plum6

      and then you could also offer him some fantastic vagina and then he would settle down, be happy, and never worry about this shit again. GOOD DEAL :)

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  • kaja

    it is a lot that you've seen, but if its something you like doing, keep doing it. it doesn't really matter if some one thinks you have traveled a lot or not. btw, go visit canada.

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  • Alaska

    I think you saw alote, but only from Europe. You need to explore the other continents :)

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      Very true.

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  • Arther443

    You've seen too much.

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      How so?

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  • Avant-Garde

    You've seen quite allot of the world. Most people I've met, have only been to a few places and a few have been to most of the world. You've been to more places then I. A few of the States (including my state), The Bahamas, Toronto & Quebec, France, England and Italy. You're very lucky. I think your friends are probably jealous and your age shouldn't matter. A person can broaden their minds regardless of age. There are books on the places a person should see before they die. Reading one might give some ideas. Definitely go to Tokyo, Toronto and New York City. I my experiences, most of america is boring and very different from that of Europe. NYC is the closest you can get.

    Good Luck and many safe travels:)

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "A person can broaden their minds regardless of age."


      "Definitely go to Tokyo, Toronto and New York City."

      I'll certainly keep them in mind!

      "Good Luck and many safe travels:)"

      Thank you very much!

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      • Avant-Garde

        You're welcome:)

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  • lc1988

    Wow, that's far more than the countries I have visited (1 excluding the one I live in..but it was juarez). Come to new mexico!

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "Come to new mexico!"

      I'd very much like to!

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  • BlueBarracuda

    Awesome! You've been to some pretty sweet places. I've been to Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria and fell in love. I've been to the Amsterdam airport, but I want to go explore the Netherlands so bad. I've also been to Kenya. I'd highly recommend it. Kenyans are very polite and welcoming.

    Sorry, I love to travel, and I have a lot more to see. But nah man, you've got a couple more continents to cover! I hear Japan's really nice. And ehh, America's my homeland, and I'm not hating, but it's really not all it's cracked up to be, but there is some awesome places here. I'd recommend Chicago and Kansas City. They are both amazing cities. But keep traveling man!

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "I've been to the Amsterdam airport, but I want to go explore the Netherlands so bad."

      We'd be happy to have you here!

      "But nah man, you've got a couple more continents to cover!"

      Suppose you're right. Anyway, thanks for your travel-tips!

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    Youve definitely traveled more than I have. :) Been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Beligum, Italy and Canada (American here).

    Id say you're a very well traveled individual, but can you ever really see enough of the world? ;P I can't wait til I have the money to travel again

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "Id say you're a very well traveled individual"


      "can you ever really see enough of the world?"

      Good question. I think the answer is no.

      "I can't wait til I have the money to travel again"

      You and me both!

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  • plum6

    het gaat toch niet om waar je letterlijk geweest bent maar om de levenservaring die je hebt? Ik ken mensen van 30+ die nog nooit een vliegtuig van dichtbij hebben gezien maar heel tevreden zijn met hun levenservaring en keuzes, het ligt er maar net aan waar je prioriteiten liggen.Vaak gaat het veelvuldig reizen ten koste van carriere en sociale stabiliteit in het land van herkomst. Ook denk ik dat wanneer je als toerist naar 10 landen gaat je minder ervaring en genoegdoening vindt dan wanneer je voor een langere tijd in een andere omgeving zou wonen/werken, meedraaien in een vreemde samenleving is heel wat anders dan foto'tjes maken en uit eten gaan. Dat daargelaten heb je naar mijn mening meer landen bezocht dan menig ander hoor. niet zo aanstellen dus;)

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    • plum6

      Het beste voorbeeld hiervan is trouwens een goede vriend van mij, nu 29 jaar, heeft meer landen bezocht dan ik weet aan te wijzen op de kaart, en heeft natuurlijk heel wat ervaringen en de tofste verhalen, maar zit nu wel pas in zijn tweede jaar van zijn bachelor opleiding..

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      • Jan_Zondernaam

        Allemaal een kwestie van prioriteiten, zoals je al aangaf.

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      • NeuroNeptunian

        A hinga dinga durgen

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        • Jan_Zondernaam

          LOL :)

          The Dutch were never really Vikings though...

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  • NoraBaker

    It's quite a selection of countries you have there! I would still include England, Poland, Ireland and Scotland. And then head for other continents, like N&N said. The Americas - US, or whatever you're into, Costa Rica, Belize, the Caribbean, then Argentina, Brazil, Chile; Asia - Japan, Russia, China, Thailand, etc; Oceania - Australia, New Zealand; Africa - Cape Verde, Egypt, Morocco, South Africa. I mean, these are just few of the infinite options... lol :)

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    • Jan_Zondernaam

      "It's quite a selection of countries you have there!"

      Thx! I'm hoping to expand it.

      "And then head for other continents"

      Hell yeah! I've always wanted to go to Australia, since that's where my mother was born.

      "I mean, these are just few of the infinite options"

      Infinite? I wouldn't say that. Space travel is (for as yet) not an option ;)

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