Have trains ever been used offensively in war?
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Well they tried, but they found it quite difficult to get the enemy to gather and remain on the tracks for some reason.
The Nazis also pulled trains on the young polish and Jewish girls and wives. To break the spirit and will of their people.
Different type of train I guess!
the nazis had a rail mounted battleship sized artillery piece but like most german things it was overcomplicated & impractical
I could argue with you a bit on that one... Yes it was massive and difficult to move, but it did serve it's purpose. It was used in France and in Russia, where in Sevastopol - it famously destroyed a munitions depot 30 meters underground! That's some incredible firepower - even for today's standards.
The largest artillery weapon ever made.
fired less than 50 times by the crew of 500 and wore out the barrel that weighed about a modern locomotive
also needed the train track to be pointed in the correct orientation cause it could elevate but not rotate
and i could mention the capabilities of a modern bunker buster bomb or cruise missile (the proverbial ls swap of artillery)
but yeah id agree it was a complete fucktona steel gigantinormous gun no question but id still argue impractical for its time and ridiculous for ours
Not like a naval cannon as its styled after an artillary peice rather than a nautical cannon.
A artillary peice that launches 5 ton, 12 foot long shells that could go 30 miles.
Fun fact to go along with the manufactures tradition of the first ones free. The first Gustav gun was free. But 2 more were bought afterwards. Disicembled because they didnt want to allies to get ahold of it.
Completely impractical now a days as anything larger than an artillary shell can just be launched via a missile.