Have u had any paranormal experience?
Has anything you can not explain happened to you? Something so weird and unlikely you dont usually say because ppl think youre crazy or lying.
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Has anything you can not explain happened to you? Something so weird and unlikely you dont usually say because ppl think youre crazy or lying.
I don't remember if I had but my mom used to see ghost when she was a kid/tennager, she was really traumatized on seeing multiple espirits, gladly she don't see then anymore. She could be lying (which I doubt) but I bealive in their existence.
Oftentimes I've gone to bed sober I've experienced that thingy (in the middle of the night) where it feels like someone, or something is holding you down, and won't let you utter out a single word, let alone scream. I know, you're going to call it sleep paralysis.
I think so. Idk if this counts, but this happened when I was about 14, and my sister was 4. It was either the night before or after halloween (typical, right?) Me and my sis were in my room watching something when out of nowhere we heard this bell ring, clear as day. Like "DINGALINGALING!" As if somebody was in my room, with a little bell, and they just shook it. And I don't know where it came from because it wasn't on the video, and there was nothing in my room that could have made the noise. Me and my sis were spooked! We both looked at each other like O.O I still to this day have NO idea where the bell came from.
This is the closest thing I've had to a paranormal experience. Oh yeah and I also thought I heard a voice, like a woman's voice say my name once in my room. But that's it.
EVERYONE ELSE IN MY FAMILY though has had multiple paranormal experiences and even their friends have, so I always felt left out that I didn't have any stories.
I worked out how to have Obe’s ages ago, just looked it up, followed instructions and that was that. I’ve concluded that it’s far from paranormal.
I've had several. When I was about 10, 2 of my aunts bought old houses next to each other and in the one, and old couple who were the original owners and had owned it for 60 years had just died within weeks od each other. My aunt woho lived next door sent me over there for something when the house was empty and when I went in I felt I was being watched and then I heard whispering upstairs. I ran out as fast as I could.
I've had some whislt tripping, but I suppose most people would see that as just a drug trip and not paranormal.
I have too while tripping on shrooms. One time I took a heroic dose and I planned on just sitting in my room and thinking things out in my head about life and I kept the TV on and the show sharktank was on and I could see who was good and evil. If it was someone good on the screen they looked like angels. And bad look like demons. I then started getting scared and laid on my back on my bed to stare at the ceiling. We have a popcorn ceiling and the patterns on the ceiling turned into many of the anonymous hackers logo face. I then thought man I am dying. I rolled over and told my wife I love her and I told her death isnt as bad as I thought. I was fuckin terrified. Never took that much agaib.
I have had many and so has my mother. We've experienced quite many things together which were unexplainable. Even as people who are very spiritual we've tried to search for logical explanations first. I think if you are spiritual too you attract more of those things to you. I've captured things on recording. Nothing i'd ever do anything with like uploading it as people would claim it's fake, and I have no need to use the recordings for attention.
I've heard noises, things has moved for no reason or fallen in strange ways. Like once a small painting fell off the wall and didnt fall straight down but kind of to the side, backwards and into the hallway behind which makes no sense what so ever. Once I couldnt sleep all night because I felt like someone was staring at me and at one point I very clearly felt someone poke my shoulder. I was not the only one in the house experiencing those things that night either.
I think ive told this story before but there was a witchcraft book that I kept throwing out and would end up back on the counter somehow. It was at a friends house and unless they had like 4 copies of the book idk how they could have pulled off the prank. First time I threw it away in a field under some brush. Next day in a dumpster hidden in a box. Somewhere else also. I stayed at his house 4 nights and they got the book from goodwill so its not kike they had copies. It was a creepy af house.Another time we were sleeping at the same house and there was tapping on our window. Then it moved to another window in the kitch then the padio. We were frozen in fear. His family was asleep. I called my dad at 5am to come get me the next day.
Also one time I was falling asleep and I thought I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
The closest I ever had was what I now assume to have been a night terror. (I regularly had them as a child.) I do have 2 people close to me that claim they have, and I while I doubt one I have no reason to disbelieve the other.
My hometown had a small graveyard roughly 5 or so miles out of the way.
A man who died in the 1940s who, reportedly, practiced witchcraft was buried there and before he died he claimed to curse the ground the graveyard sat on. (His gravestone primarily mentions fortune telling and healing but it was known he would do curses as well.)
Unfortunately this makes the graveyard a prime target for highschooler during Halloween and various people claim his grave specifically is haunted. The damn thing doesn't even let plants other than cacti grow near it.
Anyways, when a friend of mine went there he claimed that his flashlight and phone signal went out and he heard a voice saying his mother would become seriously ill. The next week the guy's mom was diagnosed with cancer. I haven't fucked with ghosts since.