Have you’ve ever met an outlaw motorcycle gang member in person?

Was doing some online reading about outlaw motorcycle clubs? The top 5 main ones they say are “Hells Angels MC” “Bandidos MC” “Pagans MC” “Outlaws MC” and “Sons of Silence MC”??

Have you ever met or actually even had a conversation with a real “Outlaw Motorcycle Gang” Member? What was your impression of that person upon meeting them? Were they nice to you and seemed like good people? Or were they like jerks/assholes and didn’t care about you maybe? Just wondering how they are in real life when they “are not committing any crimes?” Thanks!!!

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Comments ( 8 )
  • AsterBean

    I actually have. I was a teenager, maybe 18 or 19 and I went to some random concert with my friend's family. Some Hell's Angel's were there and my friend's mom ended up drinking with them and having a grand old time. She's the kind of person who will talk to anyone without a care in the world as to how they present themselves. She probably complimented their tattoo or something. The bikers were nice enough, just people out enjoying a summer day by the river. I think they were amused by us kids. Typical teenagers mildly embarrassed by the antics of adults in public. And the parents ended up drinking too much with their new found friends and had me drive them home. I felt honored to be asked to drive the dad's truck. No one drives his truck. But they aren't irresponsible people so I was the natural choice as their daughter didn't have a license. (And they love me.) When we got home I discovered my friend's mom successfully peed in a water bottle in the back of a moving truck.

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  • LloydAsher

    All we get here are the weekend harleys rider groups that bar hop.

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    Lots of them hung out at The Rock Store on Mulholland in the Malibu hills. Some of them were scary but others were actually nice guys that would tell you about their bike and ask you about yours. As long as you didn't ask any prying questions.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Sure, few times here and there.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    a frienda mines father was in that orbit but not a member

    he got killed ridin in 2006 and his family has an annual ride & pig roast where a buncha those fellers show up and hang around

    i went around with a few bottlesa top shelf booze offerin shots and talked briefly with em but didnt get too much detail besides hi how are ya have some hooch

    i also useda cook in a mobbed up italian joint when i was in high school and the owner was a huge piecea fuckin work but he always treated me great

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My uncle owned a biker bar so yeah. I used to go to that when I was younger.

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    • Kmoshea5

      Doesn’t answer question? Asked “What was your impression of them when meeting them?” Just mentioning you went to your uncles biker bar does not address that please? Thanks

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        First thing I thought was they were a bit older than me I was only 21. I figured they were a rowdy bunch and werent the type to mess with. They knew how to have a good time it seemed. They were quite loud. They acted very stereotypical how you'd imagine a biker gang to act.

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