Have you discovered any of your hidden talents?

Have you ever found yourself to be EXCEPTIONAL at anything that you previously had no clue you could do or even liked?

Yes, I have! 40
No, and I don't think I have any. 28
No, but I'm optimistic that I'll find it! 16
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Comments ( 27 )
  • KeyboardSolo

    I'm very good at throwing rocks at homeless people. I could go pro, were it not for the raging heroin addiction.

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  • geek_god_101

    I have the ability whether day or night to be able to tell you what time (within a few minutes) it is without having to look at a watch.

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    • Legion

      I can sometimes, im really good at it during the summer months

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    • Cool! I can do that too! Does it irritate you that some people have absolutely NO sense of time? It irritates me a lot! My husband is one of those people. Not only no clue what time it is, but he has NO sense for telling how much time has elapsed.

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      • geek_god_101

        Yes, it does irritate me when people can't seem to schedule their life and be considerate of others time.

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  • I can turn a tree of any size into a pile of firewood in any weather with nothing but a pocket knife in less than an hour.

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  • Faceless

    Yeah? Well... I can get blacked out drunk on first try!

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  • I can throw peanuts, candy and other small snacks in the air and catch them with my mouth. I can even do it with tangerines, usually not on the first try though.

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    • dappled

      I agree with the OP. I try this all the time and I'm really not good at it. Spatial awareness is supposed to be something that is strong in men but I'm lacking it entirely.

      Citizens of the world should be very thankful that I don't drive.

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    • Sure that's a talent! Everybody tries it and only very few are blessed with the ability!!

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    • Legion

      tried that. doesnt always work for me.

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  • dappled

    A friend was asking for help with a crossword over the phone and we discovered that I instinctively know how many letters are in any word, without counting them.

    Not exactly a superpower, though, is it?

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  • I found out when I was 16 that I'm good at public speaking :3

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  • Terence_the_viking

    My farts can clear a room

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  • StarryEyed

    I recently discovered through boredom that I can make a spoon stick to my chin...but I think anyone with a chin and some breath is capable or that =/

    I'm also pretty pro at staring contests O.O

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  • joybird

    My son was labelled as severely dyslexic coz at 9 years old he could barely read like a 5 year old. He had extra lessons with special needs teachers and then private tuition for 8 months and it cost me a living fortune. I have 4 younger siblings who I helped all my life with homework etc. So, I was in despair with my son when my mom told me to bin the so-called 'experts' and teach him myself.

    I wasn't sure but anything was better than 3 hours every night doing a few sentences. I didn't know where to start so just went back to the alphabet, then 2 letters together, then 3, etc.. In 7 weeks my son was reading like a teenager and the tutors nearly fainted.

    The news went round my neighbourhood like wildfire and parents called and asked me to teach their dyslexic / autistic kids to read. The schools were trying for 5 years with extra reading lessons etc but no joy. On average it takes me 5-8 weeks to get them from reading like a 6 year old to reading like a teenager.

    I don't know how they can learn with me and not at school, although I'm not politically correct and they think I'm really funny when I shout at them ;o) As for my son, he is now 14 and top of his year!

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    • Great job!! I'm impressed!!

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  • I have the abiliy to not get addicted to stuff. Of course, I haven't tested it out on meth and heorin, but I don't feel like putting that to the test anytime soon

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  • im a bit like mr time. i can tell when people are uncomfortable and lying. i can also tell what direction im facing in a matter of seconds(usally 3)
    and as valkeer i pwn at public speaking!

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  • CreativeThinker

    Yep when I rub my penis an intense pleasure start near pineal gland and frontal lobe and then its travel down to my testicles and then...........well its a long story but this is the talent I discovered early in my age........

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  • Mr-Time

    I have two, the ability to instantly, without a compass tell you which direction i'm facing. Secondly i can read people within a few minutes of meeting them. Tell whether they are unconfortable, lying whatever.

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  • General_Shepard

    you are all LAME DUDEEEEEES i managed with 20 years of training to sneeze from my ass and fart from my nose its so f***** awesome....LOL

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  • i have the abbilty to accurately guess someones weight

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    • Really? I am terrible at that!! That and age.

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  • thegift

    My talent is sleeping and dreaming.

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  • wreckd

    My husband plays guitar and I sing. I'm not sure that one could call it an "amazing talent". None the less, it's talent.

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  • straighthair

    Well, I can juggle and am very good with riddles. Not sure if that counts..

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