Have you ever attended singing lessons?

Hello! So, this is my doubt...
Well, just for information, I'm a male 18y.o. and I just LOVE to sing, I think it's something incredible, and it does give me a new (and great) vision on people that do so. The thing is, I only do it while alone, because I feel VERY embaressed while doing it. Sometimes I think I sound pretty decent, but I know it's not good enough.

I thought about attending to singing lessons, maybe on the weekend (my only free time), but as I stated, I feel extremely embaressed, and I would feel so in front of the teacher.

Has any of you guys attended to those lessons? Do you think it was worth it? Were you embaressed at first? Please tell me you experience about it :). Thank you!

Yes, and my experience is... 10
No, but... 17
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Comments ( 20 )
  • KeddersPrincess

    Yes. I have. Vocal and piano. I think I benefited from it. I was never one who was really nervous to sing in front of others, though, so I don't know if that would make much of a difference. But if you are looking to improve your vocal skills, I recommend it. Even if you are extremely talented, there's always room to get better, and you may learn to take your voice in places you didn't know it could go. :)

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  • purpleflower

    I love to sing, too! I have taken singing lessons since I was 10. When I had to sing in front of people when I was young, I was never nervous, so singing in front of my teacher was easy-peasy! ;) But as I have gotten older, as sad as it is, I have become worse at singing in front of people... when I switched to my new vocal teacher 2 months ago, I was quiet and my voice cracked the whole lesson (because I was so nervous). But you'd be surprised how easy it is to adjust to singing in front of one, specific person. Three lessons in, I was so relaxed, I was back to the normal singing voice I had when singing alone.
    Don't let your fears hold you back! Singing is wonderful, take lessons if you can, and I know you'll do great! :D

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    • That's very sweet, thank you!

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  • GuessWho

    I was forced to, as a kid, at one of the schools I went to.
    It sucked. I went through a few bad teachers and a few good ones.
    Later on, I settled for playing instruments instead and that worked out okay.

    If you're unsure about your talent, you could always record yourself and put it up on YouTube and see what feedback you get.
    If you want, post the link here as well.
    If you reply to this comment, I'll give you my honest opinion.

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    • Damn, being forced takes all the magic away...
      But I'll tell you what, like the majority of people, I sounded good to MYSELF while singing and when I was like: "OMG, I can really sing!" I recorded myself with a camera and then BAM! I sounded SO FREAKING BAD, mostly because my voice sounded not as low as I was used to in my head.
      And when you think "Did I seriously sound like this all this time?"...man...

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      • GuessWho

        That happens to everyone. I hate listening to my narration on old family videos.

        1. It helps quite a bit to have a good microphone.
        I'm positive that my voice sounds worse when recorded with a camera, than it does when I use my headset.

        2. Music can also make a huge difference.
        If you're used to listening to a song with music, and then listen to the same song with vocal only and no music, it will obviously sound empty.

        3. Vocals in most modern music undergoes extensive tuning and effects.
        Try experimenting with basic effects like reverb and the equalizer to enhance your natural voice, but avoid stuff like autotune that will make you sound different.

        If you have a decent microphone and editing software, you should try to put something together and see what the completed project sounds like.

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        • Thanks for tips bro, I did record myself with microphone, it indeed aounds way better than a camera but still, lol. Anyway, I'mma search for one editing software and see what it'll look like. Thanks for the great answer! :)

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      • RomeoDeMontague

        I did but I never stayed long. I would always ditch class and it was always confusing since they made us sing nonsensical words like. "The birdy flys over the house? le de da doo do di lo loo la The birdy flys up so high wittity wi why why why le le si do do!

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  • Pika-girl

    Me too. I'm very shy, but not on the site... But at school, they tested you for vocals by doing solos. I got a S. Satisfactory. Almost E... Excellence.

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  • davesumba

    No, but I would like to. Since I have never had voice lessons, the only time I can sing well is when I am high. Because weed expands your mind, makes you think in better ways, helps me understand my voices capabilities, and how to manipulate it to get the best sound.

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    • I've never noticed if I sing better while high, but my shame surely goes away. Same thing while wasted. I have troubles singing even in front of most friends, but one time, me and 3 friends were getting out of a bar in the middle of the night and we all started singing in the sidewalk with everybody looking at me/us, and I didn't give a fuck, lol. Wish I could feel that way more, while sober of course.

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  • loopoo

    No but no.

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  • Avant-Garde

    A long time ago in the past. However, I was taught properly. I should've been taught how to sing from my diaphragm but instead the woman only taught me how to sing out of my throat. I would love to take opera lessons with a professional but I get so shy.

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    • I always listen to this diaphragm breathing and singing, I watched lots of videos/tutorials online, but I'm not completely sure if I do it right or not, there's where the teacher supervision would be much appreciated. It's tough it depends heavily on the teacher, and in your case, she taught you wrong, that must suck a lot...

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      • Avant-Garde

        What I really can't understand is how she managed to get a teaching job at a top music school. How can you still be on top if the students aren't being taught properly? I does suck because around that time I could hit very high notes and sing in a shrill low note but I never realized the damage that I was probably inflicting on my vocal cords. It makes me wonder if I could still hit them if I got the proper training.

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  • ReoKado

    I sing in the shower now and again to the radio, but that's about it. I have no other interest in singing besides that, but who doesn't sing in the shower?

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Yeah as a kid and I made it rain inside of the class room.

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    • ReoKado

      Singing in the rain? I remember that song.

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  • Wendell

    No but I like to sing and think I can well and if I had room on my schedule I would have taken choir

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  • college

    I have the same issue. I would love a singing coach (if only I had the money lol), and if I could afford it I'd probably not go anyways due to nerves. For now I just sing a lot of karaoke in the comfort of my bedroom...

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