Have you ever been arrested?

Were you afraid when it happened? Were you treated fairly by the police who arrested you? Where were you detained? What did you learn the most from the experience?

Yes and convicted. 19
Yes but I was released, no record. 12
Yes but I was minor at the time (under 18). 20
Yes, it was a citizen's arrest. 0
No but almost. 20
Never. 91
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Comments ( 69 )
  • Justsomejerk

    Arrested charged and convicted of assaulting a police officer. Funny thing is all I did was hold up his ID to look at it and he kicked the shit out of me.

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    • AbnormallyAwesome

      Where do you live?

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      • Justsomejerk

        387 Guildford Road, Bayswater, WA 6053

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        • AbnormallyAwesome

          I feel like I should do something with that information, but I can't think of anything...

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        • imagirldealwithit123

          Why put you adress maybe some one will find you and kill you

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          • Justsomejerk

            (Or google it)

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            • imagirldealwithit123

              -jumps out and beats to death with a stick-

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          • Justsomejerk

            Bring it.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I was detained, but not arrested. It was probably the worst night ever.

    My bf and I were doing mushrooms with a friend, he was more experiences and supposed to talk us through trying them. Well my bf got looped cause we were in this freaky old house and kept getting lost (it was circular with different staircases going up and down at different parts of the house) and the tripsitter, rather than unlooping him made it worse. Then he fell and broke his toe, which made it hell.

    Trip sitter's parents show up, even though they don't live there. (I think he inherited it because they're old and have multiple properties) Idk if he called them or not. He told them he had just been drinking. They told us to take my bf home.

    I had to turn the car off to stop him from killing us because he was speeding and driving eratically, and would not admit to me he was still tripping even though it was obvious that he was. I got out of the car so he couldn't take off with my bf, and state troopers just so happened to pass by. They called me over, started screaming at me, and friend took off. I had to get in the back of the car while they chased him down.

    They questioned me, threatened to hit me whenever I spoke and they didn't like it, and made fun of my piercings. :( I was tripping my brains out and it was pretty much the worst experience ever. They called an ambulance, took my bf away and left us in a field, a few miles from home and told us we couldn't drive out of there. We waited a few hours and finally did.

    Moral of this story? Mushrooms are intense shit and not to be taken lightly, having a selfish prick of a trip sitter will fuck you over, and never underestimate the importance of set and setting. It was the wrong place and the wrong fucking people.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    Got pulled over for 112 in a 55. Spent the night in jail. Barefoot.

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    • What kind of car?

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    • JustinBiebsFan#1

      better than me i was pantless in jail

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      • AbnormallyAwesome

        I assumed from your name that you were a child. What did you get arrested for?

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        • JustinBiebsFan#1

          this happened last year on my 50th b-day, i went streaking during the million man march

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  • Saycheese

    No, but almost.

    The first year of college it was maybe the second week I had gotten in a car accident on my way to the dorms. My friend also had guy issues so we took a walk at about 9pm at night with another friend to relieve the stress.

    So while we were walking the streets of the town we lived in, we were just talking away and had seen cops down the street and around the road we were walking down on. We thought nothing of it because we were just walking out there to relieve stress. So then one of the cops came up to us asking what we were doing and we told them just taking a walk. Then he said ok. Then another cop came over started shining a flash light on us ask "what are you doing". "There is this guy that had a gun held up to his head by a young girl". "You guys need to come with me to go talk to him". So we did and then he looked through our wallets and started touching my friend. He said the girl was where black which my friend was wearing. We told him that we were just taking a walk we were walking to Mcdonalds. We were there for 45 minutes getting asked all these questions just because this other girl held a gun up to this old guys head and took $180. I happen to have $200 in my wallet then too because I was going to buy books the next day. It was ridiculous and I ended up finding out months later that the girl that they had standing nexting (who smelled awful) was the girl who did it. She told me that she was just at home taking care of her two sons and had to leave them. lol

    I'll never forget this! It was awful then but now I just laugh at it. Almost got arrested for having the right amount of money and my friend wearing black. If our other friend wasn't with us most likely we would of been arrested.

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    • shuggy-chan

      WOW that is crazy

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  • yesnomaybeso

    never ever ever everrrrr

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  • I was arrested for self defense against "two" people. One went to choke my friend, and so I told him to back off, putting my hand between them both, he pushed me saying "what are you going to do?", and I pushed him back. He then punched me, and so I punched him back. Then he hit me again, so I grabbed his head and smashed it against a wall, breaking his jaw. I then put him on the floor, got on top of him, and just continued hitting. During that time, his brother was booting me in the face. He told me to get off, and after about three more hits (I couldn't hear him) I stopped.
    I then got arrested for winning against two people that started it.

    What I learned? Don't trust the system, you have to make justice.

    Funny thing is, for all the crime I have done that are far worse, the one I didn't intentionally contrinbute to was the one I got charged with.

    The person that I beat was one of thoe "tough guys", the "cool guys", and now they are scared of me. When I walked on the same side of the walkway, he would cross over.

    I also got power out of it.

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    • kelili

      Yeah I watched this film too

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      • wigsplitz

        I think he's telling the truth.

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      • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

        I'm guessing you aren't from the UK then? This happens on our streets multiple times every night... I always see people fighting like this, especially after a few drinks.

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      • Film? Well, I must have an exciting life if what happened got seen as "film" worthy.

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    • shuggy-chan

      lol, and here i thought you were just a pretty face lol

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      • imagirldealwithit123

        no he/she whatever is not but i am -leans agenst motercicle-

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        • shuggy-chan

          since you cant spell...... and you just called yourself "just a pretty face" -_-" yeahhhh okyyyy

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          • imagirldealwithit123

            lol >o<

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    • wigsplitz

      What did you get for punishment?

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  • Retard73

    I was arrested and spent 7 years in jail for serial besteality

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  • wigsplitz

    Why, YES, I have been!!

    Once as a juvenile, 3 times as an adult. I got the harshest punishments for the most minor crimes, and the easiest for the most major. Although, it was mostly due to it being in 2 different states...one is hard line and the other is pretty tough but not so tough you can't crack it. Actually....had the crimes and states been reversed, I would've been fucked big time!! One state is a very free one as far as guns go, so I got off pretty easy there whereas here I would've been still in prison, probably.

    Of the 4 times being arrested I had a total of 8 charges. Of the 8 charges, I got 0 convictions!! Yay me!! That was a hell of a feat there!!

    How did I do it??

    The juvenile one got sealed and dismissed after probation. The other 3, some of the charges got dismissed outright, and the others I got adjournment in contemplation of dismissal and satisfied the conditions, so it's not seen as a conviction.

    This doesn't include any minor traffic tickets...had a few, but just for speeding, no inspection, stuff like that, nothing arrestable.

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  • dappled

    Detained and questioned for riding a bike at 4am. They thought I was a cat burglar, and didn't believe me that I was an insomniac. They were brusque but, I guess, just doing their jobs.

    My friend was arrested and charged for flicking two fingers at a police van. His treatment (and mine, because I was with him) was shocking, eye-opening, and disgusting.

    When I was the victim of two violent crimes a week apart, the police treated me exceptionally well and went above and beyond the call of duty.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Yeah. But it was nothing serious. Just a couple of murders is all.

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    • Antir0b0t

      I see what you did there.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I jizzed on a copper once

    True story

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  • charli.m

    Never. I'm quite happy for my life to be boring, in this aspect.

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  • Mr.macky

    I was arrested put in the trunk of the cop car, got the shit beat outa me and awoke in a ditch but i got revenge i fucked that cops sister in the ass and never called her again

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  • PapzBSlim

    Twice: Once at 20 years old for public intoxication, trespassing, and resisting arrest. The second time was this year at 27 years of age for possession with intent/marijuana. I am now in drug court and have been sober. Any mess up could result in more jail time and possibly deportation. Live your life as positive as possible and you will not have a situation such as mine.

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  • My cousin and i threw a rock at a moving cop car. They chased us down and put us in the back of their car.

    Funny thing is we actually got away but my bitch ass cousin snitched. Turned himself in, Then ratted me out. The cops threatened to drive us in the woods and beat us. They called us niggers and other types of bad words

    This went on until my moms boyfriend showed up and got us off. Lol good thing about chicago is that the cops dont run the neighborhood, the gangs do. Right after my moms bf came all the threats stopped. We were released. I still dont trust my cousin

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I was detained, questioned and charged but never arrested.

    It was clear from the way that the officer spoke to me that he had heard it all before and whatever patience that he had for criminals, liars, story-tellers etc. had been gone for years (not that I was lying, when I get caught I fess up). Especially from the people in my neighborhood, many of whom were habitual offenders and had a "fuck the police, I'm innocent, punishing me for my crimes is unfair" attitude and often they had parents that wouldn't believe that little Julio would ever steal a car. I didn't like be treated the way that those officers treat the actual criminals but I guess I put myself in that position.

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  • CaptainObvious

    Once, because I broke the law.

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  • Lynlynlyn

    Fortunately I haven't.

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  • LizardSkin

    Yes, battery and robbery when I was 17. Did a month in jail and a year probation. Good times.

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  • Coolieo

    I have never ever eveeeeer been arrested together
    you go talk to your friends
    talk to my friends
    but don't talk to meeeeeeeeeee
    becaue I have never ever eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer
    been arrested in my life altogether :D

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Never have been and hope I never will.

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  • cigs

    nope just ripped off by the lieing fucks

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  • Thepilotofepic

    I was arrested for basic terrorism

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  • EAT_IT

    I didn't want to, no I didn't but after he ate the sandwich he said "oh this so nice, oh I poo".

    He poo himself and for days he hate me but I love him.

    We hug now.

    No arrest for me, he could because of runny bum bum but no not this time.

    I safe for now.

    Thank you cheese sandwich.

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  • Francophile22

    I was arrested for parking tickets (11 of them) that had gone to bench warrant; this was all due to me being a stupid fool, loaning my truck to a friend who loaned it to his gf so she could move (without telling me it was being borrowed from him). She got the tickets, I got arrested late one Friday night, spending the night in jail; and when I went to court and explained the situation, the judge cut the bail in half and they refunded that half back to me then and there.

    It was a misdemeanor and had no adverse effect on employability whatsoever.

    Lesson learned.

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  • Ibelievethis

    Never. I've always been a good girl. xxx

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    • imagirldealwithit123

      -leaps out of no where and beats with stick- haaa AMBUSH!!!

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  • No but I have spent a lot of time in handcuffs ;)

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  • boboff

    3 times by immigration
    spent a month in prison
    but I never commited any crime

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  • Once for drunk driving,once for possession of marijuana,once for disorderly conduct.Also was just stopped and questioned for a bunch of other shit out in the street but was'nt arrested.

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  • Boo!

    Nope and I hope I never do.

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  • Couman

    Yes... or at least I think so. It was collage police so I'm not sure how "by-the-book" they were. I was hand-cuffed, taken back to the "station" (a trailer on campus), questioned, and released within an hour or so.

    Anyway, I didn't really learn anything new, it just confirmed my impression that police are idiots, liars and bullies.

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  • nAt2017

    No, not yet.

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  • westoptic

    Never been arrested but was chased by the police last Halloween because they thought my friends and I egged their car. For the record, we didn't, but when someone starts chasing you screaming at the top of their lungs, your instinct is to run. Turns out it was my cousin and like 15 other people that did it.

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  • ForMyPeaceOfMind

    I have never been arrested and don't plan on it!

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  • howaminotmyself

    "I was arrested, the car was impounded, there was no way for me to avoid be grounded."

    Hehe, my parents never found out.

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  • No, but I did get an "excessive" speeding ticket a long long time ago. Ooops!

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  • IrishPotato

    The only times I had any contact with the police was when I was questioned about a case where my stephdad abused my mom.

    OH and, a ticket for driving in the park with a bike.

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  • Darkoil

    I was arrested for drunk driving and had to spend the night in the cell and then I went to court but they let me off even though I pleaded guilty and I didn't even have to pay the court fees.

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    • Lucky motherfucker.

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      • Darkoil

        Yep, my solicitor said that in 35 years he has never met anyone so lucky.

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        • wigsplitz

          Introduce him to me!!

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    • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

      If you're from the UK, if you plead guilty to a minor offence, especially if it's your first then you will be acquitted.
      Most people I have seen still had to pay court fees though. Lucky you.

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      • wigsplitz

        So if you say you did it, you then get off free? Wow, that's strange!! Sounds like some kind of mind-fuck!! Here, you deny, deny, deny...and they have to prove you did it. If you admitted guilt, you'd get convicted!!

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        • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

          If you plead guilty early you will receive 1/3 off your sentence.
          If it was your first offence, have a good character and it was a minor offence then you'll walk out of court a free man.
          So yeah, the majority of people just plead guilty because of the benefits it has.

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          • wigsplitz

            That stinks...I like the innocent until proven guilty thing.

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            • BlueJeansWhiteShirt

              We do follow innocent until proven guilty but we also have this as well. I've studied English law for three years so far and to be honest, I think it's a bit fucked.

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