Have you ever been to jail?
have any of you been in jail? how was it? what did you do to get arrested? how long were you in for?
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have any of you been in jail? how was it? what did you do to get arrested? how long were you in for?
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No, I did almost get arrested once, however I escaped it! Not as badass as it sounds, unfortunately. My boyfriend and I were on our way home to smoke a joint and he figured if he rolled it in the car it would save time, so we could enjoy it as soon as we got home. But, of COURSE there was a RIDE program in town. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's where police stop traffic all ways and check the drivers for impaired driving. My boyfriend had everything out on his lap but managed to quickly put it all away.
As we pulled up, I was joking with the police officer while another came around to my boyfriend's window. He shone the flashlight in an noticed on little, tiny flake (probably no bigger than the tip of a piece of rice) on my boyfriend's lap. Immediately he asked, "what is that?!" and as my boyfriend went to brush it off the cop yelled at him to stop. He informed us that he mostly certainly knew what it was and he needed me to pull over. The cop that was talking to me sighed really loudly and directed me to a vacant parking lot.
I was asked to get out of the car along with my boyfriend. The weed was in my boyfriend's underwear in a dime bag (it was literally only a gram) and he immediately surrendered it. As I was dealing with another cop, the asshole that spotted the flake was viciously searching my boyfriend and was "very convinced" that there was more than just a gram on him. The cop I was dealing with began to search my car. When he found nothing he apologized for his partner's behavior. Then, his partner came over and inquired about the results of the search. Upon hearing that there was nothing else in the car he became infuriated and began ripping things out of my car and throwing them everywhere. He searched for another ten minutes and once again did not find anything (surprise, surprise).
During this time, I was talking to the other police men and when I asked what was going to happen to my boyfriend (as he was handcuffed and in a cruiser), they informed me that they had full intentions of releasing him back to me as he was 18 and anything under 6-7 grams was not a chargeable offense. The asshole cop interjected when he was done the search (he didn't put anything back, by the way) and told me that he was taking my boyfriend back to his parents. I was shocked, he was 18 and he was taking him to his parents, really? The other cops argued with him for a while until he got into his car and pretty much just sped off with my boyfriend.
The others apologized profusely and explained to me that he was new on the force and had been acting ridiculous all night. Long story short, the head police officer is a family friend to my boyfriend (as his son is his best friend) and when he was informed of his officer's behavior he was NOT happy. Although he did not condone my boyfriend and I smoking weed, he declared that what the officer had done was borderline abuse and that he should have followed the discretion and diligence of the other police.
We're a small town and we're a prime spot for new recruits who think they have to prove themselves. It's a tad ridiculous. There was one time I got pulled over and I realized I had left my license at home. The officer told me to exit the car immediately and either call someone to a) bring my license, or b) pick me up, however everyone at my house was asleep. So, he made me walk 2KM to go home on a -10C night in a thin sweater and pajama shorts (I was running to the Tim Hortons to bring my friend a phone charger, because he was on night shift). We have some shitty officers in town, but some of the others aren't so bad. I just have a habit of encountering the power-hungry douche bags.
I came back to IIN after being locked up in jail for a whole year before my lawyer managed to secure a bail...
Yes, for counterfeiting. I've been arrested a couple other times too but they kicked me out of jail after booking me. The other times were for DUI/reckless driving and the other was for stealing strawberry bushes from the front of the grocery store.
I was arrested by college rentacops once. They took me back to the "station" (a trailer on campus) for maybe half an hour or so. But they couldn't prove I did anything (because I didn't) so they let me go.
I've never been to jail but if they made a law that would punish a man for being breathtakingly handsome, I would get 3 life sentences.
Got arrested for assault when I was sixteen or seventeen (can't remember) and was put in a cell for most of the day. If I had a ball to bounce off of the wall then it could of been fun...But no ball. :(
I did get arrested once tho. I was late getting home and it was past curfew....by like 30 min. I was with an older guy he was the brother of afriend of mine and he was taking me home.
I had just moved to a new place...had only lived there about a week.
Now this cop stopped us and I told her I was heading home and who the older boy was... he was 18 so he could be out I couldn't. I stated he was taking me home and he was my friends older brother whome I had known for almost a year by that point.
I couldnt remember my address because I recently moved so I dont think the cop believed me. :(
So she literally put handcuffs on me and put me in the back of her car but let the guy go.
after arriving at tye police station I was taken to a room with a table and chairs...maybe an interrogation room.
I knew my moms phone number so I gave them that to contact her. I was really afraid about how angry she would be getting woken up.
I remember a male cop was also there who talked to me a bit while tye girl cop who had arrested me called my mom. When she came back she lectured me about safety and that the boy could have raped me.
and I was like yeah I guess so but he had lots of other opportunities to do that if he had wanted.
I just let the girl cop think she saved me from being a rape victim.
I think they thought I was scared but I was fearful over my mothers anger.
I still dont know why I was handcuffed tho because I was like 12-13 at the time... who puts handcuffs on a small child?
Anyway my mom was so mad she had to come get me. And the whole time in tye car ride home I kept telling her I was sorry being late coming home ... but I was always were I told her I was and she knew who I was with.
Lucky she just sent me to bed and I didnt even get grounded :D.
Also my mom got tye charges dropped so I didnt have to go to court for the curfew thing ...woot
I've never been caught. Evasion tactics used by snipers are very effective. Counter intelligence helps. Use randomness to make your MO less recognizable. And above all else, quit while you are ahead.
No but my college was hauled off by cops in the middle of his work. They catch you of guard and it's really embarrassing, cause everyone sees you arrested and stuff.....
Yes, when I was 15. I set fire to an American flag that was attached to a church--I was in a different state of mind . . .
I was charged with felony arson and vandalism. My lawyer was able to get it down to misdemeanor vandalism and I just did 200 hours of community service and I had to write an essay on the history of the American flag.
I have a mistimener from stealing a shirt at the mall awhile ago, holding cell & 6 months of PO
for a fuckin shirt
When I was 3 my sister locked me in a pitch black cupboard. That was enough jail time for me.
Hey I am non corporeal, therefore have transcended physical need. I work through a medium to tell my tales.
You heard of wave partial duality, You can enter enter both a physical state and exist as an abstract form. Now slow down at v<c, and give me your phone number so we cant talk more about these...
In all seriousness I have never heard about partial wave duality. Sounds like what most kids go through in high school. Drum roll!
Although this sounds trans dimensional . What is your speculation? String theory?
Personally, I think S.T. is a flawed concept. If any thing I would say ,," The Flat Land" by Edwin Abbot is more to the point.
I did a lot of reading in lock down
No, just in a holding cell til my mommy got there cus I was extremely intoxicated and underage.
Hehe ya. Me and friends were like 15 and hammmeredddd walking around at night being loud and stuff. Someone called the po-po on us. My friends friend tried to run but ran right into a fence. Ha! I lived a block away but couldn't remember my address for the life of me. It was pretty funny.
No, but I've had several parking tickets in my time. You know, flag flipped up, meter expired.
Not really but i was put in a cell once because i was drunk. I got released after a few hours.
Nope, nut my sister had a warrant for malicious destruction of property. She keyed her ex's truck. Meh.