Have you ever dreamed about being the opposite sex?

Have you ever dreamed about being the opposite sex?
I am trans (non-binary but more leaning on the "boy" identity than anything else) and i don't really dream about it that often but today i dreamed that i had a male body and it felt so liberating.
I wanna know if it happened to any of you too. Also if you have dreamed about it but you are cis, how did you feel about it? Was it weird? I am curious.

Yes i did and i hated it 0
Yes i did and i loved it 3
No I didn't 4
Yes i did and it didn't bother me 1
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Comments ( 2 )
  • jodi1955

    doesn't everyone at one time or another wonder what it would be like to be the other sex

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    • Idk maybe, 4 me personally it's not like curiosity 'oh i wonder how that would feel' but more like 'damn why wasn't i born like that, that should be me'
      So idk

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