Have you ever felt any need or reason to use 911 for any reason at all?

Just wondering, my building seems to have a lot of snitches? People just will call the cops for any little suspicious reason they can come up with in their head and think someone is committing a crime??? What about you? How often or when was the last time you’ve ever had to call 911 or dial for the police on someone? And what was your reason for calling the police on that person?

Really only time I’ve ever called for them was for car accidents. When I had my 2 accidents, first thing I did was call police and let them know the situation? Other than that, think I’ve never had to use it for much else?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I never called the police in my life because I know they're not going to do shit, so I take care of the problem my self if I can.
    I have called the ambulance a few times though.

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    • CMFINC

      im a deal with it person my self.. have had 011 called on me a few times

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Last time I called was because I had a crackhead in my yard screaming gibberish. XD

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  • RoseIsabella

    Last time I dialed 911 was my mother's fatal heart attack. Before that I called for my mom's first heart attack. In 2017 I called 911, because my stupid, then future ex-boyfriend grabbed me, and dragged me down the street when I was walking away from his crazy ass.

    Now he has a record, and I probably have PTSD. I literally just woke up from a nightmare about being stalked, and harassed about 20 minutes ago.

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  • LloydAsher

    Was walking out of a goodwill and this old woman was bleeding out from a burst blood vessel in her leg. Called the ambulance from her phone and I dipped when they arrived.

    She had too many papertowles in close proximity for this occurance to be completely out of the ordinary for her.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Yes. I was a victim of severe child abuse and called 911 on my brother who was an adult and threatening to murder me, choking me, and beating me, all starting at the age of 12 and my family wasn't protecting me.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Only time I called that I recall is when a drunk guy was flying down the wrong side of the road on the interstate at 2 in the morning.

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  • sweetone89

    I called the police a few weeks ago. I was at a park and i saw a suspicious unattended van with the passenger door open. With all of the recent abductions with women joggers, I thought they should check that out.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      My wife had to reach in her purse to grab a pistol a few months ago when a guy in a van pulled up at the park where her and my son were alone and he got out and circled them and looked flustered and unorganized like he was thinking of pouncing on them and was pussing out. She never pulled the pistol out just rested her hand in her purse and kept looking at him. We called the police and reported it later. If you look it up you'd be shocked how many kids and ppl go missing and its not even in the media.

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