Have you ever gave bad advice to someone intentionally?

I've done it a few times with friends that betrayed me. It was an act of revenge. Sometimes it worked other times it didn't.

I've also done it with people online who were rude to others. I'd write this long, passionate sounding paragraph that would convince the op to do the wrong thing.

I don't do it as much as I used to. The last time I did it it caused that person's entire family to stop talking to him and he was cut out of their wills. He kind of deserved it though. The dummy didn't realize my sister had a Ring camera in her yard the day he stole my nephew's bubble machine.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • kelili

    I don't recall ever doing this intentionally but then when I think of all those advice I've given people I certainly gave quite my share of bad advices.

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  • leggs91200

    This other Forum that I've been getting on, some 30 something year old woman was whining about being single and I told her that her best bet would be to go be a cougar at the college campus. Of course it was more just snarky then advise but I thought it was funny. I think I got blocked over that one

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    I gave a few people directions into bad neighborhoods a couple of times because they were being cunts.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Me and my neighbor convinced his little brother that everyone pooped in the shower just like everyone peed in the shower. We said the water had special acid in it to make it turn to water so it can go through the sewers. Then he shit in the shower and told his mom the acid in the water isnt melting the poop in the shower. It was kind funny.

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    No, but I should probably try.

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  • Asstastics

    My mother gave me bad advice all the time to invalidate my common sense. And, I hated it.

    It is better for you to just say nothing.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Purposefully, not that I can recall.

    Accidentally, almost certainly.

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  • kikilizzo

    No because I don't give advice to someone who betrayed me somehow, I simply drop them from my life and decide to forget them.
    If I do end up giving advice to someone who once betrayed me it's because I was able to forgive them in which case I would not be seeking revenge hence my advice would be genuine.
    I do find revenge to be petty and immature. It will likely backfire not to mention it makes you come off as unhinged whereas calmly moving on and ignoring someone after they hurt you shows you're above them because you won't stoop to levels as low as plotting revenge, which in turn will make them feel shitty for what they did and regret it especially if they see you bloom without them.
    That really is the best revenge, making someone feel completely invisible and unimportant to you.

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    • Iambillythemenacetosociety

      Hypothetically, I guess if a person that was molested as a kid goes after their abuser, they are petty, immature, and just as bad as the person that emotionally (and possibly physically) scarred them because we all know just forgiving people that walk all over you means you're stronger.

      You're deluded.

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  • Somenormie

    No never.

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  • LloydAsher

    No because I dont care enough about being chaotic to justify spelling out long form text about doing the wrong thing.

    Worst thing I do is play devils advocate because it's fun to debate. Not because I actually want to be right.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think so, but sometimes I do kind of infer that chomos should off themselves. Although I honestly think that the world would be a better place without so many chomos. The world would be an even better place if rapists all became suicidally depressed, and started offing themselves too.

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  • Wow3986

    No, because then that would make me shitty.

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  • hidden.hands

    A bitch who trained me for a job constantly got things mixed up or forgot everything and lied to the boss and said I wasn't listening

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