Have you ever gotten in trouble at work?

I used to work two jobs a few years ago. I remember at the toy store job there was this young adult who had no idea how to talk to people and got caught watching porn in the breakroom once. One day he told me I was pretty and that he'd love to and I quote "feed his dick" to me. I got angry and immediately took out my box cutter and said "sure which part should I cut off first to eat?"

He was fired and I was suspended for a week. I contacted corporate and they somehow deemed my behavior fitting for the situation and not only was the suspension lifted, but I got paid for that missed time.

Have you ever got in trouble at work?

Yes 4
No 2
Almost 1
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Comments ( 7 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i got fired from a job in 2018 cause someone who didnt like me found a technicality in my management and took their shot

    they tried to rehire me a few months later and i said fuck no

    in 2020 someone got killed there in a machinery accident so i feel that i dodged a bullet

    and i have more work than i want i get offers all the time

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  • mysteriousstranger21

    My wife was fired for wearing suggestive clothing,,,LOL

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  • RoseIsabella

    Good for you! That loser guy was a piece of shit! 💩💨

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  • Tinybird

    Well I have never had an actual job, but once I had a volunteer job at the local shop. And the boss, Karen (yes she was actually called Karen, and yes, she was a Karen.) was really mean, even though she had a disabled daughter she didn't act understanding of my needs. She used to get right in your face so you could smell her breath it was so gross. I liked to work in this routine where I would stack the crisps shelves, then the drinks, then the other stuff, and I worked for an hour every other saturday and began at like 9:am. But I didn't enjoy it, and even 9 am is too early for me.
    Well one day I had my period and I was in agony, but I had missed the last time I was supposed to go, so my parents made me go. But I was in so much pain, and so I'm painfully stacking shelves and then Karen comes over and asks why I'm not doing the work properly or quickly enough. Because I didn't want to explain I was on my period, I said I have a stomachache. Then she says, "well if you are contagious you should have not come in because you can make others ill". I explained it wasn't contagious, and she asked if I was on my period. But I didn't want to say it so I shook my head. And so she tells me to either get on with the work or go home, and then she said, "there was a shirt I was going to give you, but I'm not going to now." And that was when I had a complete meltdown and I sat in the back crying and screaming. Because it was so unfair. Not only was I in absolute agony, I was being punished for coming in and trying to do the work while in agony. She called my dad to come pick me up and he seemed angry with ME. I just stopped going after that, apart from one time where I worked the till machine for the first time. After that I just stopped going.

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  • LloydAsher

    Dont wanna jinx myself

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  • kikilizzo

    Kind of.
    After a shift behind the cash register there was money missing in it but luckily the boss trusted me, and she knew I struggle with counting (I suffer from dyscalculia) but I got a warning. Not sure why they kept insisting on putting me behind the cash register when there were other chores, seeing as I have basically no understanding of numbers and values especially not under pressure. Left that job after a while.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ive been with my company 12 years and when i was a young man I got in a ton of trouble there. Use to be arguing. I was tolerable because I always showed up and worked fast.

    Nowadays since Ive gotten older the company likes me a lot because Im willing to work as many hours as they want and I'm always on time and never complain. If they tell me at the last moment to turn around and go somewhere else I say ok.

    The union not so much but the union fucked me over more than the company. They screwed me out of like 50k.

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