Have you ever had a fight?
Little scrappy scuffles don't count.
Im talking a proper full on fist fight...
Yes i won | 35 | |
Yes i lost | 10 | |
Yes it was a tie | 11 | |
No. I get along with everyone | 42 | |
No. I run from fights | 25 |
Ask Your Question today
Little scrappy scuffles don't count.
Im talking a proper full on fist fight...
Yes i won | 35 | |
Yes i lost | 10 | |
Yes it was a tie | 11 | |
No. I get along with everyone | 42 | |
No. I run from fights | 25 |
I wanted to add, I've never started a single fight in my life and I've pretty much always tried to avoid them.
Taking a trip down memory lane...
Another good technique to avoid fights was to carry a butterfly knife (totally illegal in Cali btw) and when someone starts talking shit whip it out and start flipping it around. Guys see you know what you're doing and they get scared shitless and puss out, lol. I also had a move that in one quick pull I could grab it from my pocket and flick it open ready to stab you in the blink of an eye. Guys just go WTF?!! Hell no!
When you can really flow guys are terrified.
I never ran dual flys one in each hand but I should of, that would of been hella cool.
Ahhh, the memories of being young :)
Thinking about it, out of about 5 of my close male friends in school several of them took martial arts like I did.
It was interesting because we all learned different styles of fighting and would try out different fighting styles on each other.
I won of course ;)
Because I'm a bad ass mother fucker willing to do whatever it took to win.
Today is a different story.
There's almost nothing anyone can do to me to suck me into a fight.
It's simply not worth it and if a girl I'm with thinks I'm a pussy for not kicking someone's ass, then she's not the girl for me because she's too moronic and low class.
A couple, mostly with my sister, and I got my point across. I was jumped by a guy and a girl at a store once but I don't know who won because I blacked out when my head hit the concrete. I get violent and angry when my head is hit, so I'd like to think I got the best of them, or at least got a punch in. The cop was acting like it wasn't a big deal and they didn't do anything. I only had 2 knots on my forehead from the guy at the end, but I was fighting the girl longer. The only notable damage done by her was to my hair.
I don't think anyone truly wins in a fight like this. What constitutes winning a street fight exactly? Sending someone to the hospital? Killing them? Hollering "Mercy!"? I don't get it... they're usually not structured so no one can win. It's just chaos.
I have had many fights, some with weapons. Not too much lately. But I would rather fuck than fight any day...Bring it on, either way.
I think it's chicken shit of you pussies to gang up on Atlantis.
He's only sharing his true feelings and he has to put up with all of you morons.
I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come back to this shitty website.
You people make me laugh.
I'm so lucky to be me. I actually feel bad for you other guys, it's like you're a lower race of human.
Keep telling yourself that guy, meanwhile girls go crazy for me ;)
Look guys, just because you're pathetic doesn't mean I am.
I am not and I don't need to waste my time going around pointing out how lame you guys are.
If you can't step up then you should just be quiet and let real men live their lives.
Complaining about real men like me only makes you look weak and pathetic.
Grow up and become better people and a more attractive male and you'll get girls and stop being a pussies.
You'll be much happier and you won't find the need to be so insecure and jealous of other males like me.
Good day!
Yes, and I won against my little brother. We were fighting over an electronic game. Lol.
I don't know if I'd really consider it a fight, but back in high school some girl had been giving me shit all year, called me a fucking cracker one day, finally made me crack and I punched her in the jaw. She looked shocked but didn't retaliate. Idk if that qualifies as a real fight though.
I haven`t been in a real fight since I was in kindergarten, which wasn`t that bad because little kids can`t do much damage to each other.
Chuck Norris: 3 hits: I hit him, he hit the floor, the ambulance hit 100 :)
It's always been pretty simple for me; I don't like pain!
If forced to defend myself, I will use any means available to end the confrontation immediately. I won't trade blow for blow; there are numerous one shot blows that will stop any antagonist immediately and possibly permanently, which is fine with me, because I really would rather not have an enemy out there who might creep up behind me, sometime, with evil intent.
Yeah, but some people broke it up. So that makes it even, I reckon i would of won, but the other chick still goes around saying she did. Liar!
We should have had a rematch.
Yes. It's funny. I am told to be a "Pretty boy", and nobody expects me to be strong, however I have actually not lost a fight yet.
My last one was quite a long time ago, though. Resulted in a criminal record. This person tried to assault my friend, one thing led to another, and I ended up smashing his face in to a wall alongside beating his brother at the same time.
Also beat my forty year old step father when I was seventeen.
Yeah, but those were like, retribution fights. Like, being abused when I was younger and then getting old enough to fight back. I was going to stab the one guy, but I couldn't find a knife.
You know not everyone wins every single fight. Why did you not put "Wins some of the fights". In school yes I got in many fist fights. I not sure if I really won though. It was kind of like a flash.
I would go off and either they were on the ground or I was. They usually were on the ground unless a few times when I was attacked from behind which was a cheap shot.. Not that I ever wanted to fight. However when you are a poor kid going to a rich school you get treated like shit. People steal your PE clothes, they shove you against the locker, chase you in and out of the bathroom.
I spent most of that year trying to think of ways to escape the bloody hell apposed to actually focusing in class. Oh how many times I tried to scale the wall out of desperation. In fact we had fights in the class and the teacher did not do shit. You just kind of stood there knowing your fucked with a fight about to go down. So yeah it was fun shit. While dismissing and refusing to investigate any report of abuse or bullying under the claim anyone reporting was crazy or lying.
Yes, several.
I'm not that tough or a great fighter, and in my normal state I will simply use words to intimidate or bluff my way out of a fight. But I have what's termed as a "blackout temper" and in that state I'm the last person you want to be on the wrong side of. It's out of this world, you can only remember little bits of what happend afterwards. I don't know if any other IIN users have experience with this, but basically you go into what I would describe as an "evil auto-pilot".
Chi sei?
Chi sei?
Chi sei?!
Chi seiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii?!!!!!!!
With my toes on the edge it's such a lovely view
I never loved anything until I loved you
I'm over the edge. What can I do?
I happen to think that it's all like you
I never loved anything until I loved you
I'm over the edge. What can I do?
I've fallen through.
See my post above. It takes a lot to get me to that point, and for me I think it's more a protective instinct than something evil. Besides getting hit in the head, I have blacked out when my daughter locked herself in the bathroom with the water running and years ago when my sister held a knife to her wrist because she was joking about killing herself.
Yeah. One when I was in college, the other a Christmas night with a bouncer at a nightclub and the last with a girl at the same night club. I have never fought for a guy though. When I was in college it was to defend a friend, the second was because I was too drunk and the last because of a misunderstanding.
Yes, it was a tie. The guys thought cops were coming and split in the middle of the fight.
About 6 fist fights late teens to early twenties. Growing up with an energetic Scottish brother a year older got my ass kicked often. I see many kids growing up with little to no skills in self-defense. Watch animal cubs clawing, biting, and wrestling each other. This is how they learn, that is how I was taught self-defense.
"Working out your problems" is easy with most people. There are wonderful people who get grumpy or irritable at times. We can talk about it, they smile, and we take time to resolve the problem.
Then there are chodes, charlies, mongoloids, OC kids. The ones who violate your personal space, get too drunk, get too high, or try to push good people to the edge. Honestly just do everyone a favor and headbutt them on the bridge of the nose they never see it coming.
It is like you have to establish dominance in the animal world of humans then use your civil skills to win over the others. Very strange creatures we are.
I'm really easygoing, as far as I know I don't have an enemy. I did get in a fight with a boy once when I was in 4th or 5th grade, ended up getting thrown to the ground, so I lost, mostly because he was a dude and I'm a girl (not that girls can't be strong too, I'm pretty buff now haha).
Yeah, I've been in fights before. Not too often though, most of the time I get along pretty well with people.
Things have been getting more tumultuous recently though... I almost snapped on a guy at one of my works last week or so.
Just today I almost snapped on a guy at my other work too.
I need a break from all this shit.
I've never been in a fight, unless you count a spit fight. I was a loud-mouthed asshole to others in 7th-12th grade. Trouble would find me and vice-versa, in terms of almost getting into fights. I can't help but feel as though sometimes I was victimized for reasons beyond explanation.
I've never been in a fight before nor have I ever even been close to getting in one. I'm just too easy going to really have a dispute go that far. But I actually want to fight. Like a friendly match with a buddy to test skill.
I don't like fighting but yes I've been in more than I care to admit.
I've always been a really laid back guy not looking for trouble but since girls like me guys get jealous and start shit with me.
These days I do almost everything I can to avoid a fight but when I was a teen and in my 20's if someone talked shit and threw a punch and me, I often jacked em.
I grew up in LA and punk bitches (pussy gang members) would try to jump me and I usually beat their asses.
When younger I was kind of a bad ass mother fucker :
I used to work out lifting weights (also played sports) and I took martial arts so yes I've fucked up clowns before but I don't feel good about fighting, ever.
Never lost a single fight even when out numbered.
I'm a really good looking guy so punks think I'm a pussy until they tangle with me and I fuck them up. When I take a stance they know I'm trained and they often get scared and back down, lol.
When the adrenaline is pumping I also don't feel pain so even though I've gotten hit, stabbed, etc. I don't even feel it. I just keep fucking them up and since I'm trained I know critical hits and pressure points to take them out because I'm trained to do so.
When out in public I also used to wear jackets a lot but when someone starts shit I take off my jacket and they'd see what great shape I was in and they'd puss out.
When you lift and take martial arts guys are afraid of you and they should be.
We spar and 'fight' each other for fun. We're used to blocking and countering jacking up our opponents in one fluid motion.
If you throw a punch at me there's a good chance I'll block it then knock your teeth out, bust your nose or clock you in your throat leaving you gasping for air.
If you're much larger than me and I actually feel threatened by you I'll probably take out your eyes, break your windpipe and then bust your knee caps before you know what happened.
There's generally no contest between a trained fighter and some moron on the street.
Can't handle the truth so you deleted my comment, excellent!
It's pretty sad how some of you can't handle the truth and hearing about my life.
If I actually took time to think about all the adventures and fun I've had and done in life I could write several books on it and all of it would be truth.
I know, most other males can't measure up. But then again I don't care and why should I?
Most people in life are scared pussies. Too scared to ever take risks. Too scared to ever do anything out of the ordinary. No adventure, no risk, not much fun, etc.
That's not the way I live my life.
If you're a guy that lives that way then fine but it's really low class of you to be so jealous of me and my life and post your nonsense here.
Girls love a fun, sexy, confident, adventurous man which is what I am.
Don't be jealous guys.
If you want more girls become more of a man instead of trying to dog me :)
Go ahead, reach between your legs and man up.
In real life I hardly talk about myself at all, even when asked but on here it's different so I share my experiences and thoughts more.
Women just know I'm confident and sexy and they want me.
Jealousy is so not attractive boys. Man up.
I didn't delete your comment LMAO
Even management thinks you're a bellend!
Actually management probably loves my posts because they liven up the site.
If you didn't delete it then it's probably a bug; this site isn't well designed.
I also sometimes have internet connection problems so that could be a reason why.
In any case I don't really care :)
I have never read a more douchy comment on the internet. You are so up your own ass I bet you walk around inside out.
Icame everyone on the internet knows you're such a troll, it's sad.
All you do is talk smack to people you're jealous of or talk about masterbation.
You can't handle the fact that I'm an amazing guy that's lived an amazing life.
If you want to be a better person, try harder ;)
There is a huge difference between joking around on the internet and being a condescending jerk to everyone on the internet. Just you assuming that I am jealous of your "amazing life" just proves how up your own ass you really are. I could really care less about that. It just bugs me that you don't realize how conceited and ignorant 99 percent of your comments come across on this website. You think you are such a bad ass and that anyone who questions or disagrees with your opinion is automatically stupid or inferior to you. For a man who claims to be in his 40s your behavior is pretty immature and pathetic. **Blows long winding and yellowish tinged load**
You're a joke, go back to imaginary masterbation comments!
Do you actually think I care what you think about me?
I shouldn't even be wasting my time writing back to you and your worthless childish comments. As others do I should just ignore you :)
G E T O V E R Y O U R S E LF ! ! !