Have you ever heard of someone being creeped out over docked ships?

I've always been creeped out over docked ships, HUGE ships moored to docks.

Standing on the dock and facing the side of the ship, it's a massive wall of riveted steel towering above you and at eye level slopes sharply inward to form the hull, dissappearing into the dark port waters. The mass of the ship's steel side is so enormous seems that it's gravity should distort spacetime, pulling you inward where there's nothing to grab or hold on to. You just slide downward pressed against it's slippery surface and down and down into the polluted opaque green abyss. Creeps me the hell out.


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Comments ( 11 )
  • Murun

    Being below the waterline in moving ships does it for me.. When you can see the steel curving away underneath you, and imagine being the other side of it. Thousands of horsepower turning a screw that wouldn't even slow down as it pulverised you.

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    • la-la-la-la-la-la

      Right, and the force of the ship moving just sweeps you right into a funnel and straight into that massive vegetable chopper.

      Now that you mention it, that scene in the Titanic of firing up it's three massive propellers and leaving port was kinda creepy.


      Course there's this scene too...


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  • thegypsysailor

    Nope, never heard of that one before. I guess going on a cruise is out for you, huh?

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  • Faceless

    I dont know. Guess you can feel the same way about huge airplanes and your moms huge ass.

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    • la-la-la-la-la-la

      Dad? Is that you?

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  • la-la-la-la-la-la

    Here's a pic of what I'm talking about.


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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Certain large structures can make me feel uncomfortable, huge ships, certain dams make me feel a little uncomfortable too for some reason

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    • kingofcarrotflowers

      The idea of being near this thing for example


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      • SpArK4GrL*

        Oh my gosh... I don't think I could touch the concrete without curling up into a ball and bawling... it's so enormous 80 !!!!!

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      • la-la-la-la-la-la


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  • dirtybirdy

    Interesting perspective.

    Come on girl, let's sneak out of this party, it's getting boring. There's more to life than this. It's still early morning, we could go down to the harbor and jump between the boats and see the sun come up.

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