Have you ever peed in a dressing room floor?

Don't you just hate it when you've got clothes to try on and you get in a dressing room, remove your clothes, and then suddenly... you need to seriously piss and can't hold it in enough to put back on your clothes and find a restroom? I tried to hold it, I really did. But when I couldn't control it anymore I peed right there in the stall of the department store, Ross to be exact. I panicked, and fled the building with the clothes still in the stall and the urine on the floor... with the dress I used to mop it up with. I'm sure I smelled like piss, and yes - I am very much aware that this isn't normal.
(And the dress? It cost about a hundred bucks, but it looked to be the most absorbant)
But has this ever happened to you?

...that is hilarious 298
No, I have never heard of anyone doing this 317
I have been in that situation, but managed to make it to the bathroom 92
I've never had to pee while changing clothes 146
It's happened to me, I couldn't hold it in either so ' 433
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Comments ( 68 )
  • PumpkinKate

    Never with clothes... but I do remember, when I was about 4 or 5 years old, the very first original Nintendo Entertainment System came out, in all its 8 bit glory. I was at a daycare that had gotten one and I had a seat where I could watch the older kids play. Getting up would mean giving up my ideal viewing position, and I had to pee really badly, so I just ended up peeing in the seat.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I remember once when I was about 5 or 6 and I was in pre-K. The lady told me to go to the loo, but for some reason I refused. Then, she told me if somethings happened it would be my fault. Low and behold, we went to the playground and I felt very odd.
      I started running with my friends and I got near the playground metal steps. The whole thing is a blur, but next thing I knew, I was peeing on myself. I remember standing, everyone stopping and staring at me, then I think I was crying and got on the ground. I think my teacher was laughing at me and what's worse? I think I was wearing a dress!!!!

      I can't remember if I changed my clothes after that or if I was told to play.
      I know my friends kept running away from me afterwards and I kept crying...
      This is probably one of the reasons I hate wearing dresses.

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      • PumpkinKate

        Awww :( This story made me want to fly all the way to you just to give you a hug and a night on the town in an expensive, custom-fit little black dress bought by me ^_^

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      • Everybody_Talks

        Whoa Whoa Whoa... Your a girl? Huh. Alright then.

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        • Avant-Garde


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          • Everybody_Talks


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            • Avant-Garde

              Don't be! Trust me, you are far from the first person to not know my gender. :)

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    Are you 90? :P

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    • Nope, 19.
      With a very weak bladder :)

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      • rin

        I would have killed you. I work in fitting rooms. XP

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        • To this day I have no idea who cleaned that mess up.
          Everytime I walk into a Ross, I blush.

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          • rin

            Well, at least you didn't shit everywhere.

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            • Avant-Garde

              Nothing is more worse than Diarrhea!

              Pee at least can be soaked up, diarrhea is just there.

              I once went to summer camp and there was this one kid that scared the shit out of us. One day, he kept complaint about "issues" with his ass. He finally was allowed to go, but nothing could prepare us for what was to follow....

              He stayed in there what felt like 5 or 6 hours. The staff started talking with our consular. And then, finally he comes out with a sick grin on his face!
              We were scared and we started to notice that there was a huge crowd of people around the boys loo. It turns out that (NO JOKE!!!!!) he SHITTED on everything in that loo!!!!! They said that it was " both of the toilets in there were filled to the brim and overflowing with shit, the walls and ceilings were smeared in it, there was shit all over the floors, the smell was so unbearable that the boys were wishing that they were girls so, they could use the girls loo!!!!" Then, he kept "touching" people like my male friend, with his unwashed hands on random parts of the body! He literally chased down my friend and "touched" him in the face and my friend was so, traumatized that he started to cry and vomit!

              Then, later we went to the pool. I didn't swim so I was safe from disaster. I was sitting down and one of friends said that HE was "terrorizing" the men in the locker-room! We were just talking about how crazy this guy was and then noticed that he was swimming alone in the deep end. He was acting very odd.... He kept staying underwater for long periods of time and then would come back up with an evil grin. My friend tried to take a quick swim and He kept trying to DROWN him! He came out and told me that he was up to something and fucking nuts! Then, a bunch of kids starts coming out of the pool and telling us that "someone had gone to the toilet in the deep end". More kids kept coming out and we told them to complain. They told the life guard and EVERYONE was told to EVACUATE the fucking pool!!!! Turns out someone had SHITTED in there!!!!! We all knew it was that kid and the pool was closed for 3 days....

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          • GoraIntoDesiGals

            Would've loved to clean it.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Maybe, you should see a doctor?

        Always, go to the loo, before you leave the house!

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      • All26

        Omg I done the same today :( couldn't hold I walked out of store after leaving wee on the floor with jeans I was too embarrassed to tell anyone! Can you get in trouble for this I'm so scared help!!!!!!!

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  • mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq

    I have. Because I was trying on a skirt, I just squatted and pissed. Bliss. There was quite a big puddle actually.

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  • LookSomeonesWelding

    when i was like 14 years old, i took a different bus to get home because i missed my normal bus. The closest the bus could drop me off to my home was like 1.5 kilometres away, and when I got off I needed to pee - really badly. I ended up pissing my pants around 100 metres away from my house. If it wasn't pelting down with rain that day everyone would have noticed, so I consider myself very lucky in a way.

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  • Dot123

    I did this once in a library, just went in the back and pissed on the floor. Did it at WalMart a few times too. Just go in the back and piss all over. What are they gonna do? Come at you? Fuck no, you just piss all over them.

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    • BreeBees

      I can't breathe ...

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    • Avant-Garde

      "The Back"?

      Like where the staff go?

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      • Dot123

        Nah, like back in a corner or something

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        • xxxlostxxxforeverxxx

          ewww gross

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  • zzzareyouseriouszzz

    I've done worse.

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  • seabird_71

    This story is not only hysterical but it makes me fortunate that I've never ran into this sort of problem. I don't get why some of the people who comment are being so mean to her, she already said she knew it wasn't normal and damn near tore her clothes just trying to put them back on so she could use the bathroom.

    People need to get the fuck over it, was it their dressing room she peed in? No.

    I thought this was too funny, I laughed and I'm sure a lot of others did too.

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  • Gena45

    I have never done that, but my sister has. Once I was with her at a rather classy and expensive store that sells night gowns. She was looking for a prom dress, and while she was trying on a dress she really had to pee (she was pregnant at the time, so it was hard to hold it in). She still had the dress on and she wouldn't have been able to leave with it on, and there as no bathroom in the store. There definitely wasn't enough time to take the dress off and put on her normal clothes, so she peed right there. I feel really bad for whoever had to clean that up.

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    • Avant-Garde

      Did she have to pay?

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      • Gena45

        No, we just ran out of there.

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        • Avant-Garde

          That's funny:)

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          • Gena45

            Not for the person who had to clean it up xD

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  • misslogical

    Shit I did that in a goodwill. Trying on some black dress pants...LOL...but I don't count because I had a urinary tract infection...you couldn't tell me one else knew I ran out that store fast as hell lmbao

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    • I'm so glad you wrote that :)

      Thanks for sharing your experience!

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      • misslogical

        Its embrassing but hey You're welcome

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  • SubParPhalus

    When I was about 6 I stayed over at a friends house and watched freddy crooger then when I went to the bathroom the sick bastards had a lifesize cardboard cut out of freddy him self covering up a hole in the wall, I ran back to bed and eventually pissed my self.

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  • In all honesty I can understand completely about doing something like this. I enjoy pissing and shitting all over public bathrooms. Even at work sometimes and then I go in myself and complain that someone "did it again".

    There have numerous discipline messages and warnings from our Human Resources section that if the culprit is caught they will be reprimanded/fired. I still cant stop doing it though.

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    • ITgirl232

      u need help if u enjoy doing so.

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      • Says you, but then who are you in the grand scheme of it? Nobody to me.

        And I will continue doing it. No public bathroom will be safe.

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        • ITgirl232

          u really dont remembr me do u? really? as if it wasnt obvious!!

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          • Are you the person I reported the problem to initially at work and then wrote up in the report that since I reported it that I should be considered a prime suspect?

            They will never catch me. Ever. No public bathroom will ever be totally safe in my domain.

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            • tertater

              There's dna in poop. If they cared enough they will catch you..

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            • ITgirl232

              wat r u talking about? say have u seen gingerhead in the chat room lately?

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  • rin

    This actually reminds me of Bridesmaids when they go to try on dresses after eating Thai food.

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    • Avant-Garde


      Let me guess, they had diarrhea?

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      • rin


        They start feeling sick from the food poisoning and all of them run for the bathroom. The one girl is barfing in the toilet and the other girl runs in saying she needs the toilet but the other girl shoos her away so she jumps onto the sink and takes a shit in the sink lol. The next girl runs in and tries to throw up in the toilet but she gets it on her hair.

        The bride starts to freak out and runs away in the dress into the street but couldn't hold it so she sits down and shits in the middle of the street.

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        • Avant-Garde

          Oh my god!

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    sadly... from the retail sites i go to, there are apparently a lot of nasty people who mistake "dressing room" for "toilet" and leave the mess for someone else to clean up.

    what's wrong with putting the clothes down to go to the toilet?

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    • Sometimes you just can't hold it. I have a weak bladder. I nearly tore my clothes trying to get them back on so I could go to the restroom, but after a point it just came out. I really did try to stop myself, it's not like I set out a mission for that day determined to mark my spot in a dressing room.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Since you already know about the condition there's things you can try to use to combat it.

        1) Talk to your doctor

        2) Kegel exercises.

        I really recommend #2 especially. Originally women were told to do these exercises to help regain bladder control after giving birth.

        What women have reported is that the exercise worked... and had some interesting side effects... They found they were having better orgasms.

        So win-win, no? :-)

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        • Good to know, thank you :)

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  • Violet_Heart

    that's so gross... don't you feel bad for the person who had to clean after you?? =[

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  • wigsplitz

    It's Ross, it's not exactly ther classiest place on Earth, so who cares? I'm sure worse has happened there.

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  • Malaglinir

    If this is a true story, then you just made my day.

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    • Sadly, it's true. But I'm glad it made your day :)

      Cause it probably scarred those employees for a while.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Yeah, they were probably wondering what happened and how they were going to replace the dress....

        I'm not sure, but I think the mirrors in dressing rooms are two way. I know people used to surveillance people from behind them.... You could of scared someone or who knows, you might of even turned someone on:/

        That is why I try to change quickly or stare into the mirror and act kinda crazy:)

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  • Parody

    there is another post about a store worker always finding shit in the dressing rooms. These posts may be connected

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  • Kate1000

    I completely understand. I just did it at a Ross on accident but I had no clothes on. I was in the middle of trying clothes on when I felt the urge and my hands started shaking as I tried to fast ly take off their clothes and put mine on. I fucking almost died of a heart attack and I felt so bad I wanted to cry for the employee as I walked out of the store trying to act natural. I feel so horrible but I couldn't just run out with no clothes on to the bathroom.

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  • sexysonofsam

    I go into dressing rooms to masturbate, then I shoot my load into the crotches of the clothes and hang them back on thrie hangers.

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  • xxxlostxxxforeverxxx

    that is kinda gross but i guess it wasnt really ur fault so its actually really funny! lolz ;) xxxxxxxxxx

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  • Sweetz

    When i was younger i went to the dressing room to try on something, i didn't pay attention and put my clothes on the floor. Little did i know...I had put my clothes on piss.

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    • Avant-Garde

      They weren't your actual clothes, were they?

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      • Sweetz

        Yes it was my clothes. The clothes i was originally wearing before i tried on stuff :(

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