Have you ever played the japanese board game "go"?

I've read about this game in two books, but never tried it myself. It seems really interesting; similar to chess in that it's a strategic game, but also requiring a very different way of thinking. Should I get one?

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I used to read the manga Hikaru no go and I tried playing a computer version of the game. However, I've always wanted to learn how to play it in the flesh.

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    • Pika-girl

      O ma ga! Me too!
      I love the manga series and I love Go!

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  • I looked it up after this post and am playing the game right now. I have never played it before now but it seems interesting its got basic rules so in the game its not like you are trying to play the game more like you are trying to play the other player.

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    • Wow, you learned this quickly! Would you mind posting the name/link of the free games website you use?

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      • I havent been on it much but here is the link and hopefully the link works.


        If the link does not work just reply to me and I will try find another way for you to find it.

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  • I_steal_free_bread

    Uno is the best card game ever

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  • InsertBlankHere

    I never have, but I've been interested. Some friends and I have been making plans to build our own Go board.

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  • dappled

    Yup, I play it. You can make a set yourself with a piece of paper and some coloured counters. Or you can probably play online. Might be worth trying before you invest. The best part of the game is that the rules are incredibly simple, but the strategy itself isn't. You can teach someone to play in five minutes.

    If you're interested in Eastern games, Shogi is worth a go too (I used to play in a national Shogi league and enjoyed it a lot). Mahjong is a game worth learning too (not the computer version where you match tiles, but proper Mahjong). Like most Chinese things, there's a peace, symmetry, and philosophy about it that makes it seem more than a game. It's one of my favourites, but I don't know three other people who play, so I have to use a computer simulation, same as with chess (nobody will play me).

    I hope you get as much enjoyment as I did.

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    • Great answer, thanks for that. They should pay you for the services you provide here ;)

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    • I might give those games a few look ups. If you are wanting to play those games with other players just type in something like "Free online go game" etc and you will be able to play with others online for free.

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    • I_steal_free_bread

      whats the origin behind your name?

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      • dappled

        It comes from a poem I like. I always wanted to ask about yours too.

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        • I_steal_free_bread

          mine was a simple joke:)

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