Have you ever shot a gun before?
No and I never will! | 52 | |
No but maybe I will someday... | 88 | |
Once or twice to see what it was like | 58 | |
Yes I'm a pro hitman a murderous conservative | 95 |
Ask Your Question today
No and I never will! | 52 | |
No but maybe I will someday... | 88 | |
Once or twice to see what it was like | 58 | |
Yes I'm a pro hitman a murderous conservative | 95 |
Why don't you have a normal choice for yes?
I own guns. I use them to hunt, trap shoot, and for stationary targert practice. I also have them ready at home for defense if needed.
Does this make me a murderous hitman?
I love how this poll is unbiased and you can't tell what the OP thinks about guns at all.
That said, no, I haven't fired a gun and I don't ever intend to. Guns don't interest me in the slightest, and the world would be a happier place if they didn't exist. I would rid the world of them if I could.
To call anyone who has fired a gun a "hitman" and a "murderous conservative" is ridiculous; most gun owners are peaceful, even if I totally disagree with the way they choose to express it.
"I would rid the world of them if I could."
But fortunately, you can't. Armed people will always triumph over unarmed people.
of course those without any arms cant hold a gun i the hands theye dont have :3
Exactly. Like many things, after the problem is great enough to notice it, it is also to great to reverse it. It could be done, but not internationally, and if we can't do it internationally there is no point at all in the long-term.
Human nature created guns, yes. And it is, in many cases, human nature to want to use them.
But what I am trying to get at is, we could save lives by, if it were possible, getting rid of guns and weapons. We could also save lives by changing human nature. One of the two options is much easier to implement than the other, and I suggest we choose that one :)
Getting rid of firearms is no more realistic than changing human nature.
But it is moot, as my official stance is that I will shoot anyone who tries to take my guns. I don't philosophize about it, I don't try to justify it, that's just how it is. I am the apex predator, the creeping cat, the big bear, the swooping eagle, and all the rabbits must do as I say, and I probably eat them anyway. If you're not armed, you're a rabbit, a rabbit who will never be able to change one little thing about the world. If you are armed, it's not much different, but at least you can shoot stuff.
Do you seriously believe the eotld was les bloody before the invention of firearms? Read history, really
Actually, guns are a very good way of self defense! It is not the guns that shoot, it is the people. If the world didn't exist without guns, there would be murders everywhere! Why? Because people have been using them to defend themselves!!
I am not answering your poll bc none of the options are realistic. There is nothing inherently wrong with guns they are simply a tool that has the power to greatly amplify the evil or good that exists in a person. Guns are no more dangerous than cars or any other tool that can be used to do harm.
Never a real one, only the funfair type which I enjoy a lot, but I can't see myself ever using a real one to kill or injure.
Thousands of times. I enjoy guns, I enjoy shooting. I even like to just look at them, I find them beautiful.
I have always owned guns, and always hunted. I grew up shooting competitively as well as hunting, to provide food. My family was very poor and we had to live the hunter gatherer lifestyle for quite some time. I still hunt, now out of enjoyment, and because the deer meat is much healthier than beef. It was a big bonding experience with my grandfather to step outside (he lived in rural Montana)and have a target shooting competition.
What part of this makes me a pro hitman or a murderous conservative? Are you sure that guns are completely bad all the time, or are you just biased due to lack of education on the topic?
I think the world would be a much better place without tools made to kill people, so no. The use of physical violence is a tool of the primitive and underdeveloped so I do not really have a positive image of gun owners either...
I don't judge you because you choose to be vegan, seems unfair to judge me for eating meat :(
As much better the world would be if nobody had guns, taking them all away is simply not gonna happen. Criminals will still make and sell them to other criminals. I may even get a gun myself someday, even though I'm a liberal. Because even though I don't have any violent intentions, civilization is a dangerous place and the only thing one can do is be on the same level as the criminals. I'd never use it to hunt, or threaten people.
'Murica mother fucking yankee lets go shoot the mother fuckers at my high school
My dad had a collection of guns so he taught me how to use them. I became fascinated when I saw an ak47 and thought i would have a collection myself. Didn't happen, I only have 3 of them for protection in my house. I also do go to the shooting range a few times a month.
have you ever made a bomb in your garage?...gee of course i have!! what a thing to ask a white person
I'm a murderous hitman, and proud of it!
Not a conservative, though. Not much into polotics at all really. Just guns.
Yes, I have. For someone who is anti-gun and anti-car, I have a strange appreciation for both. Particularly Rugers and Lamborghinis.
Very good taste for a man that is anti gun and car. Ruger makes some seriously nice rifles! I have several myself.
Would I be allowed to shoot a gun if I was on holiday in America? I guess even just target practice with a pistol would be nice, but having a crack at something more high-powered is a bit of an ambition. Doing it on a Wii isn't really the same. :)
In my part of the country, you couldn't buy a gun, but nobody would say a word if you wanted to shoot one. If you ever make it to holiday in America, stop by the mid-west and ill hook you up with all the high powered rifles you could want, and plenty of fun targets to blow up! lolz
I love the Ruger GP-100. The factory rubber grips suck, though. They get caught on clothing, and matted with hair and dust. I got checkered wood grips for mine. With a simple trigger job, it could rival the Smith and Wesson 686, IMO. Mine shoots 1.5" groups at 50 yards (using factory ammo, and my knee as a rest on a dim afternoon). I killed a coyote with it last week from 70 yards off-hand.
When I was at a family members house in the country i shot a gun once. You can shoot guns all you want there, plus its private property surrounded by forest
i hunt all the time but i do fell sorry for the animal.
i need a gun because it is my protection i even shot my trainer in the foot with a sniper because he pissed me off