Have you hallucinated or had a paranormal experience without drugs?

I have had quite a number of hallucinatory experiences in my lifetime, some of which happened without being on any kind of drugs. Keep in mind that I am a functioning person and not crazy in the least. However, I was wondering who else has experienced similar things as myself. Also, did you/do you enjoy your experiences?

Yes, it happens frequently 10
Yes, it happens rarely 8
Yes, but only once or twice 15
No 8
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Comments ( 18 )
  • Unimportant

    Hallucinations. Happens from time to time, especially if I haven't slept a couple of days in a row - which isn't that rarely in my case. Fucking hate insomnia...

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  • Lacey101

    Yes. I hear voices as well as see things everyday.

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  • VirgilManly

    I recently had a Deja Vu experience.
    I feel like I've read and answered this post before.

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  • 1badassog&AA

    It's not a hallucination its a spiritual journey! Were not human beings having a supernatural experience! We are supernatural beings having a human experience!

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  • pixie_dust

    I have had a series of random/weird such events in my life. I'm wondering about how I guess the 3rd dimension is supposed to be turning into the 4th I guess. Or perhaps the veil between the two is thinner. When I go outside at night I get some weird feelings around me. I try to tell myself it's just my imagination, but I actually had something tangible happen to me that can't be explained away. I remember somebody explaining how you can 'call' UFO's by just kind of saying to the sky, "HELLO! ANYBODY UP THERE.." I did this with my intent focused on what I sensed was there, and I got a strong woosh of cold air. It was kinda creepy. This is one example of many different things I've come across.

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    • Interesting, you beckoned the other side and the other side answered. Once I did this essentially and 7 aliens appeared before my eyes and injected with me a strange device filled with a bizarre liquid and injected it into me. After this, I noticed a strange mark on my abdomen. This is merely one of my literally thousands of "hallucinations" and strange moments of contact with the other side

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      • pixie_dust

        Yikes! Were they greys by chance? It reminds me of the unsolved mysteries episode about the allagash abductions. Just so you know, greys are evil. Soulless, and they have psychic abilities beyond the average Terran (Earthling, but 'Terran' is a better word). They can telepathically communicate, which I've had this happen to me too. I'm just a bit nervous about telepathic communication from evil entities. I had a communication from a reptillian once. It had a crest behind its head, the best way I could describe it. So creepy,

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        • Yeah they were the greys. They did not scare me though. The abduction was an incredible experience but they did not seem evil in the least. They were powerful beings from outside of this reality which seemed to be some type of guardians at the time

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          • pixie_dust

            Very odd, but I can assure you that greys are evil even if you could not tell. They don't have souls. I'm very familiar enough with this sort of thing. Even if they did come from a higher dimension doesn't guarantee them as benevolent. They can mind control people. It's possible that they could have mind controlled you from being able to detect their true nature. One way to help prevent mind control is to never look at them in the eyes. By making eye contact with them, they can mind control. Also remember that we have the power to stand in our own power claim it and not allow them to take advantage of us.

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            • Interesting, I did look them in the eye for sure. Maybe their telepathic communication was really some type of "mind control". I felt oddly euphoric in the presence of these beings. I wonder what these "greys" are now? They didn't seem evil, but I believe you. Yikes, sounds pretty scary

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  • I've had a ton of such experiences actually, have even gone through periods of months and months where it would happen on a nightly basis even when sober, usually multiple times a night and on the odd occasion even during the day. I don't have any mental problems (not diagnosed at least) but have used more drugs than the vast majority of people (e.g. went through a phase of taking massive quantities of hallucinogenic drugs at least weekly and basically just stayed high as a kite 24/7)

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  • loopoo

    Once I was quite ill and hallucinated a beach ball bouncing around my room.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Yes, when I met Satan.

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  • MonAmour

    Easy sleep deprivation. Over the 24 hour mark. It heightens certain senses. You lose the ability to speak well first.

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  • I was in bed and my heart started racing as if I was going too die, like a heart attack. I turn around and ws sure I seen a very tall pale man with long white hair covering his face with a black priest like cloak without the religious symbls on it just al black ad he was holdish a litte girl's hand. He was just staring at me.

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  • Hallucinations occur with people who are on some kind of drug, have a mental illness that causes hallucinations and sometimes even very high fever can cause hallucinations and nightmares. My mother had menengitis (spelling?) And swore she saw people's faces warping. Anyway, I've never used drugs, and never had any hallucinations. Coincidence? Also, there is no such thing as the paranormal. When someone captures a ghost or a demon or anything else supernatural on camera and its not just obviously a shadow or shape caused by light or camera angle, I'll believe it. Only christians and fools believe in supernatural shit.

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    • pixie_dust

      It's best to take a scientific method when it comes to such things. Meaning, when you learn new information, it's best to have an open mind and correct what you previously believed, For example when the common belief was that the world was flat, or that the sun revolved around the Earth, those people who believed anyone saying anything contrary to that, be given a reasonable chance to prove their case. So, for example, let's say you have such a 'supernatural' experience yourself, it wouldn't necessarily mean you have your mother's condition. Or if you knew somebody that has had a near death experience, for example, dont have a knee jerk response that they're nuts. If you REALLY want to know the truth, having an open mind and scientific approach would be the best way to really become enlightened.

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