Have you posted a false story?
I've only posted true stories on this side, but it suddenly hit me how easy it is to just post a false story. So I was just wondering, have you ever posted a false story on IIN.com?
Yes | 23 | |
No | 125 |
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I've only posted true stories on this side, but it suddenly hit me how easy it is to just post a false story. So I was just wondering, have you ever posted a false story on IIN.com?
Yes | 23 | |
No | 125 |
What would be the point? The only people who'd post a fake story are attention-seeking kids who then giggle behind their hand when they get a response.
I'm curious how many people have posted a totally REAL story which was so f-ed up everyone assumes it to be fake.
No never. I only posted a question asking is it normal to be this damn sexy? and other stuff about me being the President of the United States and having an awesome name like Barrack Hussein Obama, and that i hate Joe Biden the only reason i chose him for my running mate was because i knew senator kennedy was about to die and well least face it Hillary ain't no good. i can't believe Richard Dawkins has been spouting that atheist propoganda, he knows fine well i'm a muslim. Anyway my point is my stories are 100% true.
Lots of love,
President Barrack Hussein Osama.
What's the point in posting a fake story? You're already anonymous, why lie?
Everything I posted on here has been a lie...right down to my name. My name is really not Disco Duck, its really John McQuackins.
i did...
hey i was bored, and i just wanted to see what people would say, and how many people would actually vote normal. i'm not an attention getter. :P
No and I rarely post a story in the first place. I do, however, find fake stories amusing to a certain extent :)
ONE TIME I did because I wanted to see how many comments I could get. I got 40.
But I've posted probably 30 times and 29 have been real.
Iv seen lots of stories of insest and ppl fucking their pets so I really really hope there fake stories.
unfortunately im sure allot of them are not. i know a few people in real life that are into bestiality and i find it very disturbing. i also have a friend who was raped by her father and now has a son, so she is now the mother to her brother. its so sad :(
Omg...are you serious? How old's the mother and how old's the son/brother?
That is so sad... :( Things like this shouldn't happen to ANYONE, in my opinion. The human race is just so messed up that some people do things like rape their own daughter. It's sickening, if you ask me. :(
No, but I might at some point. I'm not usually a troll, but I do have a bit of a mischievous side.
IIN to think (insert IIN user name here) is a total duche bag? try that 1 sometime,its hella fun
I never have, but one day, I'm gonna try and think up the most disgusting, horrific thing ever.
I have posted on here many times, one story was fake (with elements of truth) because I was interested to see how peoples response differs, when you have different circumstances. If that makes sense??
I got some harsh comments from people when I told them that I wanted a baby but was fairly young.
Then I told them that I wanted a baby but had no partner.
-- The responses were very different.
Fernando! Get back to the parakeets at once! They are nearly starved! >:( !!!!!!