Have you smoked weed before?
No, im straight edge | 307 | |
I have before but never again | 114 | |
No, but I plan to soon. | 66 | |
Yeah, i love it | 332 |
Ask Your Question today
No, im straight edge | 307 | |
I have before but never again | 114 | |
No, but I plan to soon. | 66 | |
Yeah, i love it | 332 |
Simply put, marijuana is not a drug. It's enlightening, inspiring, and a good time. I use it to write music, I use it when I stressed... it's never let me down, and it's never hurt me.
Let me lay this right out there for you. I am a successful 22 year old woman with a solid career and I am still attending school to become something more. I go to school every day that I have to, I get good grades. I have my own place and I pay all my bills on time. The point? I smoke weed every single day. People who say that it is bad for you are absolutely uneducated on the subject. Weed does not kill your brain cells and it does not make you go insane. You will never/have never heard of anyone dying from smoking it. However, I'm sure most of you drink alcohol, which kills people daily. You cannot overdose on pot and it does no impair your brain to the point where you will do things you wont remember. Pot is also not physically addictive. PEOPLE, tell you kids the truth about pot, or they will grow up thinking you're lying about all other drugs too. Like I said, I smoke every day, and I am one of the most successful young people I know.
im not uneducated on the subject.
everyone i knew back in napier that smoked dope never had any real money the longer they smoked it for the more there conversational ability went down hill e.g they couldnt have a proper conversation about real issues. they slowly go down hill in their studies work ect it may not happen all at once but it happens it smells yuck makes people lazy and you look and seem like a retard whilst high, i smoked dope for 10 year's everyday, and after quitting im so much happier and see the flaws behind marijuana but peoples choices are their own
and you're one of the most successful young people. you know only useless stoners and.... ur stuck in ur own head.
i loved weed for 4years and used rosponsively i also dont believe it cause psycoses but i do belive its adictive because people depend on it i myself did and i do believe i makes u forget stuff but only stuff u learn while smoking also most drugs are ok wen used propely and in moderation althought i used for 4years and have been of for half a year and feel great at least ten times better but i believe everyone should use for a little bit to open there mind hell it made me more creative smarter in ways and helped me get thru some crazy shit happing in my life like my mate who hung himself in the bush then when me and my other mate were going for a toke in the bush we found him!!!ps he loved weed i think most of the shit the addictiveness meamory loss is due the hydro or cronic grown naturaly if great althought not as potent but recomend natural for long term use
my neighbours do- why the hell would i ? i have to smell it most of the day :| its vile.
As for me, I'm an unmedicated bipolar and weed helps me maintain a much more steady mood. It also aids in my creativity when I'm sewing. Their are responsible tokers in the world although some people may not want to believe that. As for the whole 'legalize it or not' thing, that's tough because so many people, like rowdy teenagers, would and do abuse it to the point when they endanger themselves and others.
Weed is just like a really disappointng orgasm without all the muscular contractions and oxytocin rush.... forget high, it's more like a slump!
Oh, and it turned my dad paranoid, so I really don't agree with it myself.
However, I could just about understand if it was for medicinal purposes. And I know that you can still be a good person even if you do use it.
I smoked it a few times in my youth, when I worked with a bunch of teenagers as groundskeepers. They insisted that I do it so I could not tell on them, even though I offered my word that I would not. Anyways, I was a bit curious about it, so I gave it and did it. It was an interesting experience but not a big deal. I had no urge to obtain more and continue smoking it.
I'm the same as above; I never have and never will. Why's there no choice for this?
Yes... It started off with me smoking once a month or once every two months, then last year (when I was 18) I went through a period of smoking it nearly every day. However, I realised from seeing a friend get destroyed by it, that I might as well go back to once a month or once every couple of months otherwise I too would fail in life.
I have been weed free for 2 months now and have no plans to smoke it again for at least another 2.
i realize why everyone is so into drugs on here ur all immature little kids
Well, I don't believe in substances to have a good time... this counts as Monster, Coffee, Alcohol especially. And of course, drugs. So, I tend to stay away from these things, but I'm not straight edge.
I tried it 3 times: first time it must have been weak coz it just made my eyes blood red but I didn't feel anything. The 2nd time it was fun. The 3rd time I had a COLOSSAL freak out. Thaaaaat's it for me for EVER!
You know why do we have to be straight edge to follow the law. Pot is illegal in a lot of places. So not breaking the law just means you are responsible and you respect the law. So you are pretty much saying anyone who is not straight edge is a delinquent. I was never a delinquent.
first time, July 4th. Camped out in my woods with a few friends, one of them pulled out a one-hitter, and passes it to me, cause my other friend told her I never had it before. Pretty fun, but we ran out quick. Yes, I want to do it again, but not all the time cause I would get bored, and used to the high.(and that would suck)
I've been interested in drugs several times. Wondering what it was that made people come back for more. But after getting to know a lot of people who have gotten in rehab I'm staying away forever from that stuff. Or any drugs for that matter.
I have and i Think it's overrated.
Better than all the alchoholic daddies bashing potheads and then go beat their daughters
tried it. didb't care for it, tried it again, nearly got raped by a guy smoking something much stronger-notagoodmemory
i dunno, weeds a weird thing. i've tried it a few times... its just so weird
Damn, i don't know even where to get those things. And I don't realyl want to because I think I plan staying clean. But who knows what life brings to us... Many surprises...
im not sure i will or not but its a strong chance i will smoke weed cuz i kinda have b4 1 time in 12th grade and i had sum trippy side effects LOL
being a teenage, yes. stupid i know but everyone does it- bad excuse? call me asheep yeah i know. i don't think it's cool, but i tried it, and then liked it. simple became a habit
Tried it when I was a teenager. Smoked too much and freaked out so no...won't touch it anymore.