Have you watched any of the isis beheading videos on the internet?

ISIS is about as brutal as it gets. Here's your change to watch a real murder. Where do you stand on the issue?

No. I never will. This is completely sick behavior. 43
No, but I might. 21
Yes. It was sickening. 15
Yes. The brutality was mesmerizing. 11
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Comments ( 14 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Watching that shit seems like tacit support to me. If nobody watched it, then there would be no point in making the videos, would there? Every single hit on something like that is support for those fanatics.
    Have you read that 10 Muslim nations have joined the coalition to eradicate these monsters? Finally! Kill every last one of them. And do not give them a Muslim burial, for these monsters are NOT Muslims.

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  • associate

    Nope. To me it seems morally similar to watching footage of rape or child abuse - not *as bad* as the activity itself, but potentially a form of endorsement that leads to further harm or abuse.

    Plus, it would just make me unhappier than I already am! What is point?

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  • handsignals

    I'm waiting for the video's of those ISIS fags getting bombed and taken out by drones to come out.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    No, I find the idea of seeing a real and violent death something I hope never to witness.

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    • Thank you for being normal.

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  • disthing

    Yes, I've watched many of them.

    None of the ones involving the journalists were that explicit, except for the shot of the severed heads at the end. The actual act of beheading is cut (no pun intended) out of the videos (which is what has made some people question their authenticity).

    However, I've seen other videos of IS executions (beheadings, shootings), and mass executions, drive-by shootings, bombings etc. They have their own edited show-reels depicting their exploits, often pretty well filmed. I'd post a link but I don't think the majority would want to follow it.

    Needless to say, they are f*cking horrible people.

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    • Thank you for not posting the link.

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      • disthing

        That's alright - people can find it if they want to see that kind of thing.

        The IS videos aren't the worst I've seen, but just in terms of scale, the amount of lives lost, they're pretty awful.

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  • I've seen beheading videos before and some things even worse but not lately. I've seen enough stuff like that to be interested in searching for it.

    If you want to see something really sick look up 3 guys 1 hammer.

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  • la_uva_mojada

    ISIS is just another excuse for the war machine. Even John McCain told John Kerry that is was bogus and untrue on national television. That pissed him off.. it was great.

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  • Eric118

    Its terrible, Isis will hopefully pay for their crimes one day!

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  • Loneliness

    Never. I once watched a stoning video and couldn't sleep for days.

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    • Thanks for the warning.

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  • -_-

    Apparently it's on live leak but they (possibly ISIS) edited out the part where he actually does the act of beheading which doesn't make sense. That's what I've heard anyway...

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