Having a gun is safer at home

If you live in a country where guns are banned then its possible for someone with a knife to just kick your door in and stab you to death. Even if you know he's breaking in the door you can not do anything but sit and wait. Especially if you are a female and the attacker is a large male.

However if the female in her apartment or house has a gun she can shoot the murderer before he is able to kick the door in. This is true even if he has a gun because he is at a massive disadvantage by being the one breaking into the house where he does not know exactly where you are positioned. You would already have him in your sights.

People from Europe often say they wouldnt feel safe with people being able to own guns but I actually feel the opposite way. It definitely evens the playing field.

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56% Normal
Based on 9 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • litelander8

    I’ve never even considered it being odd or dangerous to own guns. I’ve just always had them.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    But statistically owning a gun increases your risk of it being used against you by nearly 5X and in most cases over 95% the gun is used against the gun owner. Owning a gun is just human stupidity at it's finest.

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    • "95% of the time your gun is used against you" that's total nonsense. Why would police keep a gun if it's almost always used against them?

      If a murderer is in the process of breaking into your house with a gun are you more safe having a gun or less safe?

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      • Correction

        You really should specify in the OP that you’re only talking about the police, since they’re so different from the general population and I don’t think many people on here are cops.

        Otherwise you’re going to get a lot of answers from non cops, who are obviously safer without a gun in their house.

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  • jethro

    It is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it. Besides even a .22 is much faster than the police.

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  • ChrissySnow

    I have one

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  • raisinbran

    Recommend a shotgun for home defense.

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