Having babies decreases testosterone

Ive been reading about a massive drop in testosterone that happens after a man witnesses his child being delivered. And they have done studies where they have found men who live with their children and raise them have lower testosterone than the deadbeat dads. Ive kind of feel this happening to me although its too early to tell. I actually just had a girl i am still in tne hospital. The nurse was super hot and I never once thought about shagging her. I actually hoped my daughter would be like her when she gets older (BETAA thoughts). And I have not thought of sex one time.

Does this mean i am cured of all degeneracy for life?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    If you were in the hospital at your daughter’s birth thinking about shagging the nurse then I would be concerned. Why is wanting your daughter to do an important job a “BETAA” thought? You sound like you would do well to stay off online forums for a while and focus on being a father.

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    • Im halfway joking. I dont think its really a BETAA thought.

      And Its not that I really think about doing it with chics i see anyway. Theres no intent. but usually its just like a thing that goes in your head when you see one youre like "yep".

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    dude youre so 4chan it hurts

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    • I tried it I didnt like it. They're too evil for me.. I can do the weirdness but not the evil shit. I dont want to see pictures of people mutilating animals and all that shit

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        well thats actually an encouragin reply

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        • Tbh this forum isnt much better dude

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          • Clunk42

            This place is way better than 4Chan. That place is a cesspool. This place, on the other hand, is -our- cesspool.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Any sane man wouldn't think about shagging the nurse during the birth of his daughter. That has nothing to do with testosterone bro

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    • No she was already born though thats what I'm saying.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        -_- same thing.. no one would think about shagging the nurse when their daughter was born

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  • dabadedabadie

    Lol I know who you are I'm gonna respect your wish to stay anonymous and not snitch. It's because you had to go from alpha aggressive to having something as fragile as origami in your hands and completely helpless by itself. Father instinct is strong maybe not break your fucking arm lifting a car strong like mother's instinct but still strong.

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    • I always give myself away because no one else knows how to spell BETAA properly

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