Having wet dreams of friend i am unattracted to

Whenever I visit a friend of mine, there's a high chance that when I sleep over I dream about the friend and I having sex. I am not sexually attracted to this friend AT ALL. Whenever I wake up I feel ashamed and disgusted.

I find it really gross and I just want it to stop happening. Does this happen to anyone else???

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Kermitthehog

    It's literally impossible to control the content of dreams. Even people who have taught themselves to be lucid dreamers don't have complete control. Worrying about what you dream about is pointless.

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  • kikilizzo

    The dream can mean you wish to be more intimate with this friend on a non-sexual level, such as being more open and vunerable with each other. Dreams are not literal.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Having sex dreams about people you’re not attracted to is just an awkward fact of life. You haven’t done anything wrong and have nothing to be ashamed of. The dreams will stop eventually.

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    • Wow3986

      You mean you're condoning rape?

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  • ObamaIfHeWasBlack

    i'm ALWAYS having unwilling wet dreams about your friend

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    • thank you obama

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Ummm..... buddy... are you sure? You sure you have zero sexual interest in this person? Because your subconscious mind keeps saying otherwise.

    And why would it be disgusting? They seem to be a nice person. They are your friend, probably of a similar age. They're not related to you. You have a bond of trust and respect with them. It's normal to develop feelings for someone who is kind and (probably) good looking.

    Time to re-evaluate your feelings for them. It's perfectly fine if those feelings are romantic. That doesn't make you disgusting. No way.

    Of course it can be difficult if those feelings are not mutual. But at least be honest with yourself about how you feel. It feels better when you can accept all of your internal world without being disgusted at yourself for something that is natural and normal. Love is not disgusting.

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    • ok i'm gonna be straight w/u, this friend is a manchild and the idea of having sex with him is disgusting. and he also constantly smells like armpits even when i ask him to change his shirt or wear deodorant

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  • Tinybird

    I just want to know how to have a dream where I actually get to have sex.

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