He's pulling out...
Double entendre aside. Do you think Putin is pulling his troops from Kyiv and the surrounding area so he can level it with a nuke? Insane plan I realize but he does seem to be that unhinged. Just a thought.
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Double entendre aside. Do you think Putin is pulling his troops from Kyiv and the surrounding area so he can level it with a nuke? Insane plan I realize but he does seem to be that unhinged. Just a thought.
First of all using a nuke on Ukraine would just condemn Russia to annihilation. Secondly idf putin wanted to use a nuke he wouldn't give a hoot about their troops in the region . They would nuke their own people at the same time.
It seems a long time ago now, but I remember Putin staring into the camera with that dead-eyed gaze of his a couple of months ago and assuring the world that all the Russian troops and equipment massing near the borders of Ukraine were just there for exercises, and then later saying they were all going back to their bases.
When dealing with a proven bald-faced liar, it's always safest to assume that everything they say is a lie.
It's pretty clear the Russians are pulling back from Kyiv because their attack in the direction has been a huge failure and the Ukrainians continue to pick away at them. The Russians have been forced to give up on their original plan to hold a glorious victory parade in Kyiv, and now they're putting the best spin possible on their retreat.
I wouldn't completely rule out little Vlad nuking Kyiv. He's always been a vicious thug, and anyone who gets on his enemies list usually ends up dead, sooner or later, one way or another. Russia using a nuke against a major population centre would obviously be a drastic escalation and an irrational move, but Putin's Ukrainian adventure has been irrational from the start.
It's a ruse to buy him time to regroup and attack again. He's got all the high cards and he knows it.
I agree on the time to regroup. I disagree on the cards he is holding. He's got a mixed number of non-face cards. Not even 1 pair.
Ukraine will win this if Putin keeps Russian troops in Ukraine long enough. There is actually no way that Russia can win with the population against them. They would need about 10 million troops in Ukraine to hold it with a rebellious population - and Russia doesn't even have a half million troops, and they only put about 200,000 into Ukraine.