Health insurance. are there really any affordable ones?

I know it's not true is it normal material and the marketplace closed for health insurance but I really need the best medicaid insurance possible even if it's $50-$100 a month.. Are there any like that? I'm trying to google it I can't find anything. I tried calling places they just confuse me more because I don't know which is the best one and my providers are not found under basic medicaid.

I see a heart doctor and another specialist but they're not on medicaid. They list a lot of insurances but I have no clue where to start or if there's a medicaid out there anywhere on the east coast for cheap?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • olderdude-xx

    No there are not. Health insurance and supplemental medicaid health insurance is not cheap if you want something that actually covers many things.

    The cheap plans sound impressive but actually cover very little.

    The insurance companies do expect to make a profit on average with their insurance plans (they win and loose $ on different individuals; but win overall).

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    • Hm. Does Medicaid cover medications?

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      • olderdude-xx

        I'm not an expert on Medicaid at this time. I will know a lot more by end of year as I have to make my initial declaration early next year.

        I do know that they cover basic medications. Not sure about advanced or exotic medications.

        I know that they don't cover many other things like special shoes, or other things they only cover once like a walker (which often people wear out several).

        I have been told that if I want really very good supplemental insurance for Medicaid to cover what Medicaid does not that I should expect to pay between $1100 and $1300 per month.

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        • Thank you for that info. Oh right that's a lot of money.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    The best way to get healthcare cheap is through a job. Walmarts healthcare is pretty good and only $30 a week.

    Buying healthcare on your own is very expensive. Jobs can get it cheaper because they buy more and have healthier people to pay for the unhealthy ones.

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    • LornaMae

      Yes, but... I've seen this way too many times, they give employees almost full-time jobs, say 38 hours a week, in order not to pay for health insurance as they cover part of the cost.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I know it sucks most wont cover part time. Walmart offers it for part time tho UPS is another one that does too. My work offers it for part timers some ppl work there just for the insurance cause it would cost like 1,000 a month for coverage that good

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