Healthiest diet?
I'm not really overweight, but I'm not in too good of health. I know that healthy diet alone wouldn't be enough to solve all my particular health problems, but it will hopefully make some improvements. Anyway, I was curious on what types of diets are the healthiest, judged by popular opinion.
The Adkins diet in my mind is no good, because it limits carbs so much that you're hardly eating any fiber, which is essential (especially for your plumbing (lol)). Adkins also greatly lacks vitamins and antioxidants, found in the fruits and vegetables that Adkins wants you to avoid. It's because of the carbs in them.
South Beach and The Zone diets are both too similar to Adkins, too little carbs and fiber.
Any of the diets with too many carbs is also bad, because too many carbs hurts weight loss and boosts blood sugar and triglycerides, which is bad for the heart. Diets too high in carbs are also often with not enough protein, which we all need.
Eating the right amount of carbs is still bad if they're the wrong carbs, the carbs with higher sugar and low fiber like white bread and pasta, just about anything processed, and just about any desserts, cake, cookies, candy, etc.
In all the reading I've done about health, diets, etc., the healthiest diet I believe is Sugarbusters. Sugarbusters gives you the right amount of daily carbs while making just about all of those carbs low sugar and high fiber, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Almost no white bread, cake, candy, etc. And you get plenty of protein. There are a couple other diets very similar to Sugarbusters which are called something different, but they're still basically the same diet.
I'm not 100℅ sure if what I've typed is totally accurate,
I'm just wondering how many of you on this site agree with all this, have tried the same diets, and have or haven't had success losing weight and/or becoming and feeling healthier from it.