Hearing toilet flushes and hearing steps....someone put a microchip in

Well this Ben 1year already and I've Ben hearing toilet flushing ontop of me and next to me....and my ears ringin all the time and footsteps.also my cat be chasing something always to the bathroom.and when I use the bathroom I keep hearing someone in my bath tub......please help and find out.Maeby someone transplanted a micro chip in my body.Or working with a military machine ilegaly in my building...please please help me.im a single mom with on child .and never harmed nobody...please I don't deserve this.
And also someone reading my mind

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Comments ( 18 )
  • megadriver

    Are you ok?

    No seriously, go seek some professional help. You are going crazy. Don't know if it's stress, or fear, or whatever, but what you wrote is not normal.

    Also, why would the military run experiments in your bathroom? Surely Area 51 is big enough to run all of their secrety-secret stuff.

    Go to a psychiatrist, do something against stress, calm down.

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  • This is not normal even by IIN standards. You seem to have intense paranoia and all I can say is get a grip on reality, love. If this is real then you seem to have delusions make real to you by your wild theories. Your logic centers are being overridden and I suggest perhaps you seek some actual professional help.

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  • thegypsysailor

    A tin foil cap might help?

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  • Outsider21

    seek professional help, you have a kid, and either are having or are on the verge of having a psychotic episode

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    • CountessDouche

      I guess people here like to abuse people with mental health problems, even if they have a child. It's fucked up.

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      • Outsider21

        I'm not abusing her, I'm just saying that if she really believes there is a government experiment on her or a chip in her brain, she is probably not really able to deal with all the responsibilities of being a parent at the moment.

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        • CountessDouche

          Not you, lol. I thumbed you up for at least having a constructive comment. I was referring to other comments on this post as well as another post I saw today, where people were just being very rude.

          Your comment was genuine and helpful.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    This lady I know from work keeps pestering me about my manga collection. Apparently some of them are out of print and are selling on EBay and Amazon for up to twice as much. She says that she's worried that they'll wind up getting messed up in my care. WTF?! I'm never showing anyone my stuff again.

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  • Evan22228888

    Ur house may be haunted

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  • Avant-Garde

    Or, your house could be haunted.

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  • Stifler

    Clearly you are just a child. Your grammar is that of a five year old, Please learn how to spell like an adult. Than you may return to the internet. By the way, The Government is monitoring us all, Dumb Ass.

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    • Something_Recognizable.

      ATLAST! Somebody with a brain! I mean it could just be her kid but you seem to make a better point.

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      • Stifler

        Hush, Hide now before you are accused of being me.

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        • Something_Recognizable.


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  • ChaoticBunny

    If your serious, then I think you need to seek professional help. Its not normal for a person to see or hear anything thats not really there. You might have schizophrenia. Unless your house is haunted.

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    • Outsider21

      I agree, but that isn't true about the hallucinations though. People can have hallucinations and function in life. I have them myself actually but not as bad as the OP. Mine are all audio for the most part so that's sort of similar to the OP in a way but I'm always in touch with reality and everything and know that the stuff that I hear is simply myself so it's kind of different than the situation the OP is describing where she actually thinks it's all real.

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  • noid

    Schizophrenia? Tell this story to a psychiatrist and get some feedback.

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  • Evan22228888

    Or paranoia

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