Heavy salt intake seems to have helped me
I randomly get these fainting episodes and my doc told me to increase my salt and water intake. Well it never seemed to help, yet lately I've been eating a crap ton of those cheap ramen noodle packets to save money and well I've gone 2 days without fainting now. It's been sone tine since I've had that happen. However I'm worried about my health eating all these ramen. Yet the fainting us no joy either as I've almost died once and almost got seriously injured because of it. I don't know what to do guys. I need outside thoughts. I heard once it might be because if my heart and another theory is my blood flow is my hood enough or something. In short the doc doesn't know. It usually happens within 5 minutes of standing up. Usually. I've tried standing up quickly and elderly person speed. Nothing is helping. In just looking for thoughts here