Help. has anybody else experienced this . bed trembling

Hi there


I would just like to have an honest discussion and to find out if anybody else has experienced the same things as me.

So basically it's been going on for atleast 7 years now.

It mostly happens when I have just drifted of to sleep (But not always)
I tend to wake up with my heart racing and wheater I am on the sofa of in bed I notice that it starts to shakes (the bed or sofa & whilst im in or not it) well its More a vibration if anything. I will be fully awake whilst this happenes.

The vibrations are quite strong.

And believe me all the possibilities I have looked into

No pets under the bed , electrical devices, traffic, trains etc.

No drugs, alcohol or medication involved either

It's happened in more than one house

I remember a few times even being in bed with somebody else and they have also felt the vibrations however it tends to happen more so when I am alone.

I googled almost everything that I could think of for answers. And this is my last result.

So please - has any of you ever experienced the same thing or anything similar?

It's happens so often It's like I know what's about to come next

*I wake up suddenly - heart racing as I'm almost afraid of something (no bad dreams so at complete random)

* I lay awake trying to gather my thought

*the vibrations- trembling start

Please help.

Many thanks

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Comments ( 11 )
  • charli.m

    Sleep paralysis?

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    • YellowYellow

      Hi thank you for your reply

      I have experienced sleep paralysis in the past. But it's not this.

      When I wake up suddenly with a racing heart - it's so strange I can't really explain it. But it's moments after I feel the shaking /vibrations

      But sometimes- last night for example ,I was on the sofa wide awake whilst it was happening to me

      Have you ever heard of this before or experienced anything like it?

      I really appreciate your response

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      • mahill

        its part of the gang stalking harassment, perpetrators use technology to create sound waves that create the vibrations. u can google anything relating to gangstalking/vibrations. if this is happening to u, u are a targeted individual. these people want u to think, believe and tell others that its supernatural etc. so others will think ur crazy etc. bc they kno odds are, no one will believe u and label u, thus lessening ur credit as a sane person. hard to understand the "why you", but just research it. if u find any solutions, id love to learn about them. the pounding is them trying to, along w the vibrations, deprive u of sleep. sleep deprivation causes, among other things, mental problems.

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  • Hypnagogic state
    Google it.

    For some people it can feel like vibrating or shaking. For me it's a feeling of falling with a sudden awakening. Try sleeping face down.

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    • mahill

      its part of the gang stalking harassment, perpetrators use technology to create sound waves that create the vibrations. u can google anything relating to gangstalking/vibrations. if this is happening to u, u are a targeted individual. these people want u to think, believe and tell others that its supernatural etc. so others will think ur crazy etc. bc they kno odds are, no one will believe u and label u, thus lessening ur credit as a sane person. hard to understand the "why you", but just research it. if u find any solutions, id love to learn about them. the pounding is them trying to, along w the vibrations, deprive u of sleep. sleep deprivation causes, among other things, mental problems.

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    • YellowYellow

      Hi there

      Thank you for your reply.

      I have googled it before and done some research.

      The only thing is - it seems to happen to me when I am wide awake.

      I even recall being in bed with my sister a few times watching movies etc and she has felt it aswell.

      My sister's always say as a joke now that they don't like getting into bed with me as it freaks them out lol

      So is this what you think happens to you - hypnagogic stage of sleep?

      I have googled almost everything I can think of and this forum was my last result.

      Whilst googling last night I noticed somebody else had a similar issue they was experiencing on this same forum. Hence me making an account to reply back . But unfortunately their post was very old and no longer open for discussion.

      I noticed somebody reply stating that it happens to a very few people around the world and to massage them directly. However like I said it had expired .

      I just have no idea as to what it could be or mean ?

      It does seem to happen around the same time aswell.

      It's not something I look out for but it's hard to miss.

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  • mahill

    its part of the gang stalking harassment, perpetrators use technology to create sound waves that create the vibrations. u can google anything relating to gangstalking/vibrations. if this is happening to u, u are a targeted individual. these people want u to think, believe and tell others that its supernatural etc. so others will think ur crazy etc. bc they kno odds are, no one will believe u and label u, thus lessening ur credit as a sane person. hard to understand the "why you", but just research it. if u find any solutions, id love to learn about them. the pounding is them trying to, along w the vibrations, deprive u of sleep. sleep deprivation causes, among other things, mental problems.

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  • apanda2

    I don't at all mean to freak you out, but a pastor I used to know and trust experienced something similar with a few other symptoms (feeling of cold, paralysis). He said over and over, "In the name of Jesus, leave me alone. In the name of Jesus, leave me alone." And it finally stopped after a short while.

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    • mahill

      its part of the gang stalking harassment, perpetrators use technology to create sound waves that create the vibrations. u can google anything relating to gangstalking/vibrations. if this is happening to u, u are a targeted individual. these people want u to think, believe and tell others that its supernatural etc. so others will think ur crazy etc. bc they kno odds are, no one will believe u and label u, thus lessening ur credit as a sane person. hard to understand the "why you", but just research it. if u find any solutions, id love to learn about them. the pounding is them trying to, along w the vibrations, deprive u of sleep. sleep deprivation causes, among other things, mental problems.

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  • BlackCandle

    Earth quakes common in your area?

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  • brutus

    Its your nerves.

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