Help me i am having trouble with my kittens?

Kitten Problem Mr. Jinggles PART ONE (I)

Hey everybody, Kom here.

Boy am I glad I have registered here to get help. I have a few very expensive kittens as I am/was a cat lover, but I have being going through some changes I think that have me very worried and disturbed.

Actually my three kittens are Scottish Fold kittens, each 6 to 7 weeks old. They are expensive to buy and maintain but I have been a very careful with them and till a few days back very loving.

But mY problems started with Mr. Jinggles as he was being a very naughty boy and kept scratching furniture around the house and all that. I had a sctratch post put for them and tried to train them and tow of the other kittens are using it apart from Mr. J. So one day for some reason I don't know why I just trashed the living daylights out of him and I am glad he made it as I thought I almost killed him.

SOmetimes e acts very cute and all but one just yesterday he was playing very cutly and I had this sudden urge to punch him in the face which I promptly did and Koncked him out cold. Again I thought he was dead but he regained conciousness and was a bit confused. I have a vidoe of him on You tube and he is very popular there with more than 1 Million hits. But I keep having the urge to beat all my kittens one by one almost to death.

Please help me as I dont think Mr. Jinggles can take it any more and another round of beatings may do hm in for good. The other kittens I have not started abusing them but I will shortly and I just will have to do it if they fall out of line.

My only hope it that I don't kill them all

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Comments ( 9 )
  • itsok

    try seprating yourself from the kittens, like have a freind hold them for awhile. while you relax

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  • wuddeva

    I'm wondering what all of this was. At first it half-seemed as though you would ask a question, then nothing. I realize it is a troll but it's just so awkwardly done that I had to say so. Just to let you know, when I was reading this, the voice in my head was the grandmother from that "let's get some shoes" guy's videos..

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  • moomus

    Same... ^

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  • hot2trot

    I smell a troll.....

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  • Kom

    AGAIN, Mr. J was out of line. The usual, acting cute and scratching furniture, so I beat him with a vengence and then it happned he fainted. I thought he was dead, so took him to the vet and he said he was ok but had a few fractures and was wondering how he got injured. I said he was playing around and fell of the balcony. So he is in bad shape and will recover, but I don't think he is going to make and he will be dead in about a week. No matter I have twoother kittens I need to get to work on

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  • Kom

    Lord have mercy Mr. J gain out of line being cute and all and started scratching the leg of the bed a good rightous beating was the ultimate result for Mr. J. God he make me angry. He has been quite for now, well may be in shock after such a strong trashing. He is crouching in one corner near the wall, give a small cute sound meow once in a while followed and a quick swat by a rolled up newspaper. must maintain discipline with kitties.

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  • Kom

    God its been a hard day. who knew being retired was going to be so much work. Any way planning to end the day with a sound beating of Mr. Jinggles if he misbehaves. I can't help it any more. These kittens need to be put in their place and I will do it.

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  • Kom

    Kom Here

    help me out I accidently hide coments two of then, one being mine how to unhide them

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    • BloodyMuffin

      People need to stop feeding the trolls.

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