Help please pick my career for me because i have no idea what to do

I have no CLUE! what I wanna do for a living. I like sports of any kind football, GAA, swimming, cycling etc. I enjoy music (but then again who doesn't) I can also read music, im good with a pencil, I want an exciting enjoyable career I cannot stand the idea of an office job so if y'all can help me find a career path I'd be forever grateful, feel free to ask questions about my interests/talents etc if it would help you make an informed decision as to what jobs I may be suited for as I know I didn't really provide much to go on

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Comments ( 31 )
  • Chillypenguin178

    You can't just ask the internet to pick a job for you! There are tons and tons of jobs, and you expect us to pick from almost nothing? Fine then. An accountant. A deodorant tester. A painter. A professional lion tamer. What do you want from us? To get a list of jobs and throw a dart at it and see where it lands? I don't think so Mr. You need to be responsible for your own work. You are an adult. Use your brain! That's why you have one. What classes did you take in highschool? Which one was the most interesting to you? And when you say 'im good with a pencil'. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?! Does that mean you can write well? (Apparently not, because your grammar sucks.) Does that mean you can draw the fucking MONA LISA? PLEASE give some context. At least give us the list of jobs you want. Just do better next time. K?

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    • Hotdogsaregross

      God damn

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    • For a chilly penguin that was one fiery comment, I will address each point individually. I can ask the internet to pick a job for me if you want proof look at the post you commented on, do I want yall to pick a bunch of random jobs based on little to no information? Yes most definitely and certainly yes, do I think it'll yield many helpful results mmh not really but hey what's the harm.
      In terms of being responsible for my own work? Well I would think asking for other peoples unbiased opinions and ideas on potential career paths counts as taking responsibility. And contrary to your statement the purpose of my brain is not actually to take responsibility for my work but to allow my body to function on a primal level, the classes I took in my countries equivalent to high school are irrelevant because I have zero interest in pursuing any of those topics further.
      I will concede you have a point in that my use of the phrase "I'm good with a pencil" was too vague to convey any specific information, but to clarify no I don't mean I can write well nor do I mean I can replicate the Mona Lisa I meant I'm decent at drawing, yes you're right my grammar is appaulling but as I've never really cared about grammar this isn't surprising or really an issue that I feel significant enough to warrant me spending my time correcting as so far my admittedly mediocre grammar has taken me through life just fine so far.
      As far as context goes it would take a while to give you sufficient details to make any reasonable judgement on an appropriate potential career path and quite frankly I'm lazy af and I'm not bothered investing the required time and energy necessary to make that a reality.
      You wanted me to and I quote "at least give you a list of jobs I want" well I would've thought it obvious that that would defeat the whole purpose of this post and of course I assure you that next time I ask an internet forum a similar question I'll be sure to do better :)

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  • Professional mattress tester, AKA my dream job.

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    • I already lie in bed and do nothing at home so I don't really wanna bring that into my work life too yano

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  • Dustyair

    Join the military, become a tranny, and protest a lot.

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    • I admire the creativity but being a protesting trigger happy tranny just doesn't feel like me you know

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      • curious-bunny

        Oye I resent that mate, I get the protesting that's for fags ya know? And I get not joining the military, who wants to loose there hair? If it wasn't for that I would love to join but I love my hair just a little to much, but it won't make you trigger happy unless your a nutcase

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        • Thing is I am a nutcase lol

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          • Although upon re reading it that did seem to come off as disrespectful towards the military and the people in it but I'd like to clarify I don't think everybody in the military is trigger happy

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    antique dildo restoration

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  • curious-bunny

    Look into diving. You see great sites are getting alot if swimming, beautiful scenery high pay checks and so on, it's what I want to do anyways, don't even care about the money I just want a job for once where I don't see myself looking down my revolvers barrel in a few years, anyways even if construction or science or whatever isn't your thing you can get work on cruise ships as a diving instructor, that pays well as well, you get to travel alot like all the time, only down side is you need to like people cause you'll be working with alot of tourists, the jobs for a diver are honestky endless. Just depends on what your willing to do what you know about and your experience

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    • Wow that's something I'll definitely look into, I never thought of diving and I love interacting with people so that wouldn't be a problem and travel is something I'm intensely interested in thanks!

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  • Silverseen

    I have an idea. You seem like a person who would love photography. That’s what I wanna do. You could take photos for wildlife magazines. Go into the untouched land of Alaska and take photos of the wolves and eagles. You will feel free. And seeing the photos you have took of rare and beautiful wildlife will feed your soul the satisfaction it needs. Just think about it, I bet it will change your life.

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    • This sounds like you've thought about this a lot and is something YOU might want to pursue am I wrong?

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      • Silverseen

        You are right. But I was just helping. I hope you think about it though

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  • jaystrong

    Sometimes you need to take a job you might not want to help find out what you really want to do or for it to clear the way to a new career.

    Go out of your comfort zone and also apply for jobs you might not think you can get.

    Sadly the majority of real life goes like this -
    I wanted to be a rockstar, but never made it.
    It's not because you weren't good enough, it was because you didn't know the right people and timing for things were off.
    Same with movie stars. It's usually a family member that gets another in. That's why Hollywood sucks so horribly!
    Sports stars? Equally as difficult. If you haven't already had sports agents knocking at your door, watching you while you played a sport in highschool or college you can forget that.

    The good thing is to find a job you like, that pays ok and continue to do the things you love (your hobbies!) during your spare time. Build those hobbies into more as you go along. That could be starting your own business. You don't always have to work for others.

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  • ostrichPartner

    Event Planner... concerts, running marathons, etc... Stage and booth design...

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  • darkraider

    Sports radio.

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    • I do have a good radio voice so maybe

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  • Nickvey

    you like bullshit and dont have a skill, you dont want to be the best at anything , you just want paid. yes i agree you are clueless. i hope you develop a passion for something soon because people just like you give me shitty service all day long.

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    • Well you're right I want money, but mainly so I can survive and have a few creature comforts here and there. My primary goal is to have a career I love and enjoy. I don't have to be the best at it to be satisfied but Id have to be good at it otherwise I wouldn't want to do it, and I agree with you I would love to develop a passion soon but not for the same reason you gave. Oh and btw I wouldn't assume you know someone based on never interacting with them in any sense other than reading a comment they wrote it's a good thing I don't do that or I'd think you're a cocky asshole

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  • Ummitsme

    You're in luck! I have just developed a highly complex algorithm for people in a situation such as yourself. You simply input a few of your skills and interests and it will tell you your ideal career path. So I went ahead and put in: music, drawing, and sports. It decided- Livestock Auctioneer. Sounds about perfect to me too! No need to thank me, I'm just happy to help you realize your dream of bringing buyers and sellers together to sell their pigs, cattle, and sheep in the most efficient manner. Godspeed.

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    • Well I know you said there no need to thank you but you may have just found my passion and for that I'm sorry but I must say thank you

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  • StrangeHuman

    There ae TONS of job quizzes that I would recommend. I also believe it is very important to keep income in mind. If school isn't necessarily you're thing, fast food is always a great option to be honest. The money is pretty good and promotional opportunities are common. But realistically, all jobs suck.

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    • If all jobs suck I ain't gonna get a job because people spend the majority of their lives in there jobs so I'm either gonna enjoy it or not do it

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      • StrangeHuman

        Okay, you should probably marry someone who is very wealthy then.

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  • e51pegasi

    A US navy shooter.

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    • Meh

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  • barstool

    Good with a pencil, eh? Sounds like you could start by being a drawer/writer and work your way up the ladder from there.
    Oh, wait you can read music? Hardly anyone can do that. Could you be a musician or musical director...or a drawerer of the musics? Maybe you could write jingles for advertising. But that's a bit lame, don't do that.

    Tattooist? Inks in these days... Travel writer? Restaurant reviewer? Music reviewer?
    You're right, it's tough. I have the same problem, but at least you're good with a pencil.

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  • fakeaccount3

    how old are you? none of that stuff relates to any realistic job i can think of, if you want something in any of those fields you'd have to be willing to work really hard at it. like, get on it right now, and never stop to do anything else; and/or get really lucky.

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